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Everything posted by Timface

  1. [quote]Not being funny - but I've just been watching yesterdays Wembly gig and very few of the bass players there had more than 500 watts. At the volume you expect for 500 watts you will have to mike the drums so you may as well go through the PA as well[/quote] Well maybe its bottom end then... but my ABM500 definatly is not giving me the stuff I need!!!! And I hate Peavy!! lol
  2. Ive Just been practising with my band on my ABM500 and It seemed to be loosing or diping in and out of power. So what can people advise for a really solid LOUD amp, really I need more the 500w Ive been looking at the Ameg Cl and EV0 900? my band plays indie/alternate thoughts?
  3. Can anyone tell me what pedal gives the effect of "stuttering" or note holding? Its kinda hard to explain. I want to use it on bass and guitar? And have seen alot of people use such devices but I have never found out what pedals they are? The G**tarist uses it one here abit [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=11sAbFqp-wQ"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=11sAbFqp-wQ[/url]
  4. [quote]Don't say that or I will have to buy Tim another pint Dave[/quote] Or 2!!!!
  5. the ram is mine.. allll mine lol!
  6. Well Im 18 and until about a year ago only played in rock bands in pubs and clubs then I got the chance to play with some experienced musos in a jazz band and now were playing as much as we can at charity gigs and functions. So I recon just jump at any chances to play live and at all types of music hit it head on and enjoy it!
  7. Heres an epiphone colour chart... T birds available in all these? [url="http://www.dolphinmusic.co.uk/page/shop/news_story/a/news_id/e/746"]http://www.dolphinmusic.co.uk/page/shop/ne...a/news_id/e/746[/url]
  8. I like the look of the Alesis stuff but its £130 and then with mics.... monitors, leads ect Its going to be pushing £250 upwards. better get saving
  9. Ok so band going well want to put some tracks down and have a very tight budget. What is the best hardware, software to use? 3/4 piece rock band Timface
  10. loving the foot stomping going on there nash
  11. [quote name='Toasted' post='9108' date='May 30 2007, 12:53 PM']They're pretty useful. Most people use something like the gigFX Gound Control MIDI switcher to rack their pedals.[/quote] Does anyone no a site where I can get hold of them or anything like them? Timface
  12. WOW.... That Fender Special Deluxe is AMAZING!!! and whats the two inputs on the yamaha for? Timface
  13. Hey I am meeting up with Dave sometime this week to record some sound clips of his pedals. Hope this helps
  14. isnt that funny.. I think we all wished that
  15. intresting.... Does this explain party why really old basses are worth loads of cash? apart from them being orinigals or "special" coz that kinda different
  16. thats a pretty straight answer.... well I think that basses probabily dont get better but I DO think that the older and more played a bass is the more natural and comfortable the action of the playing become.... I guess its How you feel in the end! Timface
  17. IS this true, as basses age do they sound/play better? or is it down to preference I've only had my ric for a year and the first 2 months I wasnt sure at all... but now It plays amazingly, But I recon that down to settling to it Timface
  18. Hey MoJ (andy) whats the difference when you swap the valves?
  19. I totally agree, Ive got a DHA Dual Custom Bass RC unit thats amazing, the two channels allow little distortion or if you like drive both channels together giving awesome sounds!!!! Timface
  20. I have a 2u rack with a DHA RC unit in one space and 1U spare dont know what 1 fill it with!!!! any ideas?? TIMface
  21. Timface


    ha.. sorry, no I highly recommend the DL4 for the price it has alot of features
  22. Timface


    A**** on the DL4 mases of echos and looping capability and more...
  23. Timface


    +1 on the DL4 Ive got 1 great for looping
  24. I was just wondering, I have seen some bassist and guitarists have there stomp and rack effects all set up in a rack and then had a foot controller to operate them all, I spose if your constantly gigging its easy to set up. Like this [attachment=217:FootPedalCollage.jpg] Does anyone know about these? and how do they work? Timface
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