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Everything posted by 51m0n

  1. [quote name='thepurpleblob' post='511636' date='Jun 11 2009, 09:46 PM']Update... After a few days trying it's starting to come together - a bit. I'm still very hit and miss. Mostly miss. The big problem now is that I can only practice for about 10 minutes before my shoulder gives out. I had tendonitis in my shoulder a few years ago and it wasn't funny, so I don't want to push my luck. Basically, it's just really difficult. Oh well![/quote] Relax.... No really, you have to have a very relaxed body to do this stuff, if you are finding a lot of tension in your shoulders its because you are tensing those muscles, which will wreck your posture, playing and give you a neck/back ache as well in the end. Not good! This stuff just takes a while to pin down. Go very very very slowly to begin with. Speed will come with time and hours of practice (lots of hours) But actually getting a decent thump sound (note singular, just one thump) should be there with reasonble regularity by now I would hope....
  2. It may be helpful to know the note names of the notes on the lowest five frets on each string. Especially if they call them out. Its equally likely that they refer to these by fret number though.
  3. [quote name='Spoombung' post='512122' date='Jun 12 2009, 01:59 PM']Above ^[/quote] Sweet, beat me to it then
  4. Anyone got a midi file he can have??? It wont swing like the real thing, but it may be all you can get???
  5. [quote name='Stylon Pilson' post='512086' date='Jun 12 2009, 01:24 PM']I joined my first band before I could play. S.P.[/quote] +1 effectively me too I would say though that you need to be able to play in time to be useful. It only has to be straight crotchets for some stuff, but hardcore punk would probably prefer quavers (Yankee translation: 1/8th notes) at tempos around 130+ bpm. On the plus side you are going to be mainly hitting root notes, no fills are actually [i]required[/i], beyond maybe the odd slide. Although learning the major and minor triad shape is never a bad thing (if nothing else you'll be at home with the Ramones ) All you punk gods don't flame me, I'm laying out what I consider a bare minimum to really hold your own in a punk bank, obviously there are punk bassists who go waaaaay beyond these criteria!
  6. [quote name='RhysP' post='511534' date='Jun 11 2009, 07:10 PM']Never do a f***ing great big fly agaric mushroom spiked bong just before going on stage.......[/quote] ROFLMFAO! I've seen you play, I'm sure of it
  7. TheFunk speaks the truth (as usual). Ultimately as you know (even though you are asking here) you do need to sort out your technique, there really is no way around it mate. Painful as that may seem, and it can be a fairly long winded process to even out the lumpiness in your slap technique, a well set up comp will help in the more immediate time frame that you are talking about. However in order to help the comp I'd really suggest you leave it switched off for about 90% of your practice time away from the band, to help you improve your slightly wayward technique. My only other advice is not to slap lumps out of it, you just dont need to, and all it does is build up lactic acid in your arms, make you stiff (esp around your shoulders) and ultimately compromise your playing. Unless thats the only way you've ever slapped, in which case just ignore these ramblings
  8. True Bilbo, and very educational, but don't forget mate, "the drums must never stop....."
  9. Sounds like a knackered combo or misuse of the filters. Markbass cabs aren't a patch on their amps IMO, but they arent totally rubbish by any means. Berg blows 'em away of course MB [b]cabs[/b] are seriously overpriced though in my opinion. Having said that I think their amps are too now. [Edit to clear up my own stupidity]
  10. [quote name='lowdown' post='505488' date='Jun 4 2009, 02:32 PM']They aint finished yet. You know how those bop solos go on for ever and ever.... Garry[/quote] BWAHAHHAHHAHHHAAAAAAA!
  11. The next song is the one with that nasty super fasty run in it thats always a tricky beeyetch when you're practicing. You're knackered cos its late in the gig and you need every last bit of help to play it. Run your plucking fingers down the side of your nose. The 'grease of the day' will lubricate your plucking hand fingertips for a couple of songs, making playing the song a snap. You can even mop the sweat off your brow & nose with a towel first, it wont shift the lube...
  12. [url="http://www.talkbass.com/forum/showthread.php?t=422716"]Talkbass LMII Voltage discussion[/url] The link above takes you to a thread on talkbass that covers this off I think....
  13. I have learnt that whenever I think my bass sounds a bit plop to buy new strings - it is the single best GAS cure there is.
  14. [quote name='woodster' post='510874' date='Jun 11 2009, 09:08 AM']I use one of these.... [url="http://www.rocknrollercart.com"]http://www.rocknrollercart.com[/url][/quote] Blimey, thats what I call over engineering a solution! I dont think I could actually fit that in my car without my bass gear in , let a lone with
  15. Only thing I really dont like and dont understand about the Hartke LH500, it has jack speaker outs I mean why would they do that? Its not going to be a significant change in component cost or time to put the correct connector in there is it. Now I have to wait until its out of warranty and do the mod myself. Bah!!!!
  16. Always carry a clean fresh towel, and know where it is at all times..... ....and a fresh T-shirt in my case!
  17. [quote name='cheddatom' post='510379' date='Jun 10 2009, 04:56 PM']I find your attitude towards physical labour lazy, and your attitude towards animal labour sickening.[/quote] They like it when I beat them with sticks though.... And I'm far too fat and important to carry anything heavy, kind'a like most singers I've worked with
  18. [quote name='cheddatom' post='510345' date='Jun 10 2009, 04:28 PM']Does anyone just carry their combo/cab? I used to carry my peavey combo from the car to the stage and back no problem.[/quote] I though I had already answered this....
  19. Pass the kleenex please gents....
  20. I have a team of 43 midget Ghurkali warriors for the cab and 15 tame trained shrews for the amp..... I carry my bass and leads bag myself though (cant find the staff)
  21. Good point Beedster. My 4 banger has been referred to as set up for slap by every blues player to come near it. In that it is strung with 40->100 DR Lo-Riders, and has a nice low action they could be right. But I wouldnt insist this was a slap set up, just decent low-ish action. A badly set up bass or one with a high action is just harder to play full stop, but I think this does tend to show up more with slap than anything else.... The Roscoe has 45->125 on it, and a far lower action, but the strings (currently the stock d'addario ones) are far stiffer than DRs so its generally harder to play. Swapping them out later this week in preparation for an audition on Monday - that way if it causes rattling I'll be able to sort it in time, meanwhile the stiff strings are a great work out
  22. Action looks a bit scary dairy too
  23. [quote name='bythesea' post='509250' date='Jun 9 2009, 04:58 PM']Not too far away - about 25 miles along the coast - ok, it's Bognor (well someone has to live there ). Work in Shoreham so am quite close to Brighton for a lot of the time.[/quote] yeesh bognor gigged there once...........
  24. [quote name='dave_bass5' post='509224' date='Jun 9 2009, 04:45 PM']Cheers, and i guess with the amp not being full rack width there is enough air flow down the sides as long as the back is open.[/quote] Yeah masses of room compared to a standard width amp, plus its loads cooler anyway. Win win situation
  25. What with my upcoming purchase (which is a secret) and Alex' gear, we'd have the choisest array of Barefaced and Bergantino cabs
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