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Everything posted by timloudon

  1. It seems I've come up against one or two problems. Surprise, surprise. It seems buying a cheap soldering iron produces cheap results. I'm having trouble melting the solder in the two unconnected terminal on the output jack (see below) - it just wont melt! Presumably my soldering iron just wont get hot enough. And maybe I should hand it over to someone who knows what they're doing! Any suggestions?
  2. [quote name='Toasted' post='404155' date='Feb 9 2009, 11:48 AM']Did you get any resolution to this? [/quote] Not quite. Hubrad's advice of contacting Roland directly got me a reply from a chap called Steve who could get me the exact part for £3.45. Although I'm not sure whether that's with postage. Haven't done it quite yet...
  3. [quote name='yorks5stringer' post='403014' date='Feb 7 2009, 07:56 PM']Thanks for that, you currently have a 1:11 chance of winning either prize![/quote] That's the best bloody news I've had all year!
  4. One ticket for me please! [quote name='Huwberry' post='400008' date='Feb 4 2009, 02:39 PM']Damnit, I have a gig that night! [/quote] I'm going to this Huw, you can join me on the train journey if you wish.
  5. Well. I've decided that I'd better do a sketch of the wiring in the bass before I get started, since I have to go into town and get a few things tomorrow. Compare with the wiring diagram on the guide: There is one thing that isn't mentioned on the guide - the yellow wire going into the pre-amp is not soldered to anything (the red circle). What can this be?
  6. I've decided it's time to get rid of the grounding problem on my MM (CIJ). I found [url="http://www.talkbass.com/wiki/index.php/Silencing_the_Noise_on_a_Marcus_Miller_Signature_Bass"]this article[/url] some time ago on TalkBass. I'm going to go through the steps and rewire as the article suggests. I've decided to photograph things to show you all, and also incase anything goes wrong. Here it is all taken apart: I hope this all goes well. Has anyone else tried this?
  7. [quote name='hubrad' post='400027' date='Feb 4 2009, 02:53 PM']This may sound a bit ordinary, but have you tried asking Roland? If anyone has the direct replacement or can get one shipped from the factory, then they're the folks! A busy place, so don't panic if no reply immediately. [url="http://www.roland.co.uk/logcallserv.asp?id1=1w2l3t4e4u2e3j5a5z"]http://www.roland.co.uk/logcallserv.asp?id...l3t4e4u2e3j5a5z[/url] ATB, Hugh[/quote] Ha! Funny how these things never occur to people. Good suggestion. I'll get on it. Cheers.
  8. [quote name='cheddatom' post='400006' date='Feb 4 2009, 02:35 PM']Have you looked in Maplins?[/quote] I have indeed, but they don't have the correct ones. I'm currently looking at this website: [url="http://uk.farnell.com"]http://uk.farnell.com[/url] But I'm not 100% sure on what specifications I need. EDIT: Is [url="http://uk.farnell.com/vishay-spectrol/248-7-10-50k/potentiometer-50k/dp/9609563"]this[/url] more what I looking for?
  9. [quote name='bobbass4k' post='398550' date='Feb 3 2009, 01:57 AM'][url="http://www.rapidonline.com/Electronic-Components/Resistors-Potentiometer/Control-Potentiometers/0.5W-12.7mm-Rotary-potentiometers/82067/kw/50k%20log%20pot"]http://www.rapidonline.com/Electronic-Comp...50k%20log%20pot[/url] The 50k log likes the fella, but you'll need to check the otherside to see how the pins mount onto the pcb, and check the measurements against yours, just to be sure.[/quote] I'm having a bit of trouble. These guys don't have any of those in stock, and won't have for a long while. I still searching around, but is there anywhere else I cn look? Is there a specific thing I need to search for?
  10. Is there anybody whole be able to give me a lift? I expressed an interest earlier on in the thread. I live in Burley in Leeds, if anyone's passing close by. What's this stickery crazyness?
  11. Cheers for the replies chaps! I thought of glue, but I'm not exactly sure whether I could get the snapped piece in the right place. I think I'll go ahead and buy a pot. My housemate is very good at electronics, so I'm sure he'll be able to help. P.S. Bobbass - you have no idea how long I googled for this little spare part!
  12. Here's a transcription I just finished doing. Can anyone tell me anything that's wrong with it? I'm aware that the ending isn't done correctly, and that I ran out f space on the 8th line (and couldn't be bothered to rub things out). Any feedback would be much appreciated.
  13. Nobody?
  14. I bought this pedal a while back and loved it. I can't remember how, but the level knob snapped. Have a look: Where can I get a replacement? Presumably it's a logarithmic pot, so I'll have to get a precise replacement. I still have the snapped off part handy. Any ideas? EDIT - Apologies for posting in the wrong forum.
  15. [quote name='Huwberry' post='393121' date='Jan 27 2009, 08:08 PM']I'm not sure what to make of this Loudon.[/quote] Don't make anything of it!
  16. As long as I can get a lift (which somebody did offer) I'll be bringing: My MM Jazz; P-Bass (I'm sure you've all got/seen one of those though); SWR SM-500 Head and my Epifani UL 4x10 Sounds good?
  17. I was in a rehearsal studio yesterday, and the guy had a Fender Bassman 135 head going through an old Peavey 1x15. It sounded awesome. I was playing with my 2006 American P-Bass and it was crisp and clear. I had a look in the back after we'd finished and it had some nice glowing tubes in it... I want one. Does anyone on here use one? Where could I get hold of one?
  18. [quote name='Huwberry' post='392801' date='Jan 27 2009, 03:13 PM']...there's not many bassists at LCM, so the competition isn't too tough![/quote] Ha! You suck Huw, I'm the best competition you ever had!
  19. Cheers for the replies. I think the Vox Amplug is what I'm looking for, just something that'll plug straight in for a quiet practice. Is it really worth £29 though?
  20. I was wondering if anyone knew of a device that could be plugged straight into a bass and used for practice- like a mini amp, using headphones of course. I'm sure I saw one of these a while ago, but I can't remember where. Any ideas?
  21. Wow. That's awesome. I haven't actually seen any live footage of Jamerson playing... it's pretty good!
  22. Cheers guys. I'm guessing it's not a cheap addition to an already pretty expensive instrument.
  23. I'm not really complaining, just thought I'd grab your attention. What's going on here? [image taken from the PPL website]
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