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Everything posted by clashcityrocker

  1. £285 for combo,this is cheap as chips,the driver alone was £140! Got my new cab on route so need this gone!
  2. I'm flogging the EVO 2 version of this combo (£300) :-). No other reason than I returned back to hartke. Paired with my abm 2x10 would say they are plenty loud enough for most places,even without DI'ing it (dont know why you wouldn't) Si
  3. You up for selling just the cab alone,how much collected?cheers dude Si
  4. Just had a quick tweek of the rod and she is perfect again,will keep my eye on it. Thanks all for the super quick replies, extremely helpful as always Si
  5. Hi all,so after getting my bass out,EBMM sterling, for the first time in a week,I have noticed the neck seems to have 'moved' slightly. The first 3 frets on the D and G strings buzz like buggery (was perfect before,only 4 months old you see),she is kept in her hard case in the understairs cupboard,which none of the walls are outside walls. Could this be damp what with all the wet weather? Any help would be sweet, gunna take her to get the truss rod adjusted (i swore I wouldn't mess around myself when I got it) Cheers guys Si
  6. Weekly bump,combo £300 to you lovely bass'chatters Si
  7. I switched to a hl1000 for the simplicity,love it. And now stuggling to sell my abm kit,the market seems dead,just don't let it go for peanuts as these are awesome amps Bump on me Si
  8. [quote name='vax2002' timestamp='1335513622' post='1632315'] MAN calm down Bro..... Its only a Bass thats fallen over, if you did not put your stand on my mic cable, when I'm packing up......What you staring at me like that for ? [/quote] yeah i love it when you come back running from the bar with beer in hand as you have 5 seconds before you play and you get the 'might wanna check the tuning as your bass fell over'!!
  9. I used to have one,very good quality bass,but then I brought a MM sterling and it was resigned to the wardrobe I'm afraid....and then sold. Definatley good basses if you want a P,just couldnt hack the neck after the Sterling Si
  10. 'You will love this simon,its in E' (meaning standard tuning,as apparently the tuning denotes the key!) Damm bloody pop punk guitatists writing EVERY song in D!!!
  11. I'm trying to sell my abm combo and cab on eBay (after no luck on here) got it on a 'best offer' and not a scratch so far after two weeks. Also think the problem maybe loads of ashdown stuff floating about for sale,too much choice. But saying that seen mint 1000 pound (new) cabs not selling at 350,its a buyers market for sure Simon
  12. 40kgs?! That is crazy,my ashdown 2x10 is 29kgs! If only the lady friend would realise it may be waaaaay too big for our living room,but won't leave a bad imprint on the carpet...... Bumpage
  13. Having owned (and trying to sell ) an EVO 2 combo,I think they are very versatile amps,the sub and valve drive are awesome. As for volume I ran it with a 2x10 cab (combo was is 1x15) and I was fine, mostly at 300+ venues and it performed really well. I did find the input/output knobs a tad annoying....have ended up going for a lh1000 now,super simple and as loud as I will ever need. Never used an Orange so can't compare though Si
  14. Love that paint job! I'm after a 6x10,although one thing puzzles me....why do people make cabs in 6ohms?! Surely most amps operate best at 4ohms? Si
  15. Ashdown ABM 1x15 (uprated Eminence 400w driver) 575watt combo? Currently for sale at 350 with custom head box should you wanna have it as head/cab. think it's around 400w at 8ohms so very giggable! Si
  16. 250 quid!? That's a damm good deal,I'm after a cab let me do some research..... Si
  17. [quote name='JayPH' timestamp='1334963950' post='1624283'] Would prefer a head and cabs but might be interested if the price is right. Going to take icastles advice and try one when i go to pmt next week to see if i like the ashdown sound. Will talk to you next week. cheers [/quote] No worries,I have actually made a head box so it is a head and cab atm but can easily become a combo again. Let me know Si
  18. I would agree,more likely it will be fine for some gigs but there will come a time when its restricting you. Not to be cheeky but I am selling my abm 575w combo and 2x10, listening to offers..... Anyway I think for the size similarities,500 would be safer,and the abm is thought to be quite abit better than mag
  19. Ha ha that is damm convincing! I have no idea what to say back to that,you win...but.....loading into a small car?now answer that one! Si
  20. No bertbass tell me no! I need the voice of reason not 'i want a massive cab cuz it looks damm cool'!! ohh but it does look sooo cool
  21. I only ask as there is a Workingman 8x10 on eBay for less than I was gunna pay for a hydrive 410 new,obviously massive and stupid but I'm on a budget and an 8x10 with my hartke lh1000 should see me for life(!) It's got eminence speakers fitted so may mess the sound but its a hell of a lot lighter than most 810s. Tell me I shouldnt! Si
  22. As above really,I don't know anything about them,they any good? Cheers Simon
  23. If my car wasn't 30 years old with 4 gears I may of considered it! Although.....was bored and looked into a courier,only 50 odd quid.....bump for that mate Si
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