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Everything posted by 51m0n

  1. I am in no hurry Lets say poll closes on Wednesday... We can look for new stems concurrently.
  2. [quote name='Skol303' timestamp='1364478351' post='2027014'] Well done Si! Sterling work in getting these all downloaded and re-uploaded, etc. I'd advise putting a big, fat link to the SoundCloud page in the OP of this thread. Took me a while to find the link in other posts. But then I am a bit thick [/quote] The link is there in the OP, I may make it more big and fat - like me
  3. The poll and link to all the mixes can be found here:- http://basschat.co.uk/topic/202023-march-mix-competition-its-voting-time-again/#entry2006875 Thank you very much for your time on this, and thanks to Cheddatom and his band CreepJoint for this months song! Note, you are voting for the mix, not the level, some of these mixes are quieter than others, please do turn up your headphones/amp/speakers to compensate so you can enjoy all the mixes equally Thank you people of Basschat!!!
  4. Right all the mixes are in (mine was last, but I havent listen to any of them I promise. Link here to all your efforts:- https://soundcloud.com/bc-mix-competitions/sets/bc-march-mix-competition
  5. Yep I'm looking at something like an Audient ASP008 (but cheaper ha!) to snuggle up with my RME UCX, giving 10 mic inputs total, add an RME QuadMic and I'm up to 14 mic pres if I needed them (to be honest I doubt I ever would, and I may well look to getting some more colour preamps instead of more RME, for all that tehy are superb ). The Fireface 800 is a great bit of kit, not as good as the UFX (for twice the money, but it does a lot more, with better ADA and mic pres etc etc and lower latency IIRC). A lot of people have built studios around them, but again for many inputs you are looking to add channels via ADAT, same as my UCX.
  6. Apogee Duet RME Babyface The Apogee is Mac only, the RME either Mac or PC. Both should do the job perfectly Chris, and should hit your budget.
  7. Yes. I've tracked drums with my Zoom H4n (the device itself as the OH and a kick and snare mic with it). This is the result:- https://soundcloud.com/lines-horizontal/the-individuils No distortion to worry about, recorded at 48KHz 24bit and allowing plenty of headroom for the preamps (peaking at -12dB at least) Some people have struggled with the H1 and very very loud bands, but the H4n is excellent in this regard. Here is a track recorded jsut in the room with the H4n, there has been some post processing, but nothing much (bit of eq and lifting the level).... [url="https://soundcloud.com/51m0n-1/track-7/s-T7TIC"]https://soundcloud.c...track-7/s-T7TIC[/url]
  8. Yup, I have an H4n and its superb. One warning, rip those files off there and name them carefully straight away, and prune out the rubbish immediately. I have literally got gigabytes of recordings of rehearsals that I can dip into (and thats mp3s that are edited to individual songs/takes/ideas, if I hadnt edited as I went it would be terabytes or worse), it gets overwhelming very quickly!
  9. Crikey, top time had by all, played 4 tracks, set was just under an hour long. Like I said self indulgent funk odyssey Punters got into it though, lots of boogeying and compliments on the sound, tightness (obviously no one noticed my collection of momentous structural gaffs, must have hidden them fairly well!) and general barefaced front of the whole thing. The recording came out pretty well too, its only 4 track, but that would appear to suffice for a three piece funk band really....
  10. Tonight 8.00pm sharp, Mister Super Juice, my incredibly self indulgent 3 piece instrumental funk band are playing The Ouch Bar on Preston Street Brighton. Look forward to seeing anyone from here - come and say hello, its our first gig, so be nice
  11. I would think we will be wrapping up on Wednesday. I can't get much done before then...
  12. Here you go... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OZOVZQgXl9k
  13. Ha, by the time we are talking hi hat mics I'll use whatever there is available I've used all sorts from a Rhode NT3 (not at all bad, but maybe a bit too 'splatty'), to a crapped out old ribbon mic (sounded rather fabulous actually, lovely chick sound when closed without ever sounding harsh as the hats opened). The trick is to listen to that mic soloed when you are placing it, you have to hear what it is picking up, most hihats sound terrible close miced and position becomes super important, a hypercardioid mic can really help because you can turn it off axis and lose some of the worst of the bite. When ever you place a mic like this you obviously also need to bring up the other mics and check for phase and spill issues, you can build a little spill shield out of a 5" disc of heavy mdf and some acoustic foam too (it can help, honestly!). If you are recording super dry drums (can we say 70s funk) a great hi hat mic can be really important, although you can do at least as well with a ribbon mic off the side of the snare drum sharing duty with the snare and the hi hat (search for George Massenburgs tips on drum micing on youtube, the guy is a bona fide legend!). If your drums are soggier than a biscuit at a public school then all you want from that hi hat is to get a little more presence to the attack of the hihat sound in the OHs, and for that you really just need a sound that doesnt totally wreck the timbre of the OH hihat. This hihat track is really fighting the 'real' distance timbre of the hihht in the mix though (its got horrible resonances in it which is why this is happening), I havent entirely given up on it yet, but if I cut much more out with eq it may as well not be there
  14. I think its a mix of the mic used, the position of the mic and the hats themselves, although they dont sound too bad on the overheads. But thats micing at a distance, which is a very different thing from trying to get a mic to sound good tight on a hihat without a load of spill. Not an easy task, and if the mic tends to exacerbate some nasty frequencies in the instrument and you dont notice it whilst tracking then you are stuffed
  15. Had an hour at this. Just got the project set up and started cutting some of the yurchh out with eq. Drums sound great to me - nasty hihat though!
  16. Big rooms for drums are a thing of beauty, embrace the spill Nah, I've not even listened yet - they could be well tricky for all I know, I'm just trying to sound cool
  17. Lets not be counting any chickens just yet eh....
  18. Still havent started myself - rush job indeed!
  19. Err you do what makes the music sound right, some people rake (I do) som epeople dont, some people use 1 finger ( I do on crotchets sometimes), some people use 2 fingers all the time (really helps alternating octaves), some of us use three fingers mainly: I do, ring-middle-index, its great for fluidly going up strings, I rake too so descending runs can easily be blisteringly fast if I want them to be, but ironing the triplet feel out of your playing can take years! I also use just my thuumb for mellower sounding fat grooves, with palm muting for a realy nice deadened vibe, or chicken picking derivatives. Or anything else that works. Of all the people on this forum as far as I am aware URB has taken different picking techniques further than anyone else I've heard, having mastered the Garrison technique (thumb and 3 fingers) a well as all that double thumping stuff. Its like a fluid groove machine set on "blow yer damn head off" For me it just turned out that 3 fingers worked best, but I did have to sit down and work through some (a lot) of inconsistencies with the metronome to get it to work right without having to think about it at all. And going from 1 to 2 fingers you will have to do the same, remember whatever you do starting with your index finger you need to be equally adept at starting on your middle finger though!
  20. The video above is the best way there is to store cables, every other loop twists the opposite way, net result, no twist in the cable when you straighten it back out again, which means minimal cable stress in storage and subsequent reuse and longest possible lifetime....
  21. Right I have a copy of each of the four entrants who have PM'ed me so far. I'm going to have ot pull my finger out this week and get mine done!!!
  22. Good work with the links so far chaps, please don't take any down I haven't had a chance to download any yet onto my main machine I'll upload from work, the connection there makes a dalek look slow.....
  23. Got a mix in already chaps! Get to it all of you
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