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Everything posted by 51m0n

  1. Nice stuff. It looks very very big indeed! 3 second reverb trail sounds huge to match ( brilliant though, since you can dampen that down as much as you need), no flutter echo already is what you are spending the money on I guess, whatever reverb you set your absorbers up to produce will be lovely. Shame about the delay though, gutting!
  2. C1000s is a perfectly good all round mic. Its not a vocal specialist mic I'll grant you, but if you want to go that route I would suggest saving up from a TLM103 or C414 and stop naffing about
  3. If you are just getting into the idea you really do not need to invest in a mac. Later on if you want serious pro quality recording facility (think 40 odd channels with VSTs and VSTis all over them, then you need a big f off mac. Simple home recording is possible on an up to date PC running very cheap software (I recommend you try Reaper). A very good friend of mine ran his studio on PC for years, he seriously knows his stuff with PC building, and his networking skills are far greater than anyone on this forum (in all probability) since that is his profession and he is at the top of it. Getting a PC to run close to 40 tracks of audio with plentiful VSTs and no glitches on output proved beyond an absolutely money no object top of the range current PC hand built for that specific task. It could not reliably bounce to stereo, it just ran out of horsepower. A top spec G5 mac cruises through the same test without any issues at all, every single time. He now bores everyone evangelising macs You dont need that horsepower for simple home recording, I manage on an old HP business laptop running Reason. It ain't ideal, I have limits technically, but it does do the job, just. Get a good book on recording, get on a couple of recording forums, get a decent couple of mics (an SM57 and an AKG C1000s for instance) and get on with it
  4. [quote name='soopercrip' post='520485' date='Jun 22 2009, 08:42 AM']Never heard of Michael Manring until this thread, and WOW! the man is awesome (although I think he could do with an extra hand for that hyperbass ) After a bit of research his album 'Thonk' keeps coming up (has The enormous room on it) so had a look to try and aquire it. HMV wha...? Amazon £70+ so without stealing it off the web, anybody point me in the right direction to get a copy? Cheers Andy Edit 4 spelin[/quote] His stuff is very hard to get hold of, I waited for about a year to pick up a CD copy of Drastic Measure for just £25 having worn out my previous copy. It's a real shame....
  5. berg ae410, hs410 or nv610. Job done.
  6. [quote name='6stringbassist' post='519670' date='Jun 20 2009, 10:39 PM']He's the most amazing player ever as far as I'm concerned. He's also coming to the UK later in the year, well Northern Ireland and Sligo in Eire.[/quote] WOW, when where??? I really really cant say how much I want to see him live!
  7. [quote name='Zach' post='519679' date='Jun 20 2009, 10:51 PM']I'd quite like to hear any stuff he's done with other people, either as lead or support. As brilliant as I think his music is, I'm aware that only bassists listen to bassists (did that make sense?), so would like to hear any group stuff he's done.[/quote] He was the Windham Hill house bassist for years and years, he played on just about everything released by them (lots of Paul McAndless stuff, and yeah I probably did get that name wrong ) He grooves superbly, walks superbly, solos superbly - whats not to hate?
  8. Several: Not working hard at reading when at music college, if I'd got reading and charts down I'd have been set to get work as a jobbing bassist. (that one _really_ bugs me) Starting and then stopping a Biology degree course straight from school, because it meant I then couldnt fund the pop. music and recording degree course I got onto at Salford. Then not going back and doing the jazz course at the college I left instead (which I could have wangled on the jam roll). Then giving up bass in all but name for about 4 or 5 years. At one point my technique was really really good, and I could play all day long at full tilt and not be fatigued, currently the amount of practicing I'm doing means my hands are utterly knackered :/ .
  9. [quote name='davidmpires' post='519668' date='Jun 20 2009, 10:35 PM']or this... [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lvBtX_omY4o"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lvBtX_omY4o[/url][/quote] That is very tasty, and its surprisingly easy to get that pop--LHThump-RHThump triplet thing down too... ...not to detract from the extreme tastiness on display throughout all of that of course....
  10. He is the most inspiring and interesting bassist on the planet IMO. I've said it before but I'll say it again, how many of us have seen guys (or ourselves) mangin to rip Wooten's technical slappity poppity double thumping at least to a certian degree? I know I've seen tonnes. I have never seen anyone even attempt a Manring thing, not with the detuning too, that is just above and beyond what normal people can achieve, even with a lot of work. The closest I've ever got is Girl With... on my myspace page, and its not even close (standard tuning and no harmonics for a start ) in fact its super lame compared to MM, and it took me years to get close to right! It was very much inspired by listening to Drastic Measures, but is clearly not in the same league. Plus his fretless tone is the absolute definition of perfection for what he does, its so ethereal. I agree about the Jaco tip, he was taught by Jaco, and in interview said they mainly spent time looking at how music works, solos work, compositions work etc, not strictly bass related all, its brilliant to watch how far this genius can take our instrument.
