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Everything posted by 51m0n

  1. [quote name='4 Strings' timestamp='1357570753' post='1924636'] Is it to do with our ever higher speed of life? Gone are the days in my life when I stretched back in the apex of the speaker set up and enjoyed an hour or so of listening to music. I probably listen to more music nowadays but its Spotify to accompany my work and MP3s in the car/ipod etc. More but less quality. With so much [b]compression [/b]on modern 'recordings' there's less benefit in a lovely sound system compared to recordings such as the Dave Brubeck album mentioned earlier. [/quote] Which type of compression are you talking about here, data compression or audio? I think a lot of music is mastered in a far too loud for louds sake (by which I mean technically a higher average level to peak level ratio, with the peak level at or fractionally below 0dBFs) achieved by various devices (compressors to a degree, but the real culpit is pushing into a brickwall limiter too hard). This is a small part of the mastering process, and has nothing to do with compression as used during tracking/mixing. However if you harken back to the grand all analogue days of big consoles in big studios with big tape decks, then compression was on every single track in the form of tape compression, which sounds lovely on drums, vocals - well, everything There isnt more compression generally these days, there si too much of the wrong compression in the wrong place IMO. Its a terrible shame too, and it has ruined hifi for a generation, left us in a world where people dont experience decent qualtiy playback at all for the majority if not the entirety of their lives, and at least in part given the poor old CD a terrible terrible name for itself.
  2. Mp3s are good for what they were originally designed for, small file size at the expense of lower quality. So good that they have become ubiquitous. Oggs are open source and present a slightly better result in terms of fidelity for the same file size. Given the recent demand from the Mp3 people to some manufacturer (sorry this was pre Christmas) regarding licensing fees they felt they should be paid we may start to hear more about oggs if that continues... I cant really hear the difference between a 320kbps mp3 (or evquivalent ogg) and CD anywhere where I would be likely to use an mp3 anyway (ie on headphones or in the car - my car is noisey as hell I'm afraid). BigRedX is bang on about studio cabling, there are kilometers of cable in a serious studio, its there for audio, and digital data, it is good quality not daftly expensive cable with appropriate quality connectors. The reason why hifi connectors are huge jump from the standard ones shipped in the cardboard box with seperates is simply that the one in the box is utter gash. Klotz cable, neutriks connectors, good enough for Abbey Road, good enough for me.... I've recently (over christmas) been ripping some tapes (stuff that isnt available any other way I hasten to add) via my RME UCX, they sound absolutely crap. Some are what was considered very high quality cassette at the time, recorded at good levels for tape, with appropriate efforts at noise reduction. They are the ones that are just about listenable. Its not just the hiss, its the print through as well. The rest are going to end up being binned. Higher sample rate mp3 absolutely blows cassette away for sound quality. Not so reel to reel (even quarter inch), but cassettes sucked. And that is including trying a variety of software hiss removal tools to see if the situation could be meaningfully improved - it can, a bit, but the downside is artifacts that rival those of a poor quality mp3. Oh and there is nothing wrong with the tape deck being used, it is reproducing the hiss that is on the tape, not inventing it . Given the quality of cassette tape I dont think most people were ever that bothered about quality then I'm not going to get drawn back into another pointless digital versus analogue discussion, but I do think that people in general are probably spending as much on media devices as they ever did, its just that the devices in question are now far smaller (including the speakers), since that is what the market demands in general,;until you get into the small percentage of people willing to blow over a couple of grand on a hifi - who are willing to make serious sacrifices in space for sound quality. And if you have small speakers and a little amp the sound quality is going to be rubbish. There was a recent piece on the Gadget show for ipod docks, and they were getting completely over excited about the sound quality of a tiny little box that could not possibly have been anything remotely stereo, let alone hifi, they trotted out all the usual gash phrases from the marketing blurb and clearly havent been in a room with serious audio reproduction kit for far too long. Its a shame, but there you go...
  3. I'll leave it another week then before attempting to turn this into a poll (and no doubt cocking it up - anyone got any advice so as not to balls it up, or is it [i]very [/i]obvIous?) I have no problems with people submitting revisions to their mix, or even whole new second mixes if you want. Go for it, but lets say submissions in by Monday 14th, and I'll do the poll thing that evening? Remember whatever else happens you have to be prepared to spill the beans on what you did, and how you did it or you cant 'win' that way we can all learn something
  4. Oh bum, got to work and realised I've left my headphones at home so I wont be able to spend the day comparing all the mixes so far. Knickers! Is there anyone else looking to drop a mix in here or shall I set up the poll with what we have?
  5. Won't the little cages vibrate sympathetically too? Or are they under a great deal of tension from the weight of the rocks?? Never built a stone room myself so I have no idea what the result should be, but I'd expect a long bright diffuse reverb for the room size. Is that even close to your expectation??
