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Everything posted by clashcityrocker

  1. seen and heard (brought the 2x10) this rig today, all in great condition as described and sounding great, nice chap too! simon
  2. Hi mate,where are you based? On my phone so can't see the side bar bit Cheers Si
  3. i have a 575watt AGM ashdown combo and was looking for a 2x10 to run with it, would 300watts be enough as its a 575watt 'head'? amps and wattages confuse me! also is this 8ohm? cheers mate si
  4. Would be interested in a swap for a 4x10 or 2x10 cab, to go with my ashdown combo
  5. i have a 50s re issue, the maple neck is stunning, a real vintage gloss. mine has Basslines so cant say too much about the original sound but its a lovely bass. i also have a standard Mexican (for sale actually ;-) ) and the quality is awesome. iv never played a USA Fender but its hard to see how they can be too much better than my Mexicans si
  6. thanks for all the replies. getting used to the eq now, the treble is so sensitive so i hardly move that from the lowest point (although this is with a little Marshall 30w practice amp). with the pick-up selector all the way the the right,as you look down on it, the slap tone is literally perfection,everything i wanted from getting a Musicman over my p bass. and strap locks fitted now, i used the original screws from the bass as the ones supplied with the locks were less than half the length! many thanks si
  7. hello there, due to buying my dream bass (Musicman Sterling) one of my Precisions has to go so here she is.... 2003 Made in Mexico Fender Precision Serial MZ3176040 White body with Rosewood Fretboard and tort pick guard, Alder body i believe Nearly new Rotosound Flat-Wound strings Mint Gator Hardcase I brought this bass brand new from SoundControl in Milton Keynes in 2004, i picked this one in particular for the dark Rosewood fretboard (not a fan of light rosewood,looks a little cheap imo). the bass is actually pretty mint except a repaired ding on the bottom,this is hard to see and doesnt effect how the bass plays at all. Few tiny scratches on the very bottom but thats being very picky. Plays lovely with the Flat Wounds, nice low action and standard Fender Pick-Ups.Kept safe in a Gator Hardcase (complete with keys). Im looking for £300 firm with the case included, as the case is basically new. Will post for £15 with Interlink as my boss has an account with them Cheers Simon Few pics, please go to [url="http://s1092.photobucket.com/albums/i416/me_and_the_bastards/Fender%20Precision/"]http://s1092.photobu...er%20Precision/[/url] for a whole album
  8. hi all, picked up my dream bass yesterday- a Musicman Sterling 3eq firstly im blown away with the sound, its so versitile! but need to know a few things...... as it has a 3 band EQ on board, do i keep the settings on flat on the amp? and i want to put strap locks on,obviously, but am dubious about messing with her so soon and my guitarists lock ripped out, which i assume bust the thread in his guitar body, really dont want that happening on my new baby! a little pic....... with what seems like the worst camera known to man
  9. many thanks for the help,have it sorted now. yes its a blue one. better get ordering a 4x10 cab, need some 575watt love ( if only my band were playing venues i actually needed that!) si
  10. hey all, spoke to the people at my local music shop and the speaker in my Asdown abm 575watt combo is dead so i was wondering what good replacements were available? iv had a quick look but only found celestions speakers at 400watts. one of the guys there said i should take the head out and try find a rack case for it,and buy a cab for it,what do people think? many thanks simon
  11. i dont suppose it will be,but if its still about on the 3rd of june i will take it,travelling up to see the misses in liverpool then. she is very sexy! (the bass i mean ;-) ) i will be flogging a 2005 50s precision, black/gold/maple too soon if its takes your fancy simon
  12. wow maple fretless looks damm hot mate
  13. hello all,am looking to trade my 2003 MIM Fender Precision in lovely white with gold PG and rosewood neck for either a fender jazz or a classic vibe/vintage modified squier jazz bass. have got 3 P basses now (50s reissue,this one,modded squier) and really want a jazz for this new new project im involved in. cheers Simon [attachment=68288:bass_002.JPG] [attachment=68289:bass_003.JPG]
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