  11. Thats proper metronome practice that is! chuffing hard to do esp that 5 bit at the end!
  12. In fairness to sound guys the world over, festivals are the worst, you are a million miles from stage, you can only do fairly rudimentary planning compared to a tour, and it takes one mic monkey to put the wrong mic up and all your plans hit the fan while you try and figure out which mic dig get put where. Nightmare! This is very different from bad venues, and bad tour sound for underling bands, both of which are shockingly vile ways to ruin performances for the audience and performers IMO.
  13. Actually reminds me of early Fuzzbox (the good stuff, Rules and Regulations etc) Bostin Steve Austin was a fantastic album - those were the days, when Indie was just that, and you could make a video on super8 for a tenner and get it on national tv on the Chart Show...... I quite like this EDIT: Actually the bass and drums are almost a direct rip of Rules and Regulations (ha ha!)
  14. Their oak kitchen worktops are good, and cheaper than anywhere else (well they were a couple of years ago)
  15. If you have the shell of the room finished like this - ie so its its own great big f off diffuser, what does it sound like in there at the mo, I know its not finished by any means, but I'm fascinated to know! You know how if you clap you hands in an empty room with bare plaster walls you get masses of flutter echo off the parallel walls, I would imagine its even in this state a far shorter and smoother reverb in there (though still very bright) - or am I talking complete plop? So record a clap for us
  16. [quote name='benwhiteuk' post='518145' date='Jun 19 2009, 10:14 AM']If you have your band name and/or links to your band in your avatar then there’s every chance that this thread might pop up in a Google search carried out by venues that might be looking to offer you a gig… If someone searched “The+Beautiful+Sound+Ipswich” then they might be linked to this thread, which will become more likely with BassChat's ever increasing popularity. [b] It can be good to share this kind of info, but maybe do it in the Off Topic forum that doesn’t show up on Google…[/b][/quote] +1 Oooooh sneakey-beakey!!!
  17. [quote name='OldGit' post='517398' date='Jun 18 2009, 02:04 PM']For what? Well done Simon .. Tell your lot to get a gig on The Funk Shift nights at The Globe here in Cardiff..[/quote] Some jazz festival or other Cardiff, crips, that's quite a drive for a gig, you guys better appreciate the funky stuff way over there!
  18. [quote name='Rayman' post='517359' date='Jun 18 2009, 01:33 PM']Congratulations again, 100 club's a trek for me, but I'll be looking out for gigs further north for sure. [i]VERY[/i] chuffed for you, and a bit jealous too.[/quote] Swindon any good?
  19. [quote name='Balcro' post='517282' date='Jun 18 2009, 11:56 AM']Thanks for the explanation Alex. Until I read this, I had assumed that distortion/effects were artificial, i.e simulated distortion/compression etc., rather like the development of tones on an organ or PC soundcard. How does increasing distortion cause the physical damage? Cheers, Balcro.[/quote] Distortion like compression raises the average volume, it literally compresses the signal as well as distorting it because you are overloading the distortion by putting too much juice in to produce the distortion, this effectively results in a raising of the lowest signal level, and hence a raising of the average signal. That means more thermal energy to dissipate....
  20. [quote name='dannybuoy' post='517191' date='Jun 18 2009, 09:49 AM']How about everyone from Basschat wears a silly hat so we can recognize each other and say hello?![/quote] I'll be the tubby worried looking one with the Roscoe grooving his fat butt off
  21. Excellent!! Really looking forward to the Beachdown Festival, main stage - cracking!!!
  22. [quote name='dannybuoy' post='516997' date='Jun 17 2009, 10:46 PM']I'll try and make it too, I love a bit o' funk. [b] The myspace says there's a discount guestlist, let us know if you can sort us all out![/b][/quote] Hmmmm might struggle to get that one past them I think
  23. OK, band leader came over this evening, we had a really decent chat about things, he brought over some more tracks (much more groove orientated stuff than the more full on belters from before, love the sound of them!!!!). I played him some recordings of me playing live in a suitably ultra laid back funky fashion, and told him nicely that I was his new bass player . He's really really positive about things, looks really really good at the moment chaps! Oh and he confirmed the gig listing on the myspace page, and that the 8 Aug 100 Club, London gig is effectively going to be the official album launch, so really the more of you who come along the better (plug plug plug). Right I've got to go learn some songs (gives self small congratulatory pat on back - and a quiet woot woot)
  24. This all just goes to show how spoilt I've been with my current rig. I got the BP8 in the first place cos I didnt have enough tonal control over my old gear, I gave it to my son as a result of it being completely redundant with my current gear. Now I have to ask him to borrow it cos of the pants rig I'm playing through at rehearsal
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