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Everything posted by 51m0n

  1. Great minds think alike mate Audient ASP008 is on my shopping list in the next month or so. Lovely looking device, really want to be able to do drums 'properly' again, and with one of those and some relatively cheap mics that shouldn't be a problem at all... Point to note is that they run warm, so its recommended that you keep a rack space in between each unit to aid cooling. So they arent as single rack space as you might think
  2. Heh, the Super Twin weighs about as much as a bag of chips, its very very light indeed. I've not personally played the new Big Baby 2, but I have spent time with its big brother the Big Twin 2, and that thing is ridiculously good. If it fit in my car (and house) I'd replace the ae410 with it. Unfortunately it doesnt
  3. [quote name='Bolo' timestamp='1381315609' post='2237346'] That got annoying when he stacked all that feedback. I have beaten guitards down for pulling that sh*t! Good craftsmanship controlling all what was going on though. [/quote] That wasnt feedback That was harmonic chords swelled with the volume control into a stereo delay.
  4. Heh, I was interested in that too, but he's not got an ADAT option, and I dont want to lug a seperate 8 channel ADC around too. Comes with high praise frmo a lot of bods though. Of course if youare handy with a soldering iron and want really top quality preamps on the 'cheap', you will struggle to beat [url="http://www.seventhcircleaudio.com/"]Seventh Circle Audio's 8 channel box[/url]
  5. Oh balls, I'm doing a go-karting endurance race I'd love to have been there though!
  6. 4 detuners on the tuning keys and two on the bridge in fact.... Yes it's insane, it's also an amazing sounding instrument that takes him about ten minute to tune up before he starts a set!
  7. Ebow on bass sounds amazing if you are a genius with it, but its insanely frustrating to control.... Of course if you are a fiftieth level dark lord of bass madness you use two at the same time:- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xx1RccwlF5g
  8. I'm going to close voting tonight/tomorrow morning...
  9. Come on people, we've only had about 8 votes, rather disappointed by the turn out to be frank. Voting ends today, if anyone gives a monkeys other than those who entered........
  10. Add fx to the track using the FX button on the track. Select ReaPitch or ReaTune depending on what you want to do (pitch shift or correct the tuning)
  11. Reaper, Mac or PC, has buit in pitch shifting, and retuning vst effects (that are a fair bit better than those in Audacity)...
  12. Volume may not be an issue, structural damage and deafness will be, but at least your back will be fine
  13. If you are after quality SDCs I'd recommend tge Line Audio CM3 Ridiculously cheap for the sound quality, not quite a DPA or Schoeps, but as close as you could need for far less outlay. I got mine from nohypeaudio (google is you friend here), excellent service from them.
  14. [quote name='Musicman20' timestamp='1380934150' post='2232680'] You must have one on order then ?! [/quote] If it fit in my car and my house the Berg might well be worried As it is it won't fit in either!
  15. Its a lot bigger than an S12t.... It does a lot more in the way of low end extension than an s12t too!
  16. You need to get to a Bass Bash. There were a load of BF cabs of all generations at the SE one, including a new Big Twin, and that is a stunning sounding thing, and has enough headproom to knock down planets....
  17. Played with one for a couple of hours at the SE Bass Bash - they are monstrously loud, my measely 500w MB sa450 head into one literally emptied the hall with the other 30 or 40 bass rigs, because no one could hear anything whilst we played with it. Once again apologies to everyone who put up with my getting very excited with filter sweeps into brown note territory at extreme war volume. Apparently you can jam 1600 watts into one all day and it will just turn your internal organs to jelly... It sounded fantastic, effortlessly loud, but more than that a great tone. Killer cab...
  18. I have the fretted version, more spector than thumb bass to be honest, esp wrt the bridge, which is a serious hunk of metal! Also ironically easier to slap on that a thumb....
  19. Yeah, thats not economically viable, I can get DRs cheaper!
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