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Everything posted by Timface

  1. Trades??
  2. err ok, i kinda get that but if the main faders are controlling whats heard on stage through the c300s then the line out... will only be sending what we are hearing through the c300s wont it? I think im making this to complicated.... Rite if we can connect the c300s through the monitor out put by as you say linking mon out to power in. then we can control what channels we what to hear by the knob setting on each channel and then if we use the main mix out.. or id it line out the the FOH man we can control the levels for that by using the faders??? am i getting it?
  3. :wacko: Im sure this will work.... But I dont understand how to set it up that way!.. can someone explain to me abit more... I am a blonde
  4. Right I have a dilema.... My Band has a gig to play soon and we have just bought a Behringer PMP5000 mixer and are connecting it to a pair of Mackie C300s.. just to run the vocals though at first. Now this works fine, BUT this gig that we're playing we need to use are mixer to get the levels of the drums, I guitar amp, Bass amp and 1 vocal line. so then one straight cable can go to the FOH all ready leveled out......BUT we want to use are C300s as monitors at this event this will require a power amp, which is fine BUT there will be no main speaker outputs coming out of are mixer as the C300s that were there are now coming out of the monitor input ... will this hurt the mixer? or is there away around it? TIM
  5. Hey Could some one help me with this [url="http://www.tube-town.net/ttstore/product_info.php/info/p895_Grillcloth-Ampeg-Black-Silver.html/XTCsid/3ee4308ff6444e95c7a38f35ff9aff82"]link[/url] I dont understand the measurements!, I need enough cloth to cover two 410s, so how much do I buy? TIM
  6. LOL HA.. I always find its worth the moeny!
  7. Im 18 and earn money through out the summer and end up spending it all on bass gear!!!! GASSSS I now play a Ric through a ABM900 and 810
  8. Timface


    Hey I was wondering, do these help with sound insulation? Ive heard alot about them but never been sure... And when fixing them to a galvanise roof how is it best to be done! lol Tim
  9. well hopefully eventually I will be able to build this system up that way by adding subs and middles. But for now only the vocals need to go threw the system to the c200s should be fine!
  10. ok.. well I have bought them already now as It was a bargin price of £200 for a pair!! So I guess I just have to be carefull not to take the level up?
  11. Hey, can some one tell me, would [url="http://www.mackie.com/products/c200/"]these[/url] be loud enough for a 3 piece band playing in pubs and small halls? we have a 1200w powered mixer to power them Tim
  12. Does anyone know any good websites or companies that do Band T shirts? Timface
  13. I think your just unlucky mate! I own a ashdown ABM500 RCII and mine has never let me down for the last two years!!!!!!!!!!
  14. lol ... oh dear.. i am flagging.... but I really what to now why people do this?
  15. can someone explain to me what it is? and what it does?
  16. as above people. a full weekend camping ticket for the reading festival check out the line up [url="http://www.readingfestival.com/lineup/"]here[/url]. £150 which is the going price
  17. hey sorry to barge in but can someone explain these points to a novice? [quote]You might as well get something with a fe more inputs than that, just because you might not need them now, but maybe someone else will fancy singing down the line, or you might want to double mic the guitar amp[/quote] what is the advantage with double micing? And does anyone have advice on these speakers for pa?.... [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Class-D-CD215-1000watt-Rms-speakers-dj-audio-PA_W0QQitemZ190134598149QQihZ009QQcategoryZ69967QQtcZphotoQQcmdZViewItem"]here[/url]
  18. oh dear.. the conversation just went down about 8 steps
  19. [quote]Tim, You spend more time worrying my sheep than on a tractor Dave[/quote] Dave! I dont expect that talk from you. (but those sheep are rather nice) :wub:
  20. devon rocks and I hear that devonians fingers are twice as fast due to working with tractors......! I live in devon! (next to charlie watts!)
  21. [quote]I find Ashdown heads and Ampeg cabs don't go that well. I use a SVT4PRO and a Ampeg 610 and have an Ashdown head as a backup.[/quote] Why dont they work well?
  22. [quote]I play with circa 700 watts into a 3x10. That's plenty loud for me. It doesn't stop me wanting a 6x10 tho[/quote] Im really gasing on a ampeg 610!! I used the ABM500 through 2 410s... very old cabs may I add. Im still looking at getting ABM900 and Ampeg 610
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