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Everything posted by 51m0n

  1. [quote name='butlerk02' timestamp='1376489086' post='2174756'] Si, just having a look at the stems in logic and I can't work out what going on with the OH's. Missing oh.1 seems fine was planning on splitting these into mono tracks, but YLSoh.1 seems to be missing a chunk around the 1:21 mark. Cheers Keith [/quote] MissingOH1 replaced YLSoh1 IIRC since it had that 'funny' that was never explained when it was sent to me...
  2. Theres a lot more in the second lot that I haven't uploaded yet!!!!
  3. Second lot of stems are all Kit doing Bvs Properly fab they are too!
  4. Have a listen to the finished version, weeks of work on that I promise.....
  5. I've got the one people refer to as a thumb clone. Great bass easier to play than a thumb thats for sure, big solid brass bridge. I swapped the pups for EMGs.
  6. [quote name='charic' timestamp='1376387783' post='2173039'] Welding [/quote] It's crossed my mind!
  7. Right chaps a massive thank you to Nigel for thinking of asking, and Kit for her generosity, this month we (well, you, I've done this one!) get to mix her song You Look So Good Tonight from the Submission Chords E.P The stems are going to go up in two lots, the main stems are here:- [url="https://www.dropbox.com/sh/i3lfo7fba2oneg6/87m9E6fooW"]https://www.dropbox....neg6/87m9E6fooW[/url] The backing vocals are here:- [url="https://www.dropbox.com/sh/y7rlfncmc2lw0ip/F-WJ8a5Kkw"]https://www.dropbox....w0ip/F-WJ8a5Kkw[/url] All the file sare uploaded and waiting for you! Rules are as follows:- Submit a wav to me (PM a link) - do [b]NOT[/b] put a link in the thread, as your anonymity will be blown, and this is another anonymous vote. If you do you will be disqualified. I will upload the wavs to a soundcloud account from where people can listen to them and vote Your mix should not go over 0 on a K-meter set to [b]K12[/b] AT ANY POINT IN THE TRACK (K14 worries people because its so quiet, so we can try to get them a little louder). If it does, and I have no time to fix it, I may well not upload it - you have been warned. Voting will start at the end of September - you will need to spend some time on this one chaps, to get the most out of it.... This is a mix competition, [b][i]not[/i][/b] a composition competition, this song has all the tracks it needs (and then some) and although there are some areas that will need really careful work to get the most of I dont think you even need to replace any drums IIRC, I certainly didn't. There are no marks for re-arrangement, none for redoing the strings, mix what you have, and make the best job of it you can! Good luck! P.S If you want a reference mix, then the link in my signature will take you straight to what the artist wanted her work to sound like, that's mixed and mastered and has liberal fairy dust sprinkled on it too.....
  8. Velcro just doesn't hack it for me so any suggestions that are significantly more robust would be very interesting!
  9. Pretty sure there is mention of knickers in at least one song on the ep.....
  10. [quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1376156450' post='2170382'] Uploading..? Whole different ballgame, 10 x slower (ADSL...)... [/quote] Hence using the work DSL connection.....
  11. My work connection uploaded the lot in about five minutes.....
  12. I think you cab download tge tracks individually....
  13. Just wait till you hear the rest of the stems!
  14. Right, the first wave of stems can be found here:- https://www.dropbox.com/sh/i3lfo7fba2oneg6/87m9E6fooW I'll set up a proper Aug/Sept topic later, but for the very keen you can get to work with this lot. However, I'm not going to have access to decent upload speeds for a week so I wont be able to furnish you all with the rest of the stems until then (that would be the backing vocals, of which there are quite a few).
  15. Working on the audio now, not a bad mix, audio recorded from the engineers booth, if it doesnt sound good there, sack the engineer.... I'm sure I'll post some bits up on Soundcloud and link to them from MisterSuperJuice facebook page...
  16. Had a blinding time, totally brilliant, great response from the crowd there, played pretty well, and even had some extra dynamics written in on the night when the snare stand went all wobbly and we were drumerless for a section as it was fixed The horn section really added a touch of class though, massive lift to the music as a whole, very happy! Plux's band were superb too, masses of energy very slippery grooves, and Lines Horizontal were, as ever, from another planet of funk entirely
  17. Yeah I'll put the stems up sometime this week. Bit busy this minute!
  18. Cheers Nige had the best rehearsal ever tonight, four hours of greasy funk, solid as a rock and just a massive groove. Can't wait for Wednesday now
  19. Mine and Plux's band on the same bill for the first time supporting the arch Lines Horizontal at The Green Door Store, Brighton, right next to Brighton Station (under it even!). We are on dead early (first gig with the horns) about 7:45pm, the night should be done by 11, so you'll be home tucked up in bed in time for a decent nights sleep before work in the morning. £3 on the door, come along and have a boogie with us!
  20. Gainstaging on the preamps was not set up right would be my guess - drive some pres too hard and you starting running into the sound of overloading crud, of course the engineer may have only been looking atthe lights, and they may be hot up around 1 or 2 Khz (where vocals are real loud) and not be so happy to light up down around 150Hz (where your bass energy is) or even 50Hz (where a kick can have a f**ktonne of level). In other words, them there are some poop pres for bass.... Then again I'm not a huge fan of the budget end of Focusrite, after spending a lot of time with a series 1 octopre and a couple of their other 'platinum' pieces, the green stuff was ok, but fragile as hell, so in the end a false economy IMO.
  21. Dropbox it will be then, I've got just over 4GB of space on there right now, that ought to do eh..... One hopes
  22. [quote name='xilddx' timestamp='1375357315' post='2160161'] Wetransfer to the contestants' email addresses? [/quote] Yeah I think this may be it, its a pretty large set of stems I think - not as bad as Russian Dolls mind - will take a bit of checking when I can get hoime to see how much we are actually talking. The there are the couple of little freaky bits to do with the lining up of some of the vocals, may have to run off stems for those to make things simple. I may have the dropbox capacity though - if I clear it right down - andthat way people can download the stems when they like rather than me sending them a wetransfer link.....
  23. I kind of missed out my Zoom H4n, oops! I use it with a pair of Line Audio CM3 SDCs (unbelievably brilliant mics, immensely recommended, unbeatable for the outlay in fact) in 4 channel mode for capturing rehearsals. Here are a couple of examples of what it sounds like (and yes I have done some 'mixing' of the 4 channels in Reaper, but still no close mics, this is what was happening in the room):- [url="https://soundcloud.com/mistersuperjuice/a-bit-of-funk-in-9"]https://soundcloud.c...it-of-funk-in-9[/url] [url="https://soundcloud.com/mistersuperjuice/bring-that-funk-on-up"]https://soundcloud.c...that-funk-on-up[/url] And a big ole jam for the horns to figure some stuff out:- https://soundcloud.com/mistersuperjuice/what-it-is-and-what-it-aint Perfectly good as a documentary tool, in fact it sounds better than some project studio stuff I have heard (esp from back in the 90's!) IMO....
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