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Everything posted by clashcityrocker

  1. Didn't happen without pics ;-)
  2. Very nice. These are Nitro finish are they not? Roadworn jazz on the cheap here....
  3. Interesting thread. I've got a decent job paying up soon so (obviously) thought I should get a nice jazz. I am thinking jv. How do they compare to late 70s fenders? the 70s always seem to look great,but not sure in QC
  4. Good to see he has backed it up with lots of info proving it! What a joke
  5. That is beautiful
  6. Makes me laugh,I paid 100 this week for one.he must have put an extra 0 on by mistake,if he had attacked it with an orbital sander and hammer it could well reach 800 ;-)
  7. Sorry for thread hijack but what bridge did you put on your t'bird? Mines lifting and glue isn't helping!Thanks Simon
  8. I must say,every time I see this in the thread I have to have another look,very very nice jazz. Sadly I can't justify it at the mo,but have a bump on me
  9. Nice to see a really dark rosewood board.often with cheaper basses you see a light cheap looking rosewood
  10. I saw these earlier. Bit pricey I think and almost as bad as getting a fender t shirt!
  11. Bit off topic but strange how many Sterlings have come up for sale on here in the last few months,never used to be any really. Good to see them selling around the 800 mark,not that I ever wanna sell mine (heard that before)
  12. I agree. I've never really known what to make of schecter,they always look brilliant but never heard about their quality or playability
  13. That precision headstock doesn't look quite right to me,also the nut looks jazz width. I could be totally wrong,it's been a long Monday
  14. Very nice,been after one of these for a while,if I survive Amsterdam this week I'll be in touch
  15. Notice how the word Fender isnt used once. Someone is trying something here....
  16. Careful mate you might damage it photographing it on the concrete,o wait..... I like abit of relicing but this is too far,I think it's the 'kids' buying this stuff up. Bloody hell that makes me feel old
  17. How far from Clapham are you mate?I'm visiting there Sunday and could be very interested Simon
  18. I had an alarm set on my phone for 1.15 five mins before it ended and it was gone at half 11 so he ended early. Someone was obviously too kind and told him it's worth way more, wonder if it will come back up for 600 plus Damm I really want a Roadworn now
  19. I was hoping no one else had noticed this :-/
  20. My old 50s mex P had the most massive neck,which alot of people like,just check it out before you buy blind
  21. Mm sterling,plays amazing and has such tonal control. Looks good too,and everyone says 'ahhh a stringray' - I like telling then it's actually a sterling
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