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Everything posted by Stuee

  1. [quote name='daz' post='1286398' date='Jun 29 2011, 01:44 PM']But does this fetching images from another server not slow it down more than if the image were stored on the website server though ? ( i was told this on another forum, where people quite logically assumed the above)[/quote] I don't see how it is logical to assume that just because the request for an image is going to a different server, it will be retrieved any slower. What if the image server is faster, nearer, less bogged down, higher capacity? Then it's logical to assume that the images will appear more quickly, reduce strain on the BC server & make the forum quicker for everyone. In [i]theory[/i], if 10 images are hosted on 10 different servers, they can all be served/loaded simultaneously & speed things up a lot. What slows a server down is lots of simultaneous requests to serve lots of different & large files, so the more images that are hosted on the BC server the slower it is likely to be. Image hosting services are set up and optimised for this kind of thing and don't impose restrictions, so you can post as many pics as you like whilst keeping hosting costs down for our beloved forum owners
  2. Thanks John. I have PM'd to enquire further. Cheers, Stuee
  3. Is this still for sale? Pics? I can't find any mention of them online
  4. I bought Dave's Markbass SA450 head a couple of weeks ago. Dave was very helpful, friendly and fair, and now that I've done a few shows with the SA450 I can happily say I am chuffed to bits with my purchase. Tip: Markbass heads love Epifani cabs! Cheers Dave! Stuee.
  5. Sounds interesting, Alistair. Looking forward to the pics... got any dimensions please? Also, how does 6 ohms work out with, say, an additional 8 ohm cabinet? What is 8+6 in ohms, and do you think a Markbass SA450 will complain? (The SA450 is 500W into 4 ohms / 250W into 8 ohms) Cheers, Stuee.
  6. Let's give this another go + price drop BUMP! :-)
  7. [quote name='rubis' post='1278097' date='Jun 22 2011, 08:10 AM']SOLD PENDING[/quote] Bugger!
  8. Ooooh dear. I would like very much to own this bass. But errr, B string tuner? ;-)
  9. [quote name='flyfisher' post='1267481' date='Jun 13 2011, 04:19 PM']Is it possible to block any uploads larger than a certain size? Another forum I use won't allow any photos with a width of more than 500 pixels, which forces members to shrink them before uploading and keeps the filesizes very small.[/quote] Some images need to be large. Pics of wiring, damage, or anything with a lot of detail. This is fine, [b]they can appear large on screen without being massive files[/b]. People just need to be mindful of what they're posting. Personally I find it frustrating when I want to check out something in the classifieds and the pics are tiny; they're virtually pointless. It's all about compression, not resolution. The picture below is 2080 x 1416 pixels, but the file size is only 198KB and it still looks good. Not all images need to be anywhere near this big, but if you're trying to sell/buy something, or show off your handiwork, whatever, it's very useful and doesn't have to ruin the server. Cropping your photos can also save a fair bit of size, especially if the background is very busy like in a garden or gig setting.
  10. For me, it's just timing - things are quiet at the mo :/ I have a black one of these that I've owned & loved since Fender GBI gave it to me in 1996, & I'd buy a second one with no hesitation, if only I had the cash. These are excellent basses, very versatile, great players & great sounding. This is crazy cheap!!
  11. What's your location please, Mr. Jayblaze? We can'ne collect it if we dun'ne know where it is Oh, and does it come with a case?
  12. Please stop SHOUTING! Seriously though, better at least edit your title so it's not in ALL CAPS. It's against the rules & completely unnecessary. Fascinating bass though
  13. Stuee

    Ebay links forum

    There still seems to be a great deal of confusion (or disagreement) about the eBay Links forum, even among the staff.
  14. [quote name='tauzero' post='1135673' date='Feb 21 2011, 03:59 PM']But ebay links isn't for advertising your auctions, it's for discussion of auctions. I suppose the corollary to this is that it's not subject to the same "don't criticise prices" rule as applies to "For sale", so we can abuse auctions advertised here as much as we like for whatever reasons.[/quote] Yes indeed, I know. I was responding to MB1 who appeared to be requesting an eBay link when it was already there. At least I assumed that's what he meant as he's not new to BC so should know what the eBay Links forum is for. .:EDIT:. Oh I see, the whole topic's been moved from the correct place to the wrong place. Err... WTF?
  15. Of course, but I think you can tell a lot about sellers by their listings. And I'll leave it at that.
  16. I see 3 stands and 3 PMs
  17. [quote name='thebrig' post='1134112' date='Feb 20 2011, 10:18 AM'][size=2]Just received some cables that Dave (OBBM) made for me. Don't think I will bother making my own now. I'll never be able to make anything as good![/size][/quote] Very wise. Much like with bass playing, buying an expensive iron and top quality solder won't get you a good solder joint without a certain level of skill, and it's a lot harder than it looks!
  18. Seriously, the guy wants [b][i]five and a half grand[/i][/b] for this bass, and he lists it with one very poor photo, and a vague description all in small type. So like I said: How lazy can you be for £5,500?! I find this absolutely mind boggling. Gah! [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Fender-1966-Jazz-Bass-All-original-Black-matching-head-/180625696388"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Fender-1966-Jazz-Bas...d-/180625696388[/url]
  19. Apparently, Wojtek is using Mayones basses now. He has 8 of them, b@stard Not really a surprise though seeing as they are also Polish. [url="http://www.mayones.com/en/artists_players/wojtek_pi"]http://www.mayones.com/en/artists_players/wojtek_pi[/url] P.S. The Marlin Sidewinder was (no offence) one of the worst basses ever made. As a teenager I remember pointing and laughing at one hanging up in an Exchange & Mart, saying, "Hahaha that's [i]your[/i] bass that is!!" to my friend. He then punched me quite hard, such was the severity of his offence. He had a Westone Thunder 1A, I had a Thunder III... wish I'd never sold that
  20. He has provided an eBay link, MB1.. ?? Teddy, £20 is very steep for shipping. Presumably you'd be OK with the buyer arranging collection by his own courier?
  21. Hi Tom, your Flickr links are dead and you don't appear to have any pics of basses at all on your account. Would you could you please? Thanks, Stuee.
  22. Hi Steven, Would you please have a quick look at the [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?act=SR&f=19"]RULES AND GUIDELINES ON MARKETPLACE USAGE[/url]. It's very short and concise but will help you to sell your item and us to have confidence in you & what you are selling. Cheers, Stuee.
  23. Stuee

    Ebay links forum

    The clue's in the forum sub-title: "This forum is for the discussion of Ebay auctions. Please do not promote your own auctions. If you have something to sell, please use the For Sale forums." But as people apparently aren't reading this, perhaps the title should be changed to make this clearer, e.g. [b]eBay Discussion[/b]
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