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Everything posted by 51m0n

  1. Damn, next gig in Brighton is Pride at The Worlds End on August 6th This will be mental like it was last year 😆 You have a lovely time though ☺
  2. [quote name='Happy Jack' timestamp='1468051428' post='3088254'] Surely that should be Jaffa tape ... [/quote] Badoom-tshhhhhhhhh! He's here all week ladies an' gentlemen 😉
  3. [quote name='cetera' timestamp='1467991616' post='3087924'] Me! Would love to hear my Spector/GK through it...! [/quote] Good enough 😆
  4. Never do a lecture without gaffes tape and an orange, the banana is optional 😂
  5. [quote name='pete.young' timestamp='1467931462' post='3087480'] 9v centre positive. Chris does supply an adaptor that lets it run off a centre neg pedalboard supply, I had some interference issues so run mine with the supplied psu . [/quote] Cheers Pete!
  6. Hopefully I can make it this year Not sure what to bring, my rigs a BF BigTwin gen 3, anyone not heard one? If anyone would be interested in buying a Berg ae410 I could bring that Or I could bring a Behringer XR 18 and a couple of pa cabs and show people who are interested what they are like....
  7. What kind of power supply does the smooth hand receiver take??
  8. Yep, but it's got real depth to it too ☺
  9. Here's a link to a video put up by landlord from a gig a couple of weeks ago:- https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=1157743877603020&id=224894804221270 And this one posted by a punter at the same gig from outside the marquee:- https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10154868229452598&id=588604131173413 It's the Big Twin g3 being driven by a markbase sa450 500w map. Bear in mind you can dump 1600w into it. The band are seriously loud, going through a barefaced pa, just two cabs, light enough to throw, 800w rms each. There's no bass in the pa.... This is last night's superb gig in Hastings, another punter, this time his phone couldn't deal with the SPL, place was rammed with very up for it happy dancing punters and a couple of grizzled bass heads who reckoned it was the best bass tone they'd heard the low B was astounding apparently - one of them is now trying to sell his big heavy Ashdown rig to get a big twin. https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10154248515748279&id=588604131173413&notif_t=page_wall&notif_id=1466940198861663&ref=bookmarks
  10. [quote name='Musashimonkey' timestamp='1466713844' post='3078176'] Very nice. I don't think there is much that it wouldn't destroy! [/quote] Tim C's and Jah Wobble's rigs both leave it gasping, but it's enough for me 😆
  11. I've got the Big Twin Gen 3 cab. Sounds immense. It'll absolutely destroy a 410.....
  12. REDDI Best DI for bass there is. Cleaner and more accurate than any mic'ed up amp/cab combo could possibly be.
  13. If I was that wedded to an interface after it is beyond its use by date I would keep a pc of a spec required to run it in a configuration that was spot on for best results for that purpose and not connect it to the interweb.
  14. I recorded our last gig, using our new Behringer (cough splutter yes I know shut up and listen for a minute) XR18. MIc'ed practically everything up (only 3 mics on the drums, kick snare, OH - but we have a percussionist with 3 congas, hand held perc and a perc tree, so he uses 5 mics - 3 mics on drums with a mono OH is my go to live config anyway), DI from bass head, DI from keys, e835 on guitar, 57 on trumpet and a nifty clip on brass mic for bass trombone. Only ran what needed to be run into FOH, but recorded everything from the input point (ie no fx, no fader no eq, just input from the MIDAS designed preamps). Recorded with a laptop using Reaper. Still working on the mix down to be honest - we are in gig season for us so its busy as hell right now - but my first thoughts are as follows:- 1. Its a game changer for me - like having your own bradcast truck would have been in the 90's 2. It records beautifully - actually considering letting my audient 8 channel mic pre go because this is so close. 3. The most practical way to record/mix a live band on a gig I've come across - by miles. 4. Unbelievable value for money 5. Its in a rack to keep it as safe as possible Is it future proof - hell no. But I dont want future proof I want the technological innovation to make my life easier, to make it possible to achieve more. My RME UCX is class compliant - so what, it has never been any kind of a selling point to me. If it werent so good for mixing with I'd move that on as well. The keys player from my band is in another band, he is so impressed that he wants to use it at a rehearsal for that band to sell the idea to them, because its brilliant with IEMs (6 aux outs, each with eq and limiter on, each out controllable by the person who is using it for their own mix and not FOH - utterly brilliant live!). If that band buys into it he'll bring theirs along as a spare if the thing goes wrong, but its got a 3 yr warranty so I suspect with a little care it will last just fine.
  15. Moved to Elixirs as I was killing DR LoRiders in a couple of weeks. I sweat the dreaded string killer goo me They're darker out of the packet but last two or three months. Also you can put them on right before a gig and not get a moaning sound guy about the brightness which is cool
  16. Just adding that RME have a very good history of maintenance of older interfaces. You get what you pay for....
  17. Doesn't exist Leave the machine / interface as they are, buy a new machine for plugging in to the internet and you're golden
  18. [quote name='Dropzone' timestamp='1462444440' post='3043020'] Alternatively, I presume you can playback tracks through a DAW through the mixer? [/quote] Yep, upto 18 channels, but stereo are best going back through the aux channels (17 and 18). Leaves all your normal channels free. I'm running 17 channels on mine:- 1. Vox 2.Trumpet 3. Bass Trombone 4. Guitar 5. Keys L 6. Keys R 7. Bass 8. 9. Low Conga 10. Mid Conga 11. High Conga 12. Hand Percussion 13. Percussion Stand 14. Kick 15. Snare 16 Drum OH 17. Mp3 L 18. Mp3 R 17 and 18 are a tiny little mp3 player that I just leave on shuffle all night long, I then bring the fader up when I want to hear it on FOH. Works for me. If we end up with any need for even more inputs then we have several options, one is to get an XR16 and plug its outpus into 17/18 on the XR18. I use a seperate router, better security, more clients can hook up, and more range as I can place it near front of stage meaning that in troublesome busy wifi areas I can get a mix out front without danger of dropouts.
  19. Just got one a couple of weeks ago. It's excellent. Definitely give yourself time to do a tech rehearsal before the first gig to get everything sported so you only have to tweak things on the gig.
  20. My Big Twin 2 has replaced my Bergantino ae410 as my main gigging rig. To the point where I'm thinking of selling my Berg....
  21. Synthesized minion singing.....
  22. Oh and apply EQ and compression after the fact as a part of mix down. Since you are very new to recording and mixing you cant expect to predetermine what eq and compression will work in the mix at the point of tracking. So do it at mix time for now.
  23. Welcome to the world of recording..... You'd do better with a DI, and a mic'ed amp IME. Use a low pass filter on the DI for the bottom and mix it into a high pass filtered amp track for any growl from distortions etc. Try avoiding the obvious kick drum mic on the cab, you aren't so interested in the bottom end from the cone (hint there is hardly any from the cone anyway, it all comes from the port, and is very closely related to the frequency the port is tuned to so avoid it if you dont have stellar gear and ears - keep things simple and use the DI for the low end). I've had excellent results with all sorts of cheapish mics on the cone of bass amps for capturing that mid range.
  24. Found my keys player on gumtree He is absolutely superb!
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