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Everything posted by 51m0n

  1. Well the BP8 is a great pre/multifx and to be honest the first thing I did was set everything back to flat on the amp(god knows what they were doing with it before but I suspect it sounded awful, just a rumble and clank). Trouble is the PV just doesnt go deep enough (and this is a 410 and 115 stack ). Theres a lot of wooly low mid (no sweep mid means dialing it out is compromised to hell and back) and no depth. The BP8 has a very powerful (some would say too powerful) eq that will get this under control. I'll probably go straight to the power amp in and set everything up on the BP8 save it somewhere so I can recall it whenver I get that room. Given 10 minutes I'll gt it working Simples Ta for yet another top offer though mate!
  2. So wanted to come to this, but its just not going to be possible this time. You guys (and girls) have a blast, and be sure to turn it all right up so we can hear it down here in Brighton okay
  3. [quote name='molan' post='516368' date='Jun 17 2009, 01:05 PM']If it's any help I've got 700Mb of classic Motown with the majority of vocals removed. They are not quite instrumentals as the backing vox are still there to help with position in the song etc. I could either burn to CD or maybe upload a clutch of them somewhere for you. In terms of sound have you thought about checking wheher you could at least use your head at rehearsal & feed it into the Peavey cabs? Might help you with eq etc. You could also see if you could get into the rehearsal space between now & the next session to really work the eq on the Peavey gear to get it sounding as good as it possibly can?[/quote] Oh man, what a lovely offer. I reckon its alright though, like I said Spotify has Motown by the tonne, and the feel is really apparent. Definitely think I'm on the right lines. Cheers though! Currently going through the early Stevie stuff, tonnes of bass going on (granted lots of keys) but its still got that really laid back feel. Hell somewhere I've got some Motown soloed bass tracks The more I think on this, the more sure I am. This will be cool As for EQing that PV rig, I'm pretty sure that dialing over to the bridge pup will put enough emphasis in the upper mids (usually have to boost the lows by a couple of dbs to give some weight, which they'll want). Failing that I can honestly say its a pretty plop amp (something like a 6 band graphic, and I hat e graphics) and a pretty nasty sounding room, but I do have my secret eapon, I've borrowed the BP8 back of my son and will use the notch filter to tame the boom Pretty wary of taking my rig anywhere unless I'm sure of the staff and other clientelle, Brighton Electric is rammed with all sorts, and I aint risking my rack toddling off in the sweaty paws of some thieving git if I turn my back fo r two seconds! Gigs are a bit different, you tend to be slightly more in control, having less bods about during load in etc. Plus I may get a completely different room/rehearsal place next time so we will soldier on. The band leader was really supportive of the idea of messing with some bass sounds to see what would work for us all. That is in and of itself unusual and very encouraging. Currently I would be fairly surprised if there is another bassist around next time
  4. Been thinking about the whole feel thing (over analysing as is my want) and I reckon what happened was that in the heat of all the audition nerves and with a drummer flying at an altitude of 50,000ft, and concentrating really hard on getting all the notes in the right gaps and not messing up the structures, I was probably guilty as sin of pushing right to the head of the beat, rather than sitting right back on it. Part of this was just not getting a sound that really worked so well out of the monstrous Peavey stack (note to self, bridge pup in this situation). They wanted quieter, I then couldnt really hear myself (ear plugs, a double edged sword) and rather than trying to fix the real issue (the Roscoe neck pup soloed is really like a P, and a dark P at that with those DRs), I just dug in harder. Easy mistake to make under pressure, trying really hard etc etc. That would be a really rock tinged funk feel, and a result of not being the hardened funk road warrior of old these days and so on. With this understanding of what hapened, and an evening at band leader/guitarists gaff to work on it, plus spending some time at the next rehearsal on a bass sound that really works for everyone I reckon I should do a lot better next time. Talked a lot on the phone about wanting a more Motown feel, the said the album was recorded on a vintage jazz (didnt know what year) with the tone rolled off (should of got a P mate ) So with that in mind I've had spotify dialed up to Motown-tastic all morning, and just soaking up that feel, and its plenty of notes but really relaxed, which is what I wasnt Need a light bulb post icon for this on I think
  5. Sweet, just what I need - added pressure from people who will actually be able to make the bass mistakes out If it all pans out I'd love to see you lot there!
  6. Well I honestly have no idea how accurate this is (its ripped off the myspace page) but this is the curent up and coming gig list:- Date Time Venue 11 Jul 2009 18:00 Marlborough Jazz Festival Marlborough, near Swindon, Southwest 12 Jul 2009 19:00 Latest Music Bar Brighton 8 Aug 2009 19:30 100 Club, London - supporting Speedometer London, London and South East 28 Aug 2009 19:00 Beachdown Festival, Brighton Brighton, South 19 Sep 2009 21:00 The Brunswick, Hove Hove, East Sussex,, South Better get it right on the button for the 11th then (gulp!)
