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Everything posted by 51m0n

  1. Yes I can play the set solo from memory. However live a lot of parts are cued either by a particular instrument or by the trumpet player since she has a free hand and is up front. That way we can stretch out and sit on a section when the audience are digging it a lot. We also segue between tracks with well known jam sections to let us work a groove. So I can play it all but it won't be the same live ever ☺
  2. I use a Sony Vaio from about four years ago, i7 processor, 8Gb RAM, with a western digital caviar black 750Gb hd. I regularly mix tunes with up to 100 tracks, and record 16 channels simultaneously with ease using Reaper. Hence the very fast hard drive. I use an eSata external drive for backups never needed it for direct work. Any mid to upper spec laptop from the last four or five years will be fine for starters and simpler work imo.
  3. [quote name='miles'tone' timestamp='1477090114' post='3159873'] I love the Get Carter theme. Plenty to choose from on the Bullitt soundtrack by Lalo Schifrin too. [/quote] Lalo Schifrin and Roy Budd are two of our biggest influences, absolutely awesome stuff, Dirty Harry theme, Scorpio's Theme, Enter the Dragon, Mission Impossible, all Lalo; Get Carter, The Black Windmill, The Marseille Contract, all Roy Budd. One track of ours 'references' the Bullitt 'Changing Gears' track in the bass line a tad When we are setting up we have an mp3 player full of these tracks alongside more obvious stuff like Isaac Hayes, and Curtis Mayfield, always sets the scene beautifully!
  4. [quote name='dannybuoy' timestamp='1477061355' post='3159624'] Liked! [/quote] Why thank you very much! We're playinig in Hastings next Saturday, if you can make it, the venue is excellent if very cramped on stage for a seven piece!
  5. 1176 into an LA2A but that's outside of my budget 😆
  6. Yep, my band Mister Super Juice (see link in sig) are a seven piece instrumental cinematic funk band. Gets great reactions from punters and publican alike 😆 Our 2 1/2 hour set is all original so all I can say is keep it interesting and never ever stop grooving, no one wants to hear your voice much if you're an instrumental band, we segue the first forty minutes of music together into one enormous soundtrack, lots of light motifs throughout. It really helps to have a big band, you can cover Dar more sonic range texturally which is a must, you are in constant danger of sounding samey through a long set. If you're good then people will lap it up and you can get paid well over the odds of most cover bands as you get a bit of a following.
  7. [quote name='EBS_freak' timestamp='1476286175' post='3153030'] Can you explain further what they do - are they literally a pre shaped set of EQs? I could understand their worth more if say there was a setting for say, speech, where the common troublesome frequencies are reduced to prevent the chance of feedback? Would be useful if you were running off a pretty primitive analogue desk for example...? [/quote] I don't know the specifics I'm afraid, you would need to ask Alex....
  8. [quote name='EBS_freak' timestamp='1476285510' post='3153023'] But so does pretty much does every other active cab with DSP on the market... and they don't have the 4 settings - they tend to have a low or deep setting at most - and again, you can do a more controlled job from the desk anyway. You would hope the soft limiting and compression algorithms are present on every setting as a given, as protection for the speakers. I get the low setting - if you want to utilise the cab as a subwoofer... but as for the others... as of yet, I'm not sold on their necessity. [/quote] Fair enough, I've used them and found different settings to work better in different rooms, saving me time at the desk, which means a faster set up for me, each to his own.
  9. [quote name='stevie' timestamp='1476275307' post='3152890'] It doesn't look like they are active. They are powered. I think most people would expect an active system (two power amps and an electronic crossover) for that money. [/quote] Hmmm, there's not much in it regarding active vs powered once you add in the dsp, plus this solution is lightweight, and I mean seriously easy to schlepp, significantly lighter than the powered EV monitors we have as well, which are far less powerful, and don't sound anywhere near as nice in the top end (but are super cheap and worth what we paid for them). Adding a second amp to make it an 'active' solution would just make it heavier for discernible gain in sound quality at the SPL these deliver IMO. Designed to be very light and sound great, like all the BF stuff is. Active wouldn't have added anything to that goal I don't think. You pay the premium for the ease of moving them you see.
  10. [quote name='stingrayPete1977' timestamp='1476268422' post='3152808'] I didn't know they were active! [/quote] Oh yeah, very, 800 watts per cab, and the DSP does help you get the most out of that if you have to push them hard
  11. [quote name='EBS_freak' timestamp='1476264932' post='3152755'] I get what you are saying - but essentially it's no different to changing the eq on the main outs on the desk, you are just doing it on the speakers rather than the desk (and limited to the 4 presets). Everybody should be tuning the PA to the room as best practice anyway. [/quote] Yes and no, the DSP is heavily targeted to the cab, and it isn't just eq, there is also some soft limiting and compression algorithms in there as you get near to what the cabs max delivery is if I understand it correctly. With enough time and effort I could get close with the XR18 to the same kind of targeted speaker management, it has a 4 band compressor/limiter I can engage across the main out and all the eq I could ever need. But that takes a lot longer than selecting the best DSP set up on the back of the speaker to get me very close to something that suits the room. I may then choose in tweaking the mix or the overall eq/dynamics of the XR18 2 buss to fine tune that further for a really bad room if I need to.
  12. There are 4 eq curves baked in to the FR800 There is a little push switch on the back that you use to cycle through them. It is important to check that both cabs have the same curve They get progressively bass heavy and 'loud' on the pair I have used, I have a couple of pieces of reference material I play through the rig and go ou front have a listen and find the DSP setting that sounds best in the venue, five minutes effort maximum, before we go any further with fine tuning a band mix saves tonnes of faff with mixes. Ith the Behringer XR18 the eq curves on the different tracks, the compression and gain are all preset, I just tweak the mix and bring up the right level in the FOH and monitors and we are golden. Total mix time for a quick set up is five minutes, if we have longer I can get as precise as I like. This has been a complete game changer for me, we have never sounded as good live as we have with this PA set up....
