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Everything posted by 51m0n

  1. And for me the GS112 is way too scooped Horses for courses you see...
  2. [quote name='charic' timestamp='1358430406' post='1938964'] The original link is working for me (unless you've just altered it?) [/quote] OldG has replaced his original mix, nothing to do with me other than the moaning
  3. Furthermore you've removed the original and now peopl ecant hear what you had there in order to vote on it
  4. Hmmm, I am pretty sure that as a sanity check I opened every one when I built the poll. How tedious!
  5. That link isnt working, it requires people to log on to soundcloud....
  6. If you want to be able to 'do it properly' that Alesis doohicky isnt even close to as expensive as its going to get. The current "best of the best" interface for an iPad is the RME UCX. Incredible bit of kit, and way beyond what you need, being the only interface for an iPad currently that has 8 ins and outs (full USB2.0 complient connectivity in other words, all the rest dont), but it is what it is...
  7. No one else ready to vote? All you need do is have a listen to each track off soundcloud and choose your favourite........ Go on!
  8. Still digging the exceptional Zainichi Funk:- [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y5umJNq3PhU[/media]
  9. [quote name='chris_b' timestamp='1358369200' post='1938091'] Stop thinking...... drive to Bassdirect and try the cabs out. Mark is very helpful. [/quote] +1 Take your wallet!
  10. Well as tempting as that is they are pretty rock solid, so I dont think so as it goes, ta
  11. I think that looks excellent - especially the DIY bit, creative bit of business strategy that, you have no idea how many times I've done a bit of sly tracking in an at best halfway decent sounding rehearsal room to help friends out etc etc, knowing the room is going to sound excellent wouldnt half help!
  12. [quote name='neptunehealer' timestamp='1358344664' post='1937343'] Another thing, i can never hear any slap i do in the mix, it always thins out and goes very quiet. Does the blame lie with my 4x10 Laney cab? [/quote] That could be a whole bunch of things. I used to suffer this with slapping as well a bit: I had a Laney rig years ago, a G300 and two 410s, it was heavy, but worked I guess, but it isnt the Laney cab thats doing this I think. I've found that getting a reasonable tone and volume when going to and from fingerstyle and slap is a lot to do with your eq habits. I find that with slapping the low end of the note is more in the low mid region of the frequency spectrum, whilst with fingerstyle its deeper. This means that if I eq the typical slap sound (all scooped mids and what have you) then in a mix when you go fingerstyle you get way to much low end. If you eq for a fingerstyle solo sound (scoop out the low mid mud) then when you go to slap it just looses all its punch. I now eq in a tiny bit of low end, to extend the bottom off my bass/rig just a bit, and often boost a little low mid as well, the high mid gets a tiny cut if I want to sound big and smooth, and the treble is flat unless my strings are truly shot (which I dont let happen). Anything like a smiley face eq is going to wreck your ability to hear bass in a mix, if you dont like the sound of your bass pretty flat then you need a differnt instrumetn, because if you are eqing heavily to get 'your sound' for one technique it tends (IME) to adversely affect the sound when you change to a different technique. The only other thing I always have going on is some carefully set up transparent compression, which can also hel pto keep the bass nice and up front in the mix. Moving up to a BF 212T or similar quality cab is going to really really help you to no tneed so much EQ IMO.
  13. Recently bought a new pair of headphones to go with my venerable Sennheiser HD595s (which are frankly worn out, the top end doesnt extend as far as it once did, and I've worn them for about 7 hours a day, 5 days a week since about 2001, they are truly knackered!). Having had a look around, and being a total cheapskate I went for some Studiospares M1000s. Initially thoughts on getting the box delivered was "What the heck is this" it turned up next day on very reasonable postage and packing charges. They come in a carry case (nicely done) with an extra pair of the muff bits (do the ones it came with wear out really quickly or not??) and a really nice cable (that detaches in a fairly standard way from the cans themselves). The cans themselves certainly look the part, very solid construction, you wouldnt think they were £60 new, thats for sure. The headband is pretty tight on my head, but all the reviews seem to think this will ease off over time to end up very comfy. They are very nicely padded though and give a huge sense of isolation over the sennheisers (which are open backed, the M1000s are closed backed, so this is only to be expected). They also dont leak at all, at even quite loud volumes, which will be great for tracking mic'ed up 'stuff'. The sound is pin sharp without being too trebly, however they are at present somewhat light in the bottom octave or two, there is a definite roll off down there (especially compared to the sennheisers). However, if I run some 25Hz through them for a while they open up in the low end significantly, so it may well be a case that they just need some time to really wear in. I certainly hope so, as I do love to have that bottom octave right there. The drivers can produce these frequencies fine (a little eqing does wonders) but I'd prefer them to not need it. I intend to use them for tracking stuff at home mainly (although they will be fine for location recording too) and have been using the RME UCX to drive them exclusively - its headphone out is superb, so if they didnt sound great off that then they would have been gash. Certainly good value for rmoney though, and if they last as well as they look like they should I shall be using them for years...