  6. Yeah, I know listening back that snare is properly in your face isnt it I still like it there, it adds a nice character I think. Then again I rather wish I'd pulled the djembe up a tad having listened to yours. Mix envy, its a killer!
  7. Yeah, have a read of my blog post on compressors when you get it, it should help (I hope!) http://blog.basschat.co.uk/setting-up-a-compressor/
  8. [quote name='butlerk02' timestamp='1357167204' post='1918692'] Right then, still not 100% happy with this so comments are welcome : ) [url="https://soundcloud.com/butlerk02/redstriper-1"]https://soundcloud.c...02/redstriper-1[/url] [/quote] Heh, this is very different from mine Much more emphasis on the percussion than I have, love the way everyone hears it differently! I think its all a bit crowded down the middle if I'm going to be something of a harsh critic, and the drums are a bit lost compared to the percussion maybe? Not a bad effort at all though, that reverb on the lead vocal is a bit roomy for my liking too. But then everyone may well prefer yours to mine anyway, so it could be exactly right and I'm completely talking out of my bum! Mine is here:- [url="https://soundcloud.com/51m0n-1/no-2nd-chance/s-6Tbvx"]https://soundcloud.c...-chance/s-6Tbvx[/url] Feel free to rip it to bits Oh and just to add this was done with Reaper, using Reaper's own built in fx and a few other vsts* (all of them free) plus some freely available reverb I.R.s. Total software outlay of $60 then * Bootsy's Variety of Sound VSTs are as good as anything I've heard, they really really help to make a mix 'pop' for me. The inbuilt Reaper compressor is almost the single most underated compressor on the planet IMO, similarly the Reaper EQ is pretty much perfect for any kind of general EQing I need. I use a few other Compressors, EQs and Reverbs: mainly though not exclusively from Bootsy, I used to use SIR for convolution reverbs but dont anymore as it doesn't play at all nice in a 64bit environment - so now I use Reaverb instead, which is excellent, although the interface isnt as nice as the SIR one. Convolution reverbs sound great but they arent the absolute be all and end all, there are some great free algorithmic reverbs, EpicVerb from Bootsy, Ambience, Glaceverb and the TAL reverbs (esp TAL II which is a really nice Plate reverb). All of which tend to be lighter on the old CPU than a convolution reverb is.
  9. [quote name='butlerk02' timestamp='1357167204' post='1918692'] Right then, still not 100% happy with this so comments are welcome : ) [url="https://soundcloud.com/butlerk02/redstriper-1"]https://soundcloud.c...02/redstriper-1[/url] [/quote] Will try and get a listen to this this evening, about to finish doing dinner wight now. Mine still needs a bit of work, but its getting there...
  10. Reaper isn't free, its $60. It is certainly a full featured decent DAW for audio work (it lacks for video and notation, and some people find it misses out some mroe esoteric MIDI stuff). If you are doing demo's, or full albums, and are concerned with the audio side first, then it will be fine. A great 8 channel (expandable to 24 ) interface is the Steinberg UR824 - decent mic pres, pretty good drivers. It may not seem cheap but it is a massive amount of useable kit for the money. If you need a couple of channels and are PC based then the pick of the bunch IMO is the RME Babyface - but it isn't cheap, MOTU interfaces are good, Focusrite Scarlet are OK, M-Audio can be useable. You get what you pay for though most of the time though....
  11. It will cover far more than just bass, and its good metering will mean you will have a great tool for educating yourself, and your ears to comperssion. Enjoy it!
  12. Post it when you're ready I intend to indulge in large quantaties of exceedingly good food before I consider posting anything at all
  13. [quote name='KingBollock' timestamp='1356019458' post='1905832'] Anyone know anything about the Alesis 3632 Dual Channel Compressor/Limiter/Gate? [url="http://www.alesis.com/3632compressor"]http://www.alesis.com/3632compressor[/url] It's £99 and a 1u rack unit. I was thinking about it for Bass but also to hook up to my mixer for recording and PA. Is it any good? Would I be better off going for one dedicated to Bass? [/quote] Perfectly adequate for live. Recording, well, its a bottom of the range compressor. It will work fine, it shouldnt be too noisy, it wont reek of mystical mojo, but if you know what you're doing it should ok. Plus points - it has great metering (the importance of which is not to be underestimated at all)
  14. [quote name='leroydiamond' timestamp='1356196422' post='1907881'] Sexy looking turntable, but does it not belong in the rubbish bin along with my linn sondek?. To do otherwise is simply not in the interest of Science (Out of curiosity what brand of turntable is it) [/quote] Heh, oh give over If you like your gramophone you don't have to put it in the bin, consider it an heirloom or something, a bit like an ear trumpet
  15. Thats fantastic, thanks for sharing...
  16. Holy cow! Sounds just like normal vinyl too
  17. Whatever... Whose for clotted cream?
  18. [quote name='Big_Stu' timestamp='1356027856' post='1906031'] .......... and again, in the same way that I defied you to find any place where I said my system was at it's best, I defy you to find where I said that. You should recognise that you've lost it when you have to make up what someone is alleged to have said & then make sarcastic replies to it. I would strongly suggest you follow your own advice in your last sentence. [/quote] I defy [i]you [/i]to say where [i]I [/i]said what you did or did not believe, Ooooh touche, two can play at the game nah-nah-na-nahh-nahhhh. I said[b] [i]if[/i][/b] [i]you believe that[/i]. Which actually is quite different . Mmmmm I can smell the vinyl warmth from here, its a bit like brussel sprouts Carry on....