  7. [quote name='jakesbass' post='515630' date='Jun 16 2009, 07:17 PM']I can't believe that my heart is in my mouth over this one. I've even crossed my bollox for you [/quote] Didnt know that was possible mate, watch out though, you can do permanent damage like that! And definitely dont try that in a spooneristic mood, only dogs can manage that! Cheers, yet again, for the collective support chaps, its been quite challenging this one - I've done literally pants all at work for two days due to not being able to concentrate at all
  8. Cheers, I haven't got it in the bag quite yet, much to do still, but it does sound very like they want to be able to say yes, which is a really good position to be in. I offered to go around to the band leaders gaff with a practice amp for an evening and nail the feel with him before the next full band meeting, which went down really well. I want to get this gig, I'd love to do some big(ger) gigs on decent stages with decent PA, and having got a foot in the door I now intend to make it very very hard for some clever swine to barge past and take my place
  9. Sorry , couldn't resist. I havent [i]quite[/i] nailed it down [i]yet[/i] But, the other guy who bothered to turn up had learnt none of the songs (sweet!) They really like me as a bloke (no accounting for taste) They are absolutely certain I can play the material well enough They felt their drummer was (and I quote) "on one a bit" and thus not helping the funk flow As a result the groove wasnt quite the Motown, funky soul thing they were after, and would I be willing to work with them some more to show that I can cop the feel that they are after. Note, they are posistive I can, its a question of whether I want to (duh!!) They are very sorry that the tracks they suggested I learn are all examples of their really fast full on stuff, so I didnt get a chance to get really soully/funky with them and show that side of my playing There is a bsolutely nothing wrong with what I played, it was just a bit too much on the rockier side of funkiness (wow, that doesnt happen to me often!) Course I told them that as an artiste of such a high calibre and pedigree they could stick it up their collective backsides if they thought I was going to change a note.... [size=4]NOT[/size] So they are dropping a CD of the slower stuff over tomorrow and we will get together again next week to try again. Crikey, chaps, not quite blown it yet then. The drummer was FLYING through everything though, we were in the 130bpm area on Fire I think, how can you sound anywhere like funky at that tempo on that song Still very glad they didnt just can me as not being right on day one, so all still to play for!
  10. So do you want to know where we are with all this then????
  11. Just got a text saying he's going to let me know as soon as he can get out of the office.... GGRRAWWAHHAHHSHHSHTCHHHHMMMMMMMGPHHHHHHH (sorry went all green and now my clothes are in tatters, doh!)
  12. Yeah, I love waiting for news of any kind me.... [size=5][b]NOT![/b][/size]
  13. [quote name='Linus27' post='515045' date='Jun 16 2009, 10:04 AM']Good stuff. Sound like you played as well as you could so if you don't get it, then its probably nothing to do with your playing. If its not to be then it was not right for you is the attitude I always take and something better will come along later.[/quote] Yeah thats how I'm looking at it. Cant imagine a much better gig for my situation to be honest. Still no word, so starting to think they probably chose someone else....
  14. s'what I paid for mine SH. Right price for the right bass all you wanna be fretless players - serious value for money IMO.
  15. The M6 is a superb amp. MB sa450 can be picked up fairly cheap (by MB standards) as it is end of line; it is a super lightweight, slim 2u high amp with 2 speakon outs that sounds excellent - cant imagine how much air it would move with two Compacts!
  16. Beauty is definitely in the eye of the beholder with this one then matey
  17. Well, back from audition. Being the first of three they auditioned tonight I cant tell you if I got the gig until tomorrow, but I certainly dont think I disgraced myself at all, kept in the pocket, didnt do anything silly and made sure that the pants remained on 'swing' for the whole time. Job well done. Damn they play Fire fast in the flesh though! Dont think they noticed any errors in their stuff, except the ending of one of the tracks which has a load of surprising stabs that I've not heard (not on the edited versions on myspace that I had to listen to) - that was a highly entertaining moment as we all discovered the limits of my telepathy. On the plus side the other edited track I nailed the ending on, to the point where no one mentioned it. Now that was a classy moment At this point I either get it or not, but either way I had a blast this evening. The horn section (what was there) were as tight in the flesh as they are on the recordings, very very cool indeed! They're a nice bunch, very well organised, if I get the chance I will be saying a definite yes. Fingers crossed! And thanks again for all the support and advice - it was much appreciated chaps... P.S Played through some god awful peavey rig. It was plop, the Roscoe still sounded amazing - caught the barri player eyeing up the headstock all evening trying to figure out what it was, left him guessing - he was also a bit nonplussed by the whole 3 finger RH technique that was going on, ace!!
  18. [quote name='Musicman20' post='514173' date='Jun 15 2009, 01:53 PM']Good luck! PS you taking the Berg ?[/quote] No, I'm only getting a short slot in their evening, so I will reveal the full glory of my rig if I get the gig.... Hoping to have something halfway decent to play through though...
  19. "yeah but more cabs is more DOOM" whatever......
  20. That is an absolute bargain for that cab - someone is going to be very very happy in deed
  21. The horn section is a BIG part of what I like, that and the way the drummer seems to almost be doing some breakbeat inspired stuff in places (love a bit of really good drum and bass me - think TPower) Her voice is not too shabby either IMO, and the rhythm guitar, and the percussionist - doh, the whole lot make me go "oooooooh, niiiiice!!"
  22. [quote name='molan' post='514202' date='Jun 15 2009, 02:10 PM']the Roscoe will slay 'em Really looking forward to hear how it goes - all the best of luck matey I reckon you just need to stick by your MySpace maxim: [i][b] "These days it just has to be all about the groove!"[/b][/i][/quote] It bl00dy ought to slay them It sure slays me anyways! Definitely aiming right at the myspace maxim, well spotted!
  23. Apparently a couple of weeks before the recording of their album the bassist had to leave (some emergency or other - I know, and want to know no details). They had a session player do the bass for the recording, quite a bit more in your face than the groove on that youtube clip he was too. Yup taking the Roscoe, it is the least active sounding bass I've got (other than the fretless, and we arent going there ), and I've just put on some DR Hi-Beams which have a tonne more fundamental than the old D'addarios it came with, so if I dont unleash the thumb (they'll have to actually ask me to do that!) it sounds super old school, bridge sounds like a fat J bridge, neck sounds very like a P. Authentic funk is what I hope to bring, and a plump jolly fella that they all think is just the right fella to have in the rhythm section of their band Meeting in Brighton Electric studios, my son has practiced there and reckons its pretty tip top. Looks good on the website: they need a really big room to practice in!
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