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Everything posted by Stuee

  1. [quote name='lettsguitars' post='1100621' date='Jan 24 2011, 12:01 PM']SNIP... electrics can get confusing though.[/quote] Indeed! I recently totally stripped and rebuilt an '81 Tokai Hard Thumper with all upgraded 'vintage' parts, and thoroughly enjoyed the whole process. The feeling of accomplishment when it's all back together, looking amazing and sounding great is well worth the effort (as is the saving on labour costs), but the wiring was really hard. The circuits just don't make sense to my feeble mind, so it was very much copying the old harness wire for wire, solder point for solder point. And it was only a basic Precision setup - probably the simplest guitar electrics there are! Next time I will pay somebody who knows what they're doing!
  2. To be clear, I'm not trying to get all the members to use Tapatalk - whoever wants to will try it at their leisure - what I am trying to do is get the admin to enable it for those of us who do want to use it. So I'm not going to try selling the app any more. But if any admins are listening, I'd appreciate some feedback Cheers, Stuee.
  3. [quote name='wateroftyne' post='1100625' date='Jan 24 2011, 12:04 PM']I just tried the Talkbass app - I fiddled about with it for a while to get the hang of it. It's OK, and I can see some of the benefits. But then I got a topic reply notification email, clicked the link, and... it opened in Safari. I'm guessing there's no way around that, but it's a dealbreaker for me...[/quote] Yeah it's not perfect yet. I don't know whether Tapatalk differs on this. But having said that, it could be that it's better to use the built in push notifications rather than traditional email alerts. Either way, for general browsing, reading, pic viewing, posting and personal messaging, the app is still a much better experience in my opinion. Anyway, getting chucked back into Safari occasionally shouldn't bother you as you like it so much! (kidding)
  4. Indeed, Mike, food for thought. Sounds like you could do with some bigger speakers, perhaps a couple of 1x15s or maybe a 2x12 + 1x15. You need to shift a lot of air playing dub and reggae, so I can see why perhaps 2 small speakers aren't cutting it for you. Similarly, in jazz there isn't often a great demand for screaming trebles! Regarding your cab, I'm juggling numbers and gear at the moment, but I really like the look of it and if I can I will at least make you an offer. Thank you for taking the time to describe the cab. Maybe speak soon... Cheers, Stuee.
  5. I'd be inclined to reserve judgement until I have actually received the order from the 'other place'... they could be lying too/instead. Just sayin'
  6. [quote name='Conan' post='1100556' date='Jan 24 2011, 11:00 AM']Isn't This Called 'Sentence Case'?[/quote] No I don't think so. Sentence Case only capitalises the first letter of the sentence and forces the rest to be lower case. This is either Title Case, or it could be Start Case, which is less discerning about short articles, etc. I sometimes use Title Case when tagging MP3s or whatever as it saves time, but there's no need for it here - it's too indiscriminate.
  7. [quote name='lemmywinks' post='1100500' date='Jan 24 2011, 10:15 AM']I've just noticed the app costs £3 so, in my finest Scottish accent, i'm out.[/quote] No it doesn't, it's £1.79 Possibly you saw $3 somewhere? Guys I know you can use Safari. I'm very adept at zooming in and out and flipping between pages to view pics, etc. But honestly until you've tried a dedicated forum app I don't think you should poo poo it. Why don't you try the TalkBass app - which is free - and see if you like it? If you're happy with Safari, carry on with Safari, but as this is free for the forum to implement, I personally would very much appreciate the option to use the app, and I honestly believe there are many others who would too. Here's a couple of screenshots from the TalkBass app. The formatting is sooo much better, no? [center] . . . . . . [/center]