  19. 51m0n

    dca and vcas

    Another difference IIRC is that with a VCA if you drop the level of the VCA you also drop the level of all the sends associated with the channels associated with it it. If you drop the level of a group then the sends on the individual tracks dotn drop and you (for instance) are left with just the reverbs of those tracks. The wet balance off the auxes is not controlled by the group fader. Which can be a right PITA! Is that right Monckyman? I don't have much call for them mixing ITB all the time I tend to create subfolders with extra channels within the tracks for the aux sends, which works how I want but takes a lot of time (bah humbug)
  20. [quote name='Leonard Smalls' timestamp='1356028280' post='1906036'] Sheer fluke? We spent ages looking for the right house - the Mrs didn't quite understand what I was doing in certain rooms with a tape measure and calculator! Not sad at all, me! [/quote] Genius
  21. [quote name='Leonard Smalls' timestamp='1356026735' post='1906015'] [url="http://www.6moons.com/audioreviews/3tweaks/1.html"]Possibly not![/url] [/quote] Holy s*** Batman.... W T F !!
  22. [quote name='Big_Stu' timestamp='1356025942' post='1906001'] That is the most infantile cop-out I have ever read on this entire forum. Come on, you can do better than that - try again........... Well that pretty much screws up any car reviews you might read. Any BMW, Porsche or any other car for that matter that hasn't been tuned to perfection, any limiters removed & driven under absolutely perfect weather conditions can't be given a worthy comparison worth reading and all those drivers are going to be cruising along thinking "It's crap this car, it's so flawed". It must be great being you, living on such a perfect different planet. [/quote] Its not a cop out, its what was said, you took it to mean a direct pop at you, it wasnt; in the context of the page a lot of people were talking about far higher figures than that (£20k turntables ffs!). You really do have an issue about this dont you.... What the f*** have car reviews got to do with it?? Its nothing to do with living on a perfect planet BS, its about not talking bs. Which is difficult of you base your opinions on subjective observations that are predicatably flawed.It was not a personal vendetta, although you have done an ace job of turning it into one in your head ..... Look if you dont accept that the acoustics of the room have anything to do with it you [b][i]are[/i][/b] a nutter, delusion, incapable of rational thought and in all likelihood in need of some time alone in the little room with the white coat. And yes, that [b][i]is[/i][/b] pointed directly at you, and anyone else who thinks the same way.... [quote name='Leonard Smalls' timestamp='1356026042' post='1906002'] That would be me, as my system was quite a bit more than that However, just because a room is largely untreated doesn't necessarily mean it's acoustically poor. My system sounds quite a bit better than a lot of studio control rooms I've worked in, despite them being treated. All those large hard surfaces most certainly don't help. My room has no parallel walls (even the ceiling isn't parallel to the floor!), they're horsehair and lime plastered - which is quite sound absorbing - plus judicious use of soft furnishings in the right places can work wonders. [/quote] Yes, but as you well know being lucky enough to have a room with all non-parallel walls etc etc is very equivalent to the design of many decent control rooms, you are a big jump ahead of the crowd there, and arent in a 'normal living room' at all then. Makes a lot of sense now. Especially if by sheer luck you also happen to have a room that doesnt have dimensions that work together to create nasty peaks and nulls. By sheer fluke - lucky git! I've been in some really dire sounding control rooms too, usually 'designed' by people who didnt really understand the concepts they were trying to work to (be they Live End Dead End, Reflection Free Zone, Early Sound Scattering or whatever) most often by either as you suggest the great big console reflecting sound nastily alongside huge racks of gear and also more often than not making a mistake with dimesnions to cause some really nasty peaks and nulls. They arent all great rooms! Bad rooms dont create mixes that translate well.
  23. [quote name='flyfisher' timestamp='1356025164' post='1905977'] Me too. In fact, these sorts of discussions are always better when people provide background facts/references to back up their points. Meanwhile, the pathetic attempts to calm things down by diverting our thoughts towards custard/cream/ice-cream/parsnips/whatever have completely overlooked possibly the biggest culinary controversey at this time of year. . . . namely: Brussels sprouts - yes or no? [/quote] Only with decent gravy. But I warn you now, you will regret it.....
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