  14. Just make sure that the shock mount will accept that size mic. Studiospares are pretty good though, phone them and ask them to recommend you one if you arent sure...
  15. Yeah, and I'm well into punch, punch and more punch rather than big deep bass, and yet I'm still tearing down walls in the rehearsal room. Part of it is the sound is still so damned great off my rig at that volume that everyone enjoys it (its clean as a whistle unless I add fx, just loaded with yumminess if you know what I mean ). Never had to be this loud in the covers band I was in, and I was up against a hamond as well there, and percussion, and a really loud (if he was allowed to) guitarist, and the loudest drummer I've ever worked with - it was blues/soul covers mainly....
  16. Janek Gwizdala's free albums (well a couple of them), rather good really, bit solotastic, but not nearly as full tilt in yer face jazzgasmic as I was expecting....
  17. I've had a few rejections, in genres I prefer too. But for some really weird reasons - my favourite was I didnt play a Fender so obviously wasnt really into funk (wtf??) Don't worry about it (although it is hard not too!), hasnt stopped me ending up in the best band I've ever been in at the moment
  18. Its funny hearing people say they can run their rig at 3 on the dial or whatever and it fitst the mix though. I think that is massively genre dependant. And rock and punk arent the most demanding genres for bass at all IME, As long as you have some nice grind going on - be it from some kind of overdriveyness or just bright strings hit hard with a pick to push the pups and pres nicely - then you can cut into a rock/punk mix without massive level, even with a pretty massive drummer. However even in my band - which is a three piece with a very dynamic drummer, he can play at whisper level and still groove like mad (never ever met a drummer who could do that anywhere near as convincingly, he is a real eye openeer) right up to road work volumes) I always end up with my rig at real war volumes in rehearsal, and I stand right in fornt of it with it stood on another 410. Its not a quiet cab, its not a quiet amp, its just the rest of the band want to hear more bass (always) which is kinda cool, but I would think maybe a little unusual? I mean its genuinely LOUD in there (ear plugs are [i]required[/i]), but it doesnt half feel good when you let rip and can feel it in your chest and your eyes wobble a bit Still sounds fantastic on the rehearsal recordings we do so I'm not worrying, just enjoying it - I certainly wouldnt need to be louder on a gig though!
  19. A few compressor pedals that arent the average ones would be cool:- Cali76 (w. transformer) Effectrode PC-2a Joemeek FloorQ Empress Effects compressor All top quality items you never ever ever see in actual shops.....
  20. [quote name='Skol303' timestamp='1358271570' post='1936096'] Ooh, a spoiler button! Now that is neat. I'm going to resist clicking it until I've re-listened to them all voted myself. But buttons are very tempting, especially one marked 'spoiler'. Must. Resist. Pressing. Button... Ok I'm outta here before my willpower fails Nice idea though, Charic. I'll jot down some notes myself and post them once I'm done. PS: when does the voting end? [/quote] Hehe yeah I keep having to drag my mouse off that button too I havent voted yet, I'm waiting for some "special alone time" to get busy with them all. However I want to listen to them on the big speakers and that means waiting for everyone to be out (for their sanity if nothing else). I want to hear how everyone dealt with the bass end of things as well as the top end, and my new headphones are a little bass shy at the moment (pumping 25Hz into them for an hour helps to get them going a bit better, but I'm pretty sure the cold isnt helping the new drivers to loosen up at all). I'm not sure when we'll end the voting, some time in the last week of Jan I huess to give the winner time to choose their favourite track from butlerk02's bands new album, and for him to get the stems up on line for download. I just had a really evil idea for a track to get everyone to have a go at, but its not mine, I would need permission, and some people's machines and heads may get fried just trying to render it - plus I've already mixed it so it wouldnt exactly be fair
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