Right im selling this due to my massive GAS for a Snyth
The RC unit is in prefect working order. It is in a limited orange and yellow colour like some of daves other pedals.
Great Unit.
Links to Pics/ sound bites ect[url="http://www.davehallamps.co.uk/Products,%20VT2-Dual%20Bass%20RM.html"]HERE[/url]
£250 with p&p or trade for MicroKorg, Alesies ect..
Love Timfacexxxxx
Oi Oi
Timface Is doing a project over the summer
New Wave/??? Kind of thing. Based oustide Barnstaple. Love to meet or chat with anyone 16-35... age doesnt really matter
Worked well last time round
[email protected]
ohh sorry guys
I honestly thought it was worth more than this lol!
lol ive just converted dollars to pounds
its £41 lol
Thats hilarious
sorry basschatters!!
I even linked the page to it so i really did not have a clue!
oh well
oh and thanks for the post jebo1 rrrrrrrrreaaal big help.... *cough*
soo errm I duno £30 any1?
this pedal is wierd. there is no way around it..
basically you create a chain and add this to it and it mixes the two effects together in maddness.... oh and it also allows you to control the amount of feedback on your guitar/bass.... very strange
eg I mixed a delay with a reverb and put it into it and it scccreamed at me.. in a nice way
anyway heres a link to picture and write up [url="http://www.tonefactor.com/proddetail.php?prod=M%F6bius"]http://www.tonefactor.com/proddetail.php?prod=M%F6bius[/url]
£70 p&p nnaaaa call it £30ish
Im selling this, dont have the room for it
Good bass
Brill condition
great for practise, Ive never really used it, picked it up for £150
any questions?
P.s I'll throw in the hard case for an extra £50
Yea at the mo I put my ric through a DBX compresser rack mounted and then into a ABM500.. its really tight and clean but i love that "gainish" sound... its not to harsh and overdriven
I really would like a program that would allow me to plug my bass into my PC record it, then use Vst plugins to get the right tone ect.. and if needed then plug a guitar in and put another track down?
Im really liking the look of these amps, anyone one heard any more info on them since the last post??
[url="http://www.ampeg.com/products/bassamp/ba600/210.html"]Ampeg link[/url]