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Everything posted by 51m0n

  1. [quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1362913854' post='2006037'] The click track is just like any other tool or aid. Sometimes you need it and sometimes you don't. To say that using a click track is always bad is as stupid as saying that you have to use one all the time. [/quote] +1 If players can really play 'around' the click to make a groove thats immense, and yet stays on the money for pulse then thats an absolute winner fo rdance music and funk as well as rock and pop. Of course if your players cant make the magic happen to click you find out real quick, and then its all a little ghastly anyway usually, click or no click, IME of tracking bands. There is only so much slop that I want in a final production, I dont mind some in some genres but I do let the timekeeping and pitchkeeping fascist out of the box when a band strays into sounding p*** poor, after all they want a good sounding product and out of time and pitchy work sounds dead amateur these days....
  2. OK so the official March competition thread is now open here:- http://basschat.co.uk/topic/202023-march-mix-competition/ When you have finished your mix, PM me a link to it. Feel free to discuss your progress in the main thread as much as you like, but we wont hear your work until you are finished. I wont vote, but I will enter (only way to be fair since I may be able to tell whose is whose after all! Good luck one and all!
  3. Right this is the 'official' topic of the March mix competition. We are tasked with producing the best mix we can of Creepjoint's (Cheddatom's band - a big thank you to them all) track Sapere Aude off their second album. Download the stems here:- [url="http://creepjoint.co.uk/sapereaudestems.zip"]http://creepjoint.co...reaudestems.zip[/url] [color=#ff0000][size=5][b]We are going to attempt a blind vote this time chaps so [u]the entrants must not post a link to their final mix in the topic[/u]![/b][/size][/color] [b]Instead upload your final mix wav somewhere (soundcloud, box.net, dropbox.com, wherever) with it set to private and downloadable, [u]then PM me the link[/u].[/b] I will gather all the mixes, rename them to something arbitrary (there may well be an A.wav, B.wav and a C.wav if I'm feeling very very inventive) upload them to a freshly prepared soundcloud account and then open up the poll pointing it to said account. For the sake of fairness I wont vote, but I will put in an entry. Once the poll closes I will disclose which mix was whose. [i]NOTE if you do put a link to your mix in the topic you are inadvertantly disqualifying yourself since you will lose anonymity.[/i] Enjoy, and best of luck to you all! [size=5][b]The mixes are in![/b] [b]Your efforts can all be found here:- [size=6][url="https://soundcloud.com/bc-mix-competitions/sets/bc-march-mix-competition"]https://soundcloud.c...mix-competition[/url][/size][/b][/size] NOTE this is still a MIX competition, some of these mixes would appear to have run into some heavy-ish limiting for level, feel free to turn your headphones/amp/laptop up and down and keep the levels equivalent to appreciate the mixes equally. Good luck one and all! [b]The results stand as follows:-[/b][list=1] [*][b]Sapere Aude - mix A (1 votes [7.14%])[/b] [*][b]Sapere Aude - mix B (5 votes [35.71%])[/b] [*][b]Sapere Aude - mix C (0 votes [0.00%])[/b] [*][b]Sapere Aude - mix D (3 votes [21.43%])[/b] [*][b]Sapere Aude - mix E (4 votes [28.57%])[/b] [*][b]Sapere Aude - mix F (0 votes [0.00%])[/b] [*][b]Sapere Aude - mix G (0 votes [0.00%])[/b] [*][b]Sapere Aude - mix H (1 votes [7.14%])[/b] [/list] Ok so I can reveal now that the mixes were:- Mix A was skol303 [b]Mix B was moonbass[/b] (well done, top mix good win) Mix C was lurksalot Mix D was me (as promised I havent voted, and I dont know that I would have voted for mine this time, thats for sure!) Mix E was vasdim (excellent job as well sir!) Mix F was Butlerk02 Mix G was oldG Mix H was twigman Well done all of you!
  4. Steinberg UR824 is the best bang for the buck at the moment....
  5. Not a problem chap, same for everyone. When I get a chance (over the weekend) I will set up the official March thread with the new blind listening scheme rules:- [color=#ff0000][size=5]** NO ONE POST A LINK TO THEIR MIX IN ANY THREAD: PM ME WITH THEM INSTEAD **[/size][/color]
  6. I would bet good monet that you have too much bass and too little low mid. I used to have similar issues years ago the solution was to have some lo mid yo punch the slap parts through and fatten up the fingerstyle. Works a treat but you have to lose the deep bass a bit or it will be muddy.... Oh and heavier strings (45 to 130 on my 5 string) can help too....
