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Everything posted by 51m0n

  1. [quote name='alexclaber' post='514119' date='Jun 15 2009, 01:08 PM']Good luck! I was in touch with them way back when I was getting The Reluctant sorted. However I think by the time we were complete they were then missing a piece... So if you end up joining them we must do a gig together! Alex P.S. You have more than enough technique for this gig, in fact more than enough for all but the most muso music. Just be cool![/quote] Cheers Alex! :blush: If I get in I'll put The Reluctants name forward at the first opportunity mate....
  2. [quote name='OldGit' post='514106' date='Jun 15 2009, 12:57 PM']Hey lets hear it for us old groovers Do they know how old you are? I seem to be asked that every time I reply to an advert these days. Probably because I don't use any text speak ...[/quote] This is the best bit, they know how old I am, my schedule (ie job, family etc) and still want me to audition. They are of similar age, have day jobs and kids too. Could not be better mate. If I blow this I seriously doubt I'll get a better chance to play decent gigs...
  3. [quote name='Johngh' post='514092' date='Jun 15 2009, 12:49 PM']You'll walk it I'm sure. Only thing I can add is don't rely on the drummer to play it like you have learnt it, be ready to adjust slightly to keep the grove in the pocket and keep locked into whatever the drummer is doing. Good luck with it. [/quote] Yeah bit concerned the drummer may not be anything like the recordings (which feature some spot on tub thumping). Especially in Fire, the way they fly through the stabs I'll be missing them left right and center if he isnt bang on! So will he probably, but its me they are looking at.... Cripes, at least I'm too old for proper collywobbles (at least I think I am). No doubt when I get there I will have a major brain fart, forget which end to blow through, write "I am a fish" 400 times, give a big old salute and collapse.....
  4. [quote name='lozbass' post='514038' date='Jun 15 2009, 12:12 PM'][b]I hope you're not a surgeon.[/b] Good luck - as others have said, be cool/stay cool, sit in the groove and look like you're enjoying it[/quote] ROFL, no, not going to kill anyone through lack of concentration today, well its highly unlikely anyway! Shouldn't be too difficult to look like I'm enjoying it....
  5. [quote name='Rayman' post='513946' date='Jun 15 2009, 10:54 AM']I thought I'd heard the name before, yeah, top band, they had a song on Saturdays Craig Charles show yes? Top gig, I'm jealous. Just the kind of thing I'd [i]love[/i] to do, instead of the rock treadmill I find myself on yet again. Good luck pal, I'm excited for you.[/quote] Yeah at least one on Craig Charles' show, I'm blown away at the chance to get this. Shall sulk for at least a week if I dont
  6. Looking truly excellent mate!
  7. Thanks for the support and great advice! Only 10 hours 28 minutes to go.... Not that I'm counting you understand
  8. Absolutely Bilbo, super sound advice as always! Anyone in the know should see this band and say they are clearly really on it. Any bassist should see this band and say - crikey he's absolutely sharp as a tack and grooving as hard as a diamond Any punter (and all the above) should see this band and have an uncontrollable urge to dance their arse off! Really can not wait, even if I dont get the gig, I'm really looking forward to playing with them this evening
  9. Well the reason I'm doing it is cos I really dig the music, its rght up my street, really high energy deep funk, lots of chances to shine like a bass star without ever nicking the spot light (read: no slap, lots of very fast grooves, super sharp horn stabs etc). Which of course also means its very high risk, cos there is equal chance to look like a bass twonk and muck everyone up They do the best cover of Fire I've ever heard (IMO)! Check them out:- www.myspace.com/theimpellers Thats what I'm talking about !!
  10. [quote name='thepurpleblob' post='513880' date='Jun 15 2009, 09:49 AM']Oh no... not the dreaded 'X'. I've never had the subtlety to do that. I'm either pressing the string through the board or my fingers are at 90 degrees to the strings - nothing in between [/quote] Its not that bad, Just put all four fretting fingers against the strings, nice and relaxed, now thump anything (other than the wife) and you'll get a nice thonk sound (you can tell if you actually hit the wife by accident as there will be a high pitched shrieking sound followed by severe pain in your lower abdominal area...) Doing that exercise at around 65 bpm will let you get this right. Work it up slowly. It is a triplet feel, and you should be able with time to get this up to about 140 bpm cleanly, give it a month or two though..... Next one has left hand muted thumps in (where said LH fingers rather than relaxing over the strings come down on them with enough force to make a thump sound of their own, thus giving you effectively 2 thumbs)
  11. 1st audition in 9 yrs, bound to do something or say something really stupid. The material is right on the edge of my confort zone in terms of pure technical ability these days (which is a good thing). Done about 20 hours practice in 5 days for this and still think that if am not really warmed up I'm going to suck
  12. Have an audition tonight for a local funk band with a small label deal. Would mean loads of decent gigs over summer and a second album afterwards. I know I'm up against at least 2, maybe 3 other bassists too. I just can not concentrate on work right now!!!
