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Everything posted by Timface

  1. Hey I'd be intrested in the DOD. timface
  2. halloooo Right im selling this due to my massive GAS for a Snyth The RC unit is in prefect working order. It is in a limited orange and yellow colour like some of daves other pedals. Great Unit. Links to Pics/ sound bites ect[url="http://www.davehallamps.co.uk/Products,%20VT2-Dual%20Bass%20RM.html"]HERE[/url] £250 with p&p or trade for MicroKorg, Alesies ect.. Love Timfacexxxxx
  3. Come down would be SOOOO lovely to talk to a basscahtterrr xxx
  4. Oi Oi Timface Is doing a project over the summer New Wave/??? Kind of thing. Based oustide Barnstaple. Love to meet or chat with anyone 16-35... age doesnt really matter Worked well last time round [email protected] xxx
  5. SOLD FOR 1million love timothy.. hehe £30 gone xx
  6. ohh sorry guys I honestly thought it was worth more than this lol! lol ive just converted dollars to pounds its £41 lol Thats hilarious sorry basschatters!! I even linked the page to it so i really did not have a clue! oh well nevermind oh and thanks for the post jebo1 rrrrrrrrreaaal big help.... *cough* soo errm I duno £30 any1?
  7. hello this pedal is wierd. there is no way around it.. basically you create a chain and add this to it and it mixes the two effects together in maddness.... oh and it also allows you to control the amount of feedback on your guitar/bass.... very strange eg I mixed a delay with a reverb and put it into it and it scccreamed at me.. in a nice way anyway heres a link to picture and write up [url="http://www.tonefactor.com/proddetail.php?prod=M%F6bius"]http://www.tonefactor.com/proddetail.php?prod=M%F6bius[/url] £70 p&p nnaaaa call it £30ish
  8. Hello Im selling this, dont have the room for it Good bass Brill condition great for practise, Ive never really used it, picked it up for £150 any questions? love timface X P.s I'll throw in the hard case for an extra £50
  9. Yea at the mo I put my ric through a DBX compresser rack mounted and then into a ABM500.. its really tight and clean but i love that "gainish" sound... its not to harsh and overdriven
  10. YESS I have been long trying to get this bass sound [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xpdogGPGI4A"]HERE[/url] HELP XX
  11. grrrrr i need a mac
  12. OK I really would like a program that would allow me to plug my bass into my PC record it, then use Vst plugins to get the right tone ect.. and if needed then plug a guitar in and put another track down? Suggestions? xxx
  13. hmmm intresting. I cant wait to try one. I like the idea of a modern and vintage channel
  14. Hey Im really liking the look of these amps, anyone one heard any more info on them since the last post?? [url="http://www.ampeg.com/products/bassamp/ba600/210.html"]Ampeg link[/url] XX
  15. Tayste thanks!! XX
  16. Ok. Soo my new band is going pretty well me thinks, enjoying it, thats what its all about right? anyway..... anybody know any good venues to try across the UK for this new wave music, we have some gigs booked up but after playing in london and getting good reviews we want more!!! mwahahaha take a look [url="http://www.myspace.com/theunderclassstrife"]www.myspace.com/theunderclassstrife[/url] all feedback and advice HIGHLY appreciated and umm yea gigs anyone need support or know venues get in touch love Timothy timfaced P.S AND PLEASE ADD US ON MYSPACE!! XX
  17. [quote]Ditch the 2 4x10's and get yourself a Schroeder 410L at 4 ohms, you won't notice the difference. And I'm only guessing but I reckon a host of BC'ers are going to suggest a Mark Bass Little Mark II. Haven't heard one myself but lightweight and apparently a very good amp for it's size. I'd stick with the Ashdown though ;0)[/quote] I would like to keep the ashdown but do you know how hard it is getting them into a 206 every night!!! lol
  18. Hey I am currently using a ABM500 in a 4u rack head with a compressor and a DHA RC unit and 2x410's I am thinking for changing... my reasons for this are.. My new band a 3 piece is gigging alot at the moment and we have limited transport... SO I DO NOT want to compremise on the wattage as I do really need something around the 500w mark in a three piece but what amps/combos/cabs/heads are there available that are abit more transportable?? Thanks TIMFACE
  20. mm intresting.... any1 had any experience with these pedals? Tim
  21. I have the Rack version of this pedal... crank up the mids.. put the clip in the middle fat and treble on. On the 1st channel set as much gain as you feel happy with then when switching to both channels mix the gains (1>2) together until the point of feeback then just adjust the level setting.. owwww yeeaaaaaaa Sounds EXACTLY like this but better ha! [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LF0Lq3P6peU"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LF0Lq3P6peU[/url] Timface
  22. Hey I was thinking... Is there such a pedal that allows say.. a guitar to turn into a bass? lol I no there are pedals around that put a sub octive behind a note put say your playing a chord I found it gets lost and is not very clear? really I want something to play under the guitar part?? Tim
  23. [quote name='Matty' post='72554' date='Oct 11 2007, 01:32 AM']Hi mate. Just wondering about the Sub output on teh ashdown. In see its fixed at 160hz, but is it placed after or before the fx loop? Cheers[/quote] Hey Matty I have never used the Sub output on the amp, so I honestly do not know but someone might know around the forum?... At a guess I wouldnt think that the effects would be sent to sub but im not sure, I only ever used the effect send and return on the back and the Di input on the front.. very handy! Tim
  24. Well... I am looking to upgrade my current ABM Head [attachment=2781:DSCF1275.JPG] [size=5]ABM500 Head[/size] I have heard alot of different views of these around the forum... But I think this one is Fantastic!!!! It is a Earlier British Made Head and I have never had a problem with it. £450 The blurb about specs can be found [url="http://www.ashdownmusic.com/bass/detail.asp?ID=55"]hear[/url] [size=5]FLIGHT CASE[/size] This is a standard solid Brand new 4U 19" flight case, cost me £150 will expect something similar in the price range, As it is in mint condition [size=5]Behringer Compressor Pro[/size] I use this will the ABM Head as It gave me much more control over attack depth ect. £50 I would like to see the ABM Head, Flight Case and Compressor together really. Looking for £600 Im sure Ive missed loads of Vital info out!!! soo please do not hesitate to ask [attachment=2784:DSCF1281.JPG] [attachment=2783:DSCF1289.JPG] [attachment=2782:DSCF1284.JPG]
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