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Everything posted by 51m0n

  1. Amp and a mic - good mics for fuzz bass include Heil PR40, Sennheiser MD421, EV RE20, Shure SM7b or even a 57 if you mic carefully and have a DI for the bottom end. Pretty much anything will do if its placed exactly right, but all the above sound really nice in different ways. Placement is key, in front of the best cone in the cab (one will be better than the rest almost always). Remember the cones dont do the very deep bit, the ports do that so to get the lowest lows you need a DI (although in some genres the lowest lows arent what you want). Plus a clean DI for the extreme bottom end - use a high pass filter and just mix it in a tad to beef the sound up down there Make sure the two signals are in phase in the bottom end and you're golden
  2. [quote name='Bill Fitzmaurice' timestamp='1407255491' post='2518853'] The number of cabs doesn't matter, the number of drivers does. Maximum output is limited by the total driver displacement, T/S spec Vd. The displacement of two drivers is double that of one, the resulting increase in maximum output by doubling the driver count is 6dB. It doesn't matter if the two drivers are in one cab or in two cabs with the same net internal volume. By the same token when you plug a second identical cab into your amp the voltage swing into each cab remains constant, the total driver displacement doubles, and you get a 6dB increase in output. But you can only do so if the halving of the impedance load doesn't go below what your amp can deliver. [/quote] This. Every time.
  3. I love this build diary, the chap making this is clearly entirely insane, no one else rolls their own oil filled capacitors, but the result is a growly as they come:- http://www.tdpri.com/forum/tele-home-depot/169606-1960-jazzbass-build.html http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v6E7iSATY7M
  4. They will capture the room reasonably well A really superb upgrade is a pair of Line Audio CM3 condensors for a second stereo pair. Exceptional value for money giving sound quality on a par with Schoeps and DPA....
  5. Haven't had a problem like that for years, nor since I've been playing with people I'd call musicians anyway. Anyone who couldn't control their volume wouldn't get into my band, because the rest of them wouldn't have anyone like that.
  6. [quote name='lowdown' timestamp='1406016573' post='2507439'] Not sure why they make that silly claim, my Babyface runs MIDI (din pin) as good as gets. Quite easily over 100 MIDI tracks without freezing etc, and the timing is spot on. Apart from Bass/Gtr plus some occasional vocals etc, most of my work is MIDI based and RME has been the most reliable regarding that (well for me anyway). Although my son uses a Quad Capture, and the MIDI performance on that is very good. Personally I would save up the extra dosh and get a RME Babyface, Thomann and Soundsalive do them for £380.00 delivered. [url="http://www.thomann.de/gb/rme_babyface_blue.htm"]http://www.thomann.d...byface_blue.htm[/url] [url="http://www.soundsliveshop.com/p/RME_BabyFace_USB_Audio_Interface/RME-BABYFACE"]http://www.soundsliv...ce/RME-BABYFACE[/url] [/quote] Me either, seems very odd to me. Having said that the Audient interface is very very good for audio.....
  7. Heh no argument about Reaper Dood
  8. [quote name='Mornats' timestamp='1405591676' post='2503299'] Any reason the Focusrite Forte isn't in your list? It's usually up there with that lot. Just curious that's all [/quote] The units I have mentioned I've either used or talked to people I know who use and all of them are considered very stable. Plus the audient preamps are really excellent (I've got an Audient asp008 and they have the same preamps). Of course even then you may have some bizarre configuration on your machine that means you dont have a perfect experience, but you have at least minimised the chances of this, and RME definitely have excellent forums, support and direct customer service. RME are the only audio interface company that designed and makes its own USB chip (to the best of my knowledge), so if you want a USB interface, the very best driver stability is without doubt through RME, their preamps are very clean and sound superb. There is nothing wrong with their Firewire performance either. I have a UCX, its performance is simply flawless, the sound quality is staggeringly good to my ear. The Totalmix software is really brilliant. Apogee were for the longest time the de facto interface for Mac users, they are very tightly integrated into Mac iOS, and I've never head anyone complain about their devices ever. Focusrite are getting plenty of reports of driver issues, instability etc in the forum reviews I've looked at. That alone for me means they can't be on that list. No matter how great you preamps are - they good be Neve for all I care - if you have any kind of stability issue the device is useless, since you cant trust it for serious work. I spent too long dealing with dropouts and glitches and occasional strange behaviour and coming up with coping strategies for these issues to put up with it if there is a tool that 'just works'. Finally the Forte is 4 in 4 out, and thats your lot, the ones on my list can all be expanded with an 8 channel ADAT lightpipe interface. Because one day (sooner than you think) you are going to need to record more than two tracks at a time, and a stereo interface is too limited. There are plenty of 8 channel options out there, my preferred device is the Audient ASP008, but the ASP808 looks fantastic too (and its cheaper). In fact studiospares is moving their old ASP008 stock for approximately half price, which is a steal for that kind of quality gear. I've recorded hours of music concerts with my UCX at sample rates up to 88.2KHz and never, ever had a drop out or glitch of any kind. I still always set up the Zoom H4n as a backup stereo device just in case the unthinkable might happen, but I have never had to use it to cover up an issue from the UCX. One down side to the Audient is that it doesnt support MIDI at all, they say at Audient that no device can do MIDI and audio stably, I don't know for sure (I don't actually use MIDI) but I would be surprised in the extreme if the RME devices didnt manage just fine.
