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Everything posted by 51m0n

  1. [quote name='tayste_2000' post='502932' date='Jun 1 2009, 01:51 PM']I can lift the HS around no problem, you want a heavy 4x10 you try my Matamp [/quote] I'll pass ta!
  2. I'm a well out of shape old fart mind, you young whippersnappers should be carrying around hideously heavy cabs, otherwise you wont get knackered backs like us old blokes
  3. [quote name='Max Normal' post='502916' date='Jun 1 2009, 01:24 PM']I went down to GAK in Brighton where some spotty herbert tried to tell me that these are the best thing since sliced bread. I plugged in and had a try but I have to say that although MarkBass are punchy and crystal clear, they are tonal dwarfs IMHO. I guess it depends on what you play, and if you just play metal, or slap through a big bank of effects you could crank one of these up and cut through the mix no problem. If you want a sweeter tone you can forget about it. And by the way I have to disagree, you will never, ever get an SVT-like tone out of one of these. It did really remind me of an old Trace Elliot to be honest, which is why I'd probably go for Ashdown if I had to choose between two trace clones. Either way I'll stick with my Ampeg thanks.[/quote] Tonal dwarf heehee I think you've been on the mushrooms then mate.... I use no effects (other than some very transparent compression) and very occasional envelope filtering. I dont even use EQ normally.... I dont play metal, I play a lot of funk (and not generally the slapped variety). IMO and the opinion of everyone who has heard my rig, my tone rocks (thankfully considering the cost!) - really. Its a solid state amp, renowned for being the closest to the sound of an old school Ampeg (just not being over driven), Talkbass had a massive thread with examples of each and a poll and very few people got the answer right as to which was which. In that regard its as sweet a tone as I have ever heard. The cabs are a different matter, but even they dont sound like an old Trace to my ears (not enough groinkiness). They are a tad impolite/unrefined IMO, with a somewhat nasty tweeter/crossover (same as Eden, SWR, etc etc in that regard IMO). GAK unfortunately just don't cover enough decent cabs (ie Berg IMO, or Aggie DB112 and GS112 according to many) to let the amps truly shine IMO I'm not spotty or a herbert but I do think they are tonally the best thing since sliced bread too
  4. The ae is a lot lighter to be fair. Personally I wouldnt enjoy moving an hs around on my own, the ae is manageable for me though. They are otherwise very similar, and it should be noted that they are very very small for a 410, but just dont sound it at all!
  5. Well someone at the BBC likes your bass sound then In reality I guess its a mix catering for pants TV speakers, but the result is that on headphones and decent speakers your bass is super clear. Not a lot wrong with an LMII flat, or your Warwick either, then. Nice!
  6. That is so not my bag (the whole God thing, you know ) but, fantastic tone on the second track, and how did you get away with being that prominent in the mix mate, theres a choir, you and a drummer nice one!
  7. When are you due to complete? Shame you're in Manchester, I'd love to have a nose around
  8. Whats the reasoning behindgoing to such massive lengths to get acoustic seperation? I mean really, that is taking it to the absolute extrme, is the outside environment particularly noisy, or are you really concentrating on minimising spill to the control room? Just curious to know what is driving this kind of build/spend... Certainly not criticisng, as its definitely the 'proper' way of doing it. It's just, as I said, I've been involved in the building of a few studios and no one I've done this kind of thing with has had the money or bothered to go to these lengths, so I'm really curious to know what is your driver for the outlay in time/money/effort.
  9. Wow. Thats really nice. Like the way the roof steps down to the wall, I'm sure thats an acoustically sound approach (we dont like parallel walls!). Never seen anyone go to these lengths before. Its brilliant, cheers for posting in such detail!
  10. Yeah, don't believe you'll be able to get rid this time either
  11. Hey same experience with my Squier VMJ, totally ridiculously good for the money! En
  12. Crikey thats some serious mass barrier isnt it - beats a triple layer of plasterboard then 'Soundproofed' a tiny live room with about 4 tonnes of sand for the floating ceiling alone, that was a pig; but this is the serious real deal mate, nice!