  13. For those bothering to try this this is another really great exercise for slappers:- [font="Lucida Console"]Exercise for all strings 3 (Triplet feel X = muted thump, h = hammer on) ------------------5-7-X-5-7-X------------------ ------------5-7-X-------------5-7-X------------ ------5-7-X-------------------------5-7-X------ 5-7-X-------------------------------------5-7-X T-h-T-T-h-T-T-h-T-T-h-T-T-h-T-T-h-T-T-h-T-T-h-T[/font]
  14. [quote name='EBS_freak' post='512822' date='Jun 13 2009, 03:15 PM']Can we not get a stickie for this topic. It comes up again and again. The search function is your friend.[/quote] +10,000,000 I cant be bothered really either!
  15. Oh man, now that's proper authenticity that is. I do feel its the shame that in all probability not a single audience member will have any idea, but know in you heart that you definitely did 'the right thing' I did a few gigs in a 19 piece disco/funk band at college (gigs for charidee mate) and it was an absolute blast, can t recommend it enough for getting the crowd dancing!
  16. [quote name='Beedster' post='512310' date='Jun 12 2009, 05:17 PM']There's a longish list of quite famous bassists who did the same. Some would say several of them couldn't play when they left the band in question either Like anything else, with the possible exceptions of performing surgery and piloting an airliner, confidence is as important as talent, go for it[/quote] I never said I was confident, nearly filled my shreddies on the first gig as it happens, but that wasnt really very important, I was in a band making a (indescribably painful, I have no doubt) noise on a stage. It took several years and a huge amount of practice to be at all confident. But I wouldnt let my experience discourage anyone who can name the notes and play in time from joining a band and doing exactly the same - its top fun after all
  17. Compression is not a necessity for slap, why on earth would it be????
  18. [quote name='WHUFC BASS' post='494240' date='May 21 2009, 01:47 PM']I used to have a H|H Bass Baby in the late 1980s, used it with a massive 2x15 H|H cab. sounded - MASSIVE - I was playing in a metal band at the time using a Fender 62 re-issue Precision. The sound was great. By the way, I know a man who can do your pre-amp for you. If you're interested let me know.[/quote] I completely ruined my back carrying my HH 2x15 through a door and down a step - ended up stuck wedged in the door while my knees slowly buckled under the weight - I look back and smirk at the moronity, but my back gives me gip to this day (almost 20 years later!)... So glad those cabs are for historical purposes only these days! Bloody loud cab though
  19. Exercise for all strings 1 [font="Lucida Console"]------------------------5-5-5-5[/font] [font="Lucida Console"]----------------5-5-5-5--------[/font] [font="Lucida Console"]--------5-5-5-5----------------[/font] [font="Lucida Console"]5-5-5-5------------------------[/font] [font="Lucida Console"]T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T[/font] Exercise for all strings 2 [font="Lucida Console"]------------5-7-5-7------------[/font] [font="Lucida Console"]--------5-7---------5-7--------[/font] [font="Lucida Console"]----5-7-----------------5-7----[/font] [font="Lucida Console"]5-7-------------------------5-7[/font] [font="Lucida Console"]T-h-T-h-T-h-T-h-T-h-T-h-T-h-T-h[/font] Go SLOWLY and get the accuracy down. Ex 2 is a triplet feel and you can get it up to 120+ bpm in time.... Sorry font change thingy didnt work
  20. RMI or 321 to you squire.... Oh and I just do 3 fingers at all times, not so much for speed (although it helps) as it just feels nicer (I'm a freak, just let it go alright....)
  21. Sounds like playing-wise you're more than ready! Just keep looking in the sales section here for a rig. To jam with a loud punk band you are going to need either a serious combo, or a decent head and cab. Its a tough call to make but I would suggest anything under 300w may not be enough for gigs with a punk band. YMMV....
  22. Very very likely to get phase issues I would think, either from the mic position vs DI, or the delay of processing one of the signals and not the other.
  23. [quote name='Krysbass' post='512073' date='Jun 12 2009, 01:10 PM']Using a little talc on the thumb of your fretting hand will stop your thumb from sticking to a gloss finish on the back of a bass’s neck. Bad as it can be, I find turning up to gigs with my container of baby powder :blush: much less scary than attacking the gloss finish on my bass with wire wool or sandpaper to make it dull, which seems to be the more widely adopted solution. [/quote] Sweet tip. I've already polished my Roscoe's neck to a fantastically mirror bright sheen with my amazing polishing thumb (utter PIA) - its stickier than super glue now. Do I want to be attacking this instrument with wire wool - err no I'd rather attack my genitals with said wool than my bass to be honest....
  24. Hey Joe ten minutes to learn, life time to master....
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