  7. Yup the more diverse the better as far as I'm concerned. I predict the pattern of tough to get right drums will be an ongoing concern in pretty much everything though....
  8. Cant wait for the country [b]and [/b]western month
  9. Yes but you can get used to and in fact love having enough mids in your sound for clarity in the mix on stage. Its a real pain in the backside to begin with, it all sounds a bit wrong, and suddenly the bass is just screamingly loud in the mix and every nuanced error is really obvious. Persevere, because when you get over this you find yourself playing better precisely because you can now hear those nuances. Everyone at a gig will thank you for it.....
  10. [quote name='MiltyG565' timestamp='1362647679' post='2002535'] If money was no object, i would go all out on the recording gear. And also pay somebody to come and teach me how to use it all But as it stands, i'll just stick to the home hobbyist equipment for now. [/quote] Heh if money were not object I'd have myself my own [url="http://www.miraverse.com/"]Manifold Studios[/url] And I'd be officially the happiest man alive
  11. Love RME myself, best drivers bar none at any price. USB so equally useful Mac or PC (and as fast or faster than Firewire since RME roll their own USB chipset too). Stunning kit, huge persoanl favourite....
  12. I've seen a couple of bands off BC, Kit Richardson (with Monsieur Nige on the bass guitar looking dapper as hell behind his shiny chrome bangstick) who both times I saw them were superb, and the phangtastic Dick Venom with Mr BigRedX on bass, who were absolutely awesome too, more energy than a thermite reaction. I'd get out and seee more bands if I could, but I'm a terribly old middle aged fart and am constantly busy or knackered, which is a rubbish excuse but its all I've got. I would love to see a few more people find the time to listen and comment on the mix competition, and offer up their tracked stems for [s]butchery[/s] mixing by us, but this isnt wannabesoundengineerchat after all and some people may (mistakenly) feel they arent really qualified to comment so much. The Bass Bashes have been great fun (I've been to plenty now) lovely people, lovely gear (some idiot banging on about compressors all the time though) and not too much slapping at all that I've noticed....
  13. Yup problem identified. No way is that going to work live. Its not a wavelength or acoustics thing, we are talking about you being a few feet from the cab after all, its a Fletcher-Munsen curves thing. We hear mids best, when things get really really loud are ears try to save themselves there are muscles that contract to limit the amount of sound bearing down on the old ear drums. With no mids (how can you make out any notes that your playing?? Its beyond me!) you are giving yourself no chance of hearing your bass. Furthermore you are presenting the soudn guy with the nightmare of massive bass spill into every mic on stage, yes he can filter it on a lot of mics but no tthe kick drum for instance, or too much on the guitar without castrating that too. The FOH guy will eq the signal he gets however he likes, if out front the punters love it its not much to do with how you set the rig up on stage. Its all about the knob twiddler behind the desk. If hes good and knows the venue and kit then the result will be great, if he isnt then.....
  14. [quote name='MiltyG565' timestamp='1362626527' post='2002424'] This would do what i want alright, wouldn't it? Would love to get that Apogee Duet, but got to balance the quality with the cost unfortunately http://www.thomann.de/gb/motu_4_pre.htm [/quote] That's the sort of thing yes. Check s few reviews to make sure the drivers are good for the platform you have (Mac or PC) Most people with MOTU kit love it right up until they try Apogee or RME ;D
  15. 24 bit would be nice But whatever it was recorded at is the best way forward....
  16. A zip is a means of stoting am transmitting files I'm happy either way
  17. Perceived "Ooomph" is generally low mid. It sounds like you are descibing a severe lack of lower mid frequencies in your sound. But I may be wrong.....
  18. Yeah keep the snares seperate for definite!
  19. Well I reckon Sapere Aude at the moment, not too long, plenty going on, lots of dynamics and textures, and a fine vocal performance to boot, with just a hint of Mr Shout McShout, last years winner of the internationally recognised "I'm a shouty b****rd me" competition.
  20. No I think its about time we had a go at something a little more heavy, we've done a reggae track and an indie-pop-rock track, both were great to mix with a bunch if nasty issues to get around. Something that needs to peel back peoples ears a bit would be cool, and next time hopefully we'll get something more dance orientated, or some electronica, or even some straight ahead jazz. Good mixers are good whatever the genre they are presented with....
  21. ooooh shouty shouty angry angry, he needs to have a sit down and a cup of tea doesnt he
  22. Thats my afternoon's listening sorted then
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