  13. [quote name='taunton-hobbit' timestamp='1476202158' post='3152271'] The 18" sub has been muttered about for quite a while now - would be nice if Alex could update us? [/quote] That picture was off the facebook barefaced owners group posted by Bobby. No doubt he would have posted on here but some bright spark disabled his account.......
  14. [quote name='Chienmortbb' timestamp='1476194230' post='3152165'] Wheb I said square I meant a cube or cuboid. My point was that a properly braced wood cabinet will almost always, outperform a composite box that is fundamentally a trapezoid. I am not sure if my post was unclear but you are reinforcing my points while seeming to disagree. It is good to hear about the 18" sub in development but it is a bit off topic. [/quote] Not disagreeing at all just agreeing from the point of view of someone who has schlepped them, heard them and used them extensively 😆
  15. They are overkill for floor monitors IMO
  16. They aren't going to do a big big hall, but they will do a very big pub or with four of them a small to medium hall or a large marquee, two is very loud for a small marquee, we found out that four for a small marquee is insane
  17. [quote name='Chienmortbb' timestamp='1476174115' post='3151887'] I have not heard the Barefaced but was product manager for Panasonic at one time. Our old square cabinets WS-A200 were great solid lumps but then trapezoidal replacement WS-AT200 were pants. The moulding of the complex shapes makes it difficult to make a solid, non flexing cabinet. Ironically the WS-AT200 used pine struts about 1" x1" (25mm x25mm) in an attempt to keep the cabinet from flexing. Remember we are talking very high pressure sound waves in side the cabinets. The typical Composite Top cabinets (yes I include the Mackie, RCF, Yamaha) are a vast improvement over those early composite cabinets but are still a design compromises. From what I have read the FR800 does not make those compromises. Now the Mackie, RCF, Yamaha etc have come a long way and are better than the early designs and should not be ruled out, however if you have the money, use the one month trial on the FR-800 and if you do not like them, save yourself a few hundred pounds and buy one of the Mackie, RCF, Yamaha that are often suggested. One thing that is interesting about the FR800 is that adding the subs (LF800) does not take the frequency response lower, from the Barefaced Blurb "[color=#333333] Note that the LF800 does not extend the bass response, it just increases output and headroom by sharing the load in the most demanding region of the spectrum." [/color] [/quote] The FR800 is square (well cuboid) and uses all the clever bracing tech that BF have spent years developing for their bass cabs, these are just as rigid. The FR800 is not a typical mid-top PA cabinet, it really is a full range cab, hence my comment about it being more like a super loud studio monitor than a typical PA cab of these dimensions. The LF800 doesn't extend the bottom end, because it already is full range, but it does effectively double it, since that is, as you say, where you really need more power for getting very very loud. Note BF are currently designing and testing a 1x18 sub, which will definitely add some whump...
  18. Watch this in full.... https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=q4JWqK6r6N4
  19. Yeah a lot, many gigs with two or four of them as the pa. Frankly 4 is too much for my 7 piece band we don't need that much power.... You can't have any, they're all mine so there! The best single cab a side pa solution I've ever heard, be warned they sound like mind bendingly loud studio monitors. You won't get thuddy blurred bass, or harsh distorted top end, even at war volume. Bass goes deep and is very punchy, mids have great detail, top end is plentiful but not at all harsh. I can carry two easily from car to venue. Two fit with my rig in an old 3 series bmw. Square is a great shape for moving ☺ Here is a video shot on a good phone for audio, full disclosure, the bass is not going through the pa, that's my big twin 2. https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=1157743877603020&id=224894804221270 From outside the marquee on a less good phone at dealing with the huge spl https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10154868229452598&id=588604131173413 Using a behringer xr18 to mix on btw...
  20. Different position for us, we do instrumental funk, 7 piece band, in pubs and small festivals. We st team 70's soul funk and classic soundtracks for the time it takes to set up. We open with a forty minute long medley with segues between tracks. It starts off very very quite and moody and goes through a whole series of ups and downs and dynamics but never stops grooving hard. Goes down brilliantly...
  21. I had a lovely day, thanks to everyone for organising it, its been a few years since I could get along to one, can't believe I'm still the compression monkey . Its always a pleasure to help someone out who is struggling with compression, the noblest of effects As always Herbie was outstanding, amazing watching the Walk on the Wildside rendition, worth significantly more than the price of admission to watch that alone! I must try and remember to get to the jam room sometime, I'm always too busy chatting to everyone
  22. As things currently stand I think I can get to this one (first for a while, probably since the embarrassing incident with the banana ) I'll be bringing a shiny Barefaced Big Twin II, a Roscoe Century Standard 5 string, a Markbass sa450 and assorted shizzles. I'm looking for a buyer for a very lovely Berg ae410, but I doubt anyone wants to bring £600 squid along now do they Got to love the way Herbie Flowers' website looks so 1995
  23. Reaper is killer for this Named regions can be rendered faster than real time into mp3s or wavs or oggs or whatever You can decide what tracks to mix for specific regions too if you need to I've been doing this with rehearsals for years
  24. [quote name='dood' timestamp='1466182116' post='3073964'] Place your bets on a duplicate account!! For what it's worth, I love Marmite. - And my Big Twin II [/quote] Nah mate Bobby definitely is not Alex and definitely is his right hand man at BF. Fine chap he is too
  25. REDDI is the best But very expensive....
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