  8. No iPhone / Android users out there?
  9. To the powers that be: I know I'm at risk of making a stink here, being a new member and instantly starting to whinge, but I only mean to try to improve the experience for all forum members. I apologise if this has already been discussed. This is just a simple request to please turn off the 'feature' in the board software that auto-recapitalises topic titles. You know what I'm talking about. Here's an example: You enter this: FS/FT: MIJ Westone Thunder III fretless w/ OHSC, stunning USA made SWR 4x10" cab (WP410), EBS HD350 head BNIB But it gets [i]corrected[/i] to this: Fs/ft: Mib Bestone Blunder Iii Feckless W/ Tohc, Stunning Usa Made Gwr 3x9" Cab (wd40), Ups Rd350 Head Rnli So it doesn't allow common acronyms/capitalisations like ABBA or STD; it ballses up legit brand names and model numbers like MFI SH1T or DFS S0FA, and to make things worse it Capitalises Words That Don't Need It! This Is Rather Silly Imho And Just Confuses The Titles The Confuses Imho Silly Rather Is. Yes. Can we not be trusted to enter titles properly? Is the fear that the forums will degenerate into some sort of ALL CAPS free-for-all SHOUT-FEST? In my experience, most people don't like it [i]much [/i]when they're corrected by an intelligent human who [i]does[/i] know better. It's downright infuriating when a dumb computer program that clearly [i]doesn't [/i]do does it, innit? Please can we turn it off? [size=3]Can we?[/size] [size=4]Please can we? [/size] [size=5]Pleeeeease? [/size]
  10. Hi guys, This awesome amp has done very little work and is absolutely immaculate. It did a short tour (flight-cased) about 18 months ago when it was brand new and it has been in storage ever since. I brought it home a couple of weeks ago to use it, but to be honest it's overkill for everything I'm doing right now, and I would like to free up its value to put into more immediately useful gear. Current stocks of these are selling for £2,275 at Digital Village (who are usually about the best price around). [s]I'll cast my line at around £1,695 and see what happens. That's an instant saving of nearly £600 / more than 25% off street.[/s] [s][b]Now priced at £1,275 o.n.o for a quick sale! That's an instant saving of £1,000 or 44% off street.[/b][/s] [b]Final reduction to [u]£1,000 firm[/u]. This head must go![/b] [s]I may consider trades also.[/s] Watcha got? Sorry but I can no longer consider trades. I need the dosh :-/ This is a fantastic amp, really well made in England. It's silent in operation and sounds absolutely beautiful. Warm, but also clear and accurate - not soft and smooshy like some valve gear - and with the right cabinets it's very powerful. You will enjoy playing through it! As you would expect it is not light - in fact it's very heavy - so you will not want to be a weed. Having said that, the handles are very good and it's not too much of a bugger really - and it's worth it for that gorgeous TONE :-) There isn't all that much literature online about these, but here's some info: [i]As you may or may not know, the vast majority of bass amplifiers in today's market are not tube amps, and not even most tube bass amps are all-valve, many have a solid state power section powered by generic circuit boards and no power tubes. If you want that warm and solid all-valve tone, best craftsmanship and materials, look no further, Hiwatt Custom bass heads are for you. These hand-built classic bass amplifiers are based on the famous 1970's range made known by John Entwhistle, now used by countless touring bands such as Coldplay, The Hives, Supergrass and Franz Ferdinand. Completely made by hand, point to point wiring and construction, these are the real deal in British bass amplifiers. [b]The main features of the Hiwatt DR405 Custom include : [indent][/b][/i][list] [*][i][b]400 Watt of valve bass power[/b][/i] [*][i][b]6 x KT-88 pozer amp valves[/b][/i] [*][i][b]4 x ECC-83 and 1 x ECC-81 valves in the preamp section[/b][/i] [*][i][b]Partridge transformers[/b][/i] [*][i][b]4, 8 & 16 ohm output into 2 x speakon connections[/b][/i] [/list] [i][b][/indent][/b][/i] Here's what it looks like. If you'd like pics of my actual amp I will take some, but it's just like this: Cheers, Stuee.
  11. I'm another TC Electronic Polytune convert. I've gotta say it's an excellent tuner - very fast, clear, small, rugged and accurate. And all for less than 70 quid. Display wise, it even adjusts its own brightness by sensing ambient light levels, so it's always visible but doesn't cane the battery too much. I previously used a Peterson Strobostomp II, which is an amazing bit of kit and includes a high quality D.I., but it cost £120 and munched batteries. It also died after less than a year. Amazing for doing setups, mind, and it's [b][i]the[/i][/b] fastest and most accurate floor tuner there is, but not as sturdy and compact as the Polytune. Re the complaint that if you don't hit the note cleanly it doesn't give you useful information, that's the same with any tuner really. In fact I find it quite tolerant, and if you do play a clean note (or 4 or 5 notes) it performs brilliantly and you'll be in tune much quicker than most other tuners.
  12. [quote name='leroybasslines' post='1100082' date='Jan 23 2011, 08:42 PM']Blimey! You scared me then, but I checked and the video clip linked from there is the very same black, black rosewood MM in the auction. Which is handy. I'm selling a couple of me basses at the mo and I thought I'd linked to the wrong ones...that would be very bad! What instrument did you see? Or was it a mirage...[/quote] Oops, you're quite right Liam. My netbook has a hair trigger touchpad and I must've clicked on a 'related' video as I scrolled the page. Sorry. [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qa9RgzpEtMg"]This[/url] is the video I saw... quite different!! Your bass and your playing are much nicer than Random Dude's (sorry Random Dude) hehe Cheers, Stuee.