  13. No chance. Bass grabbed me and spoke in a language I really understood. It also gave up secrets at a rate that guitar didnt (when I dabbled fora very brief time). Its not easier, I just found I progressed very quickly (maybe just how I'm wired). plus i was all I wanted to do in my spare time, where as with guitar it just didnt affect me like that at all.
  14. Nice one Bilbo, I'm sure you'll be absolutely fine mate, swing your nuts off
  15. He's a fantastic player, but damn now I know where all the pies went (and I had my eye on them - really)
  16. Well someone bought it already so problem solved for all you guys coping with sweaty palms over this one (me included ) Own up if it was you!
  17. I wanted to move to five strings, I had literally worn my 4 string out (it needs a refret at the very least) over 15 years of use. The Roscoe is incredibly light, easy to play (unbelievable neck and action) and most important has the best tone I've ever heard (for me), bridge pup is fat and the neck pup grinds. I dont believe in eq to get a tone - I know I'm weird maybe - I believe in getting a bass with tone thats there already, and using your hands and pickup blend to get different timbres, it works for me!
  18. I didnt get time to try but it was there in all its glory. Some interesting variations including a mute button on the input modules (both tube and SS, LMII vs sa450 eq sections, VPF,VLE,Line Out Master Level right down to just Master Level output sections. Looks well impressive for a demo set up! Oh, and no they still dont have the MB fx pedals in (their delivery note says by April 14th, so they have no idea when it will actually be).
  19. [quote name='EBS_freak' post='498989' date='May 27 2009, 04:38 PM']Oops. Posted in wrong window. The danger of having two forums open at once...[/quote] ROFLMAO
  20. WRT comfort strapps I remove the strapping bit between the leather connecting piece and the main strap on the horn side - its about 2" long and serves only to lower the bass in a way I find really annoying. I like my bass to sit with the neck up a bit rather than horizontal, I find this gives my left hand the least problems. Other than that they rock.
  21. [quote name='AM1' post='498961' date='May 27 2009, 04:24 PM']I don't understand how I can play for hours with my bass low but when I raise it up, my shoulder is well throbbing really quickly! And yeah, just been flogging stuff to indulge my GAS, in a relentless, tone chasing crusade. [/quote] Your are probably overcompensating, and have been using more muscular strength than letting the bass rest against you relaxd skeletal posture. Regular breaks (even just take the thing off and stretch your shoulders out for 2 minutes) are required...
  22. [quote name='AM1' post='498954' date='May 27 2009, 04:20 PM'][b]Soooo predictable [/b][/quote] I would hate to disappoint
  23. [quote name='AM1' post='498948' date='May 27 2009, 04:16 PM']No, no, no, the black suit is the latex suit. THIS is a neoprene fetish. Red neoprene...yummy![/quote] Crikey! Latex and neoprene (picks himself up off floor).... .... I think I banged my head....
  24. AM1, in all seriousness, now you've changed your strap length (it really should be such that your bass stays at the same height when you are sitting or standing) watch for hunching your back, favouring one shoulder straining your neck against your strap, the strap moving into your neck etc etc. Make sure your strap is over your shoulder, not your neck etc Otherwise you will be paying all your GAS dough to an osteopath!
  25. [quote name='AM1' post='498899' date='May 27 2009, 03:39 PM']Haha!! I just tried that and I could only just about reach the 5 th fret...and I bet my hands are MUCH smaller than yours! There's no way I'd be making a habit of that across 5 frets though, utter madness for my hand size..that's a HUGE stretch. But it's certainly good for improving the old four fret reach. How come you are always right!!!!!![/quote] Well in reality you dont need to ever make that kind of a stretch. But you can actually do it cant you! So there you go!! And it didnt hurt did it (because you did this slowly and carefully, watching out for pain etc etc). So, when you play you should have practiced a refined technique whereby this is normal, and you wont hurt yourself, and you will reach 4 frets with ease. Note how that slight curve of your index finger is dampening the ADG strings. Neat that isnt it! Men prefer women with small hands, its a win all round......
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