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Everything posted by clashcityrocker

  1. [quote name='3below' timestamp='1358035348' post='1932312'] My Fenders (1990s guitars) x3 are all well built, two are flawless, one has paint sinkage at 22 years. QC might be variable, I chose what I spent my money on. Build quality on most instruments has moved on leaps and bounds, these days I just evaluate a bass or guitar for what it is, not the decal / inlay on headstock. Case in hand, I have a Peavey milestone iii bass. Alder body, maple neck and better bridge than std precision. Apart from indifferent pickups it is a great bass. Is a USA 'name' bass 6x better at 6x price?, will I play 6x better? For the record I am not 'Fenderphile', current bass of choice is a Chinese job (£150), better built than my two USA 'vintage' basses, plays far better as well. [/quote] There is just something about fenders though,you must admit. Which ever bass I play and own I think I will always want at least one fender, there is something iconic about them personally.
  2. [quote name='JapanAxe' timestamp='1358002722' post='1931661'] There are 2 used Deluxe Precisions (like this but different colours) in stock at [url="http://bassdirect.co.uk"]Bass Direct[/url] (just outside Warwick - not too far from you I guess) at the moment. [/quote] cheers for that mate, unfortunatley (for me) they are USA made so abit out of my price range thanks though
  3. The web page must be MIM. I know its what it plays like etc but if I brought online and the bass turned up with that gap,it would be sent straight back,for 665£ it just isn't hood enough. Will definatley get my local music shop to order one in,I take it there is still no obligation to buy if they do that?
  4. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1357988006' post='1931336'] I'm not trying to defend Fender's QC or anything, but I wouldn't buy a bass on the strength of this pic, whether it seems good or bad. It's obviously been so processed, airbrushed and Photoshopped that it could well be made up from various separate graphic components and not be a picture of an existing bass at all! Look at it! It seems to be hovering in mid-air. In my experience Fenders are a bit heavier than that! [/quote] That is good point well made, when buying stuff it does always look better when hovering, especially when the bottom of the body has a flat line where is was obviously laid on something. I think I could take better photos with my HTC phone while seriously drunk
  5. So after reading lots on here about fender qc, and personally only seeming to have had 'good' ones, this worries me a little http://www.fender.com/series/deluxe/deluxe-active-p-bass-special-maple-fingerboard-blizzard-pearl-1-ply-beveled-gold-vinyl-pickguard/ Is it just me or can everyone else see the massive gap in the top of the neck pocket? If the one bass you use for your own shots has that Qc I'm quite worried about buying one to be honest. Problem is these deluxe actives never come up second hand and no where near me stocks them, kind of don't wanna buy blind now
  6. http://www.gumtree.com/p/for-sale/fender-precision-bass-made-in-japan/1006694908 Gotta be worth a look to see if it is cij.
  7. [quote name='bassman344' timestamp='1357645053' post='1925766'] , but anything with Sterling on it that I have played in shops feels strangely light and underpowered compared to the SR and this first SUB I owned. [/quote] I hope you don't mean the actually MM Sterling?! ;-) cuz I have one and they are the dogs nads. I do know what you mean though,I think once you have had a taste of the 'real deal' its hard to appreciate lower end stuff. Lots of places are doing 0% finance (if your under 25 the take it away scheme is brilliant) now so if that's your thing,a 'proper' MM could only be a phone call away. Get a MM sterling though!
  8. And the sterling ray34 CA is active with a sterling (jazz) neck so looks to be a winner all round in my opinion. Damm maybe I should have brought that one for sale
  9. I played for a few weeks ago,seemed good for the money, neck felt abit cheap but I have a MM so I guess I was comparing it to that,which was 4 times the price.I think the sterling ray34,still I lower end MM but higher than the sub series (confused anyone) may be a better option if you could stretch to it.was a super nice sunburst one on here for £400 a month or so ago
  10. It's pretty whatever it is. Very punk!
  11. Better late than never,here's mine,brought new last Feb [IMG]http://i1092.photobucket.com/albums/i416/me_and_the_bastards/IMAG0992.jpg[/IMG]
  12. Dooooo iittt! Need a big house though,which I don't have [IMG]http://i1092.photobucket.com/albums/i416/me_and_the_bastards/IMAG0648.jpg[/IMG]
  13. I know the 810 is 4 sealed chambers in one,its heavy but not too bad. Also the handles are above half way up the side so for my height ay 6ft its awkward to lift on my own,could do with being just below half way up. I'm not sure how the other cabs are constructed
  14. Im currently borrowing a Squier classic vibe jazz,its built better than both my old Mexican Ps, stick some decent pick ups and I can't see a USA jazz being muuucchhh better. But then again iv never played one so I may be way off the mark
  15. I have a hydrive 810,to go with my lh1000. Sadly I'm not playing arenas but was cheap and I have a pick up to cart it about. It is lovely yes, always have my eye out for a 115 for smaller stuff. Had a drunken idea once to make the 810 into a 610 and a 210 but realised this probably couldn't be done. But yeah seriousley good cabs,and with all that power to boot I have no probs with people using it at gigs. Simon
  16. Very nice. What's the neck profile like,jazz size?
  17. Always wondered how one of these would sound compared to a normal jazz,not understanding pick ups n all
  18. [quote name='warwickhunt' timestamp='1356977509' post='1916013'] No, only the very first JVs had the large Fender/small Squier logo (other than the non-export Fender/Squier from that period); JV's 'generally' have the small Fender logo. <edit> Oh and out of principle I wouldn't buy a Squier from someone who couldn't spell it correctly in their title. [/quote] It does wind me up the amount of people that spell it wrong although I hope to one day find a gem on eBay that no one else notices cuz iv searched 'squire'. I suspect that day will never come. Nice bass although I thought 90s Squiers were Korean
  19. [quote name='KiOgon' timestamp='1356976621' post='1915989'] Err? Your link goes to an ebay page of 150 Squier Jazz Basses? Any one in particular? Now it doesn't!! Probably me or my steam powered PC do you mean the white one? [/quote] No it was me,I quickly edited it. Was just wondering which ones got a jv serial and why
  20. Is this biggest bargain ever.? http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/1980s-JAPAN-OLYMPIC-WHITE-FENDER-SQUIRE-JAZZ-BASS-MIJ-WITH-TWEED-CASE-PRECISION-/160947080552?pt=Guitar&hash=item2579318d68
  21. Now that is nice,heard many good things about the necks on these. Really need to try one,if I wasn't broke. Glws
  22. Hey there am looking for a white jazz and came across this http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/110993385164?ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1423.l2649 It's a 95 Japanese jazz, what appears to be a 62 're issue. 275 quid plus 80 shipping,, any idea on taxes? I have heard Japan fenders are meant to be really good Cheers Simon
  23. I had a 50s P was a really nice bass but worth noting the neck was pretty fat, and a light sand of the glossy lacquer definitely made it alto quicker. Mine was black black maple, and that never looks bad imo
  24. What an absolute bargain.do you know if the neck pocket is fender ish size? I have a mighty might neck that would look nice on this
  25. There is a seriously nice JV squier jazz from 83 just listed in the for sale section, she is a beaut
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