  13. Well I've been making Boo Boo's my whole life, but they are not for sale. They will become a family heirloom. I did just do a DooDoo that I'm more than happy to part with. Any offers?
  14. [quote name='BottomE' post='1099960' date='Jan 23 2011, 07:03 PM']I know those guys. Sounds like i missed a treat. I recently did a gig at Champions with a guy called Hamilton Loomis. He is amazing and had been selling out in other towns in the UK but only 20 people showed up for what was a great gig This country![/quote] Often the case at Champions, unfortunately. I think they need to work on their promotion as it has so much potential, but it only takes a few stories like that to stop the good artists coming. Add to that the fact that Bournemouth is too cool for school (despite being one of the [i]least[/i] cool places in England - white trainers & XR3i's haha) Oh well, we will persist! I'll keep an eye on Hamilton, but let me know if it occurs to you when you next gig. Cheers, Stuee.
  15. [quote name='dood' post='1099921' date='Jan 23 2011, 06:27 PM']Hey Stuee! Welcome aboard - I just spotted your post about the Patrick Eggle Bass - sorry to hear of your 'loss' - That's a tastey looking instrument! I also spotted that you are from Wilts, I was born there and - well I guess in comparison to where I am now - it was pretty near to Stone Henge too! heh![/quote] Cheers dood, good to 'meet' you I have to say I'm surprised you saw my post as it's already buried beneath the responses. I can't help feeling that the whole stolen gear thing would be much more functional as a sub forum rather than a thread. Then any responses would be contained within relevant topics and individual reports would stand a better chance of being seen. I'm sure most members can't be bothered to trawl through long threads, but wouldn't mind perusing topics as they arrive. Most of the responses are just people saying, "Ooh that sucks. I had something stolen once too. Good luck!" which is nice, but doesn't help at all. Just my 2p I'm actually from Bournemouth, but have been in Wilts for a long time now. Where is 'Predator Country'?! Sounds dangerous Cheers, Stuee.
  16. This is my eBay feedback, username [url="http://feedback.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewFeedback2&userid=stuee*eeuts&ftab=AllFeedback"]Stuee*eeutS[/url] Cheers, Stuee
  17. [quote name='BottomE' post='1099798' date='Jan 23 2011, 04:40 PM']Hello, i am am Dorset bass player. Next time you are coming down for a jam let me know. This is a gr8 place but be prepared for serious GAS! Jerry[/quote] Cheers Jerry, will do. Actually you probably missed the best jam of the year on New Year's Day, at Champion's in Bournemouth. I was on drums literally half the night with Pat Davey, Paul Stacey, Pete Case, Simon Wood, Scott McKeon and all sorts... didn't get to play bass once though! lol Yep, already well GASsed up. I think I've got a buyer for half my liver though, so that EBS rig is one step closer
  18. You do know that, "Ignore this thread at your own peril" means that it would actually be [b]dangerous[/b] [i]not [/i]to visit it, don't you? And then you add, "Seriously, ignore it" which means this will most likely be the busiest thread in the world unless someone deletes it, quick! But while I'm here, is this the pre CBS Boo Boo with the orange skooble-shrode or the black frottenbleemst, and does it come fully whistled and sponge-loaded?
  19. I think that just about wraps up the whole argument, Conan. Very succinctly and eloquently put, sir. Bravo! Can we lock this thread now please?
  20. Ohooo BOOM!! She's a beaut, and in Bristol. Adam doesn't stand a chance But Liam, what's up with the YouTube clip on your listing? It's a totally different instrument ??
  21. [quote name='bumnote' post='1099728' date='Jan 23 2011, 03:23 PM']I will try to drag him out and come over one jam night, he is a great guitar player[/quote] Cool, let me know if you're going and I'll make sure I do too... if I can. Cheers, Stuee. P.S. Great avatar BTW
  22. What is it that you don't like about the sound? I have never heard one of these, but I get the feeling I might like it. My big cab is currently a Marshall 7410 which I love, but it's loony heavy! Any description you can give would help. Cheers, Stuee.
  23. PM'd with a view to purchasing 1m speakon-speakon.
  24. PM'd with a view to purchase both leads.
  25. Welcome Adam, from one new member to another Good luck with not getting GAS though (Gear Acquisition Syndrome), you'd better stay away from the BC marketplace forum! It's a TRAP!! See you around, Stuee.
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