  9. [quote name='cheddatom' timestamp='1402569126' post='2474816'] I found this the other day: [url="http://www.thomann.de/gb/sm_pro_audio_q_adat.htm"]http://www.thomann.d...udio_q_adat.htm[/url] Which gives you 8 line inputs to ADAT Two of these and one of the MOTU 2408 or similar rack units would seem to do the job, and relatively cheaply. Any thoughts on this option? [/quote] I've seen some really turgid reviews of this kit, like Behringer, but worse. Be careful. I think you may find the x32 is your easiest solution in fact. It wont compete with something like an RME for sound quality though, just not going to happen. Nice little desk though all the same.
  10. RME Babyface Audient iD22 Apogee Duet (only if you run a Mac) The rest are not as good one way or another. Do yourself a big favour and by a really great interface from the get go, it'll save you lots of time and effort fiddling with your computer trying to get the best out of it, or wishing you had really decent preamps or dealing with driver anomolies. In the long run you will probably end up spilling the cash on one of these three anyway.
  11. Saturday night gig was a turnout disaster for us, about 20 people in all, everyone else in the world being sat on Brighton beach watching footie on the enormous screen they put up. Still those twenty people enjoyed it, the organisers apologised, but what can you do, the punters wont come if there is footie on, last gig we managed to snare a huge footie crowd and getting them right into it, so you win some lose some I guess. Damned hard playing to a virtually empty room though, the lack of feedback and what have you just saps your energy
  12. Tonights the night bumpage chaps....
  13. Us in the studio laying down the core tracks of our epic Cat and Mouse... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fX7WT-N07RQ
  14. Mister Super Juice are playing in Brighton again headlining the Family Funktunes Radio Reverb Fundraiser at The Latest Bar on Manchester Street in Brighton.
  15. [quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1401357304' post='2462711'] Not everyone has Excel. 1. I don't have any use for spreadsheet software therefore I don't have it 2. It costs money. If someone else wants me to use it then they'll need to buy me a copy. [/quote] Libre office and open office are both free, available on all platforms and open excel docs fine. Recommended
  16. Check out alain caron fir the other end of the spectrum
  17. [quote name='skidder652003' timestamp='1401281167' post='2461974'] A compressor will do just what you need, evens the volume out, prevents spikes. [/quote] Hmmmm, yes and no. A compressor or a limiter or both together may well be able to tame the peaks and general volume increse when you move to slapping a certain degree, however there are side effects to your tone, and even more so the dynamic feel of playing with compression, that you may find you dont like. Typically pedal compressors are limited in their controls and metering and make it very hard to judge how much actual compression is going on, so you may well find you are struggling to get a balance right. This is alwya exacerbated by the fact that it is very very hard to hear subtle compression happening and people almost universally underestimate the amount they are compressingtheir signal unless there is really good metering to help them. The result is too heavy handed compression which tends to leave them thinking that compression is no good. It can be but setting them up is a reasonably challenging skill to achieve.
  18. Awesome gig on SAturday noght at The Worlds End! Details [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/236310-mister-super-juice-at-the-worlds-end-24-05-2014/page__view__findpost__p__2460924"]here[/url]...
  19. Had a KILLER gig! Have to say we played a stormer from start to finish, tightest we've ever been live, and kept the energy levels right up ffor an entire hour.... Got held up by the late finish to the footie (some Spanish people playing footie in the park with other Spanish people or something, apparently this is very important, and I should know more about it than I do). Didnt get started setting up until 10:30, but on we went at 10:50 soundcheck be damned, and turned a pub full of footie fans into a huge crowd of grooving funkateers in a couple of minutes! Apparently according to the publican this "Just doesnt happen" normally (the footie crowd usually exits asap when a band starts up in there). So that combined with our general willingness to cope with whatever oddities fate turns up in a calm and aqgreeable fashion means we've been given a residency there, which is ace, got double the expected cash(!) since we kept people in house drinking for an extra hour, got asked how much we charge by another publican from a London pub who happened to be in town for a wedding, loves funk and was blown away by the way we entertained an 'alien' crowd, and finally got asked if we'd like a slot on small stage at Sundown by a chap who is DJing on said stage and is close mates with the organisers. Oh and next time we are back we need to get there an hour earlier so the kitchen staff can feed us because they want to, since they dig the funk too..... All in all an utterly storming night, and probably the most fun I've had on stage in the last ten years
  20. Brilliant gig, delayed by the footie going into extra time, however we managed to turn a pub full of footie fans into a pub full of funkateers in about 3 minutes of the first track. Had a ball playing our stuff, have been asked back on a regular basis, got asked to do a gig at a different pub up in the smoke, and got a possible festival slot out of the night! All in all a definite win!
  21. So this is tomorrow evening if anyone wants to come and join the fun!
  22. Bumparoony because its now only a week away!
  23. Just buy a new 16gb card and bin the knackered one....
  24. Vote added, top track, love Mr Venom and his band of merry reprobates, I liked a lot of the more old school garagey psychobilly mixes, but in the end I was seduced by the sheer power of mix 6, excellent effort!
  25. Chaps, Mister Super Juice are playing at The World's End in Brighton on Saturday 24th May. Entry is free and we should be cranking up the funkiness from about 9:45pm Would love to see some BC'ers there!
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