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Everything posted by Stuee

  1. Stuee

    Send And Return

    Also, if you are working with a P.A. system the engineer will nearly always prefer to take a D.I. [i]before[/i] your amp, so obviously if your effects are being injected further down the chain they won't reach the P.A. The reason I think they prefer this is so they know they are just getting unfettered signal from your bass, or pre-amp/effects if you have them, rather than possible weird noise, levels and/or EQ from your amp. All it takes is for an inexperienced (or drunk or clumsy) bass player to accidentally hit the pre/post button mid-gig and things can get very hairy out front. I know, I have been that guy! Also, built-in amp D.I.'s are notorious for being problematic and/or sounding poo, although this is probably mostly unfounded nowadays. The Trace Elliot ones were not popular a few years ago, I know that much!
  2. [quote name='deaver' post='1099459' date='Jan 23 2011, 11:26 AM']Hello Stuee. Impressive stuff, I'm in Salisbury if you want to have a jaw about basses and basschat sometime[/quote] Cheers Deaver, I don't get into Salisbury much, but sometimes go to the blues jam at the Shoe Inn at Plaitford. It's the 3rd Sunday of every month IIRC. I used to go to the Rugby Club on Castle Road on 1st Wed of the month, but I think that's stopped - not 100% sure though. It's also worth popping into Conran's in Salt Lane for Music4Fun, which is the last Thursday of every month. That's a bit more of an open-mic vibe, but can be fun. In fact, if you're interested in this sort of thing, check out [url="http://www.riversidebluesband.co.uk/jamming.htm"]this page[/url] for more jams around the area and further afield. All the best, Stuee.
  3. [quote name='alanbass1' post='1099433' date='Jan 23 2011, 11:06 AM']Welcome aboard - I bet that Hiwatt has a lot of thump[/quote] Cheers Alan, yes it does! Actually, if anything it's too powerful. For a 'rock' amp it's amazingly clean. Even with input gain on max and my loudest bass, it just won't break up! So I'm looking for an overdrive pedal that doesn't suck all the low end out of my tone when kicked in. Thinking of trying the new TC Electronic MojoMojo... we'll see. Anyway I'm rabbiting again. Nice to meet you
  4. [quote name='tarcher' post='1099381' date='Jan 23 2011, 10:23 AM']Where was it lost/forgotten and description so basschatters can keep an eye out. Sorry to read this tale of woe by the way.[/quote] +1 And I would recommend trying to call National Rail anyway. There are trains running on Sundays, so there are people at work at the stations. Call the station where he left it, and the station where his train would have terminated. Hassle people! Something tells me you will get this one back. Best of luck!
  5. [center][size=5][font="Century Gothic"]Listen and ye shall be heard.[/font][/size] [/center]
  6. I'd be amazed if [i]anyone[/i] bought a GT-10B after seeing this dude demo it at NAMM in 2008! haha No, but seriously... [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b9Q3GZrlRx0"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b9Q3GZrlRx0[/url]
  7. Thanks Blademan, and thanks to all for a warm welcome. Now, where's the cake?!
  8. [quote name='Bassman' post='1099310' date='Jan 23 2011, 08:31 AM']Colour is awful, but original[/quote] I wasn't referring so much to the colour as the terrible finish. It looks to me like a bad attempt at varnishing a badly prepared piece of wood. Fender are better than that, don't ya think?
  9. [quote name='Hamster' post='1099319' date='Jan 23 2011, 08:47 AM']Will we still be sending carrier pigeons to our members up t'north? [/quote] Or they will send their pigeons south to steal our iPhones! BEWARE! hehe
  10. [quote name='Blademan_98' post='1099303' date='Jan 23 2011, 08:04 AM']I agree. I view the site on my phone while on the move. The plugin looks like a good way to go! Blademan[/quote] You know it makes sense Fancy backing up my [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=119746"]suggestion topic[/url]?
  11. Hmmm... Looks like a plasticine bass! lol Obviously a DIY refinish at best. I have to say, for the state of the headstock finish, the decals look remarkably fresh :/
  12. [quote name='CHRISDABASS' post='992115' date='Oct 18 2010, 11:21 AM']Basschat needs an iphone app!! [/quote] My thoughts precisely, and it can have one! Well, in a way... Tapatalk is a forum app for iPhone, Android, Blackberry, Windows Phone 7 and Symbian (Nokia & other smart phones) that makes reading and posting to forums soooo much nicer an experience on the wee devices. You even get push notifications of replies to subscribed topics/forums, PMs, etc., and posting pics is [i]easier[/i] than on a PC. The Tapatalk app just calls the forum data (as opposed to downloading whole web pages, like a normal browser does), and formats it perfectly for the mobile device, making it easier for the user, using less data and taking load off of the forum server into the bargain. It just needs a free plugin to be running on the board software to enable it. If you've ever tried the [url="http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/talkbass-forums/id402780591?mt=8"]TalkBass app[/url] you'll know how much nicer it is to use than the full forum! Have a look-see about it [url="http://www.tapatalk.com/"]HERE[/url]. I've suggested it [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=119746"]HERE[/url]. If you like the idea I'd appreciate a post of support. After all, I honestly don't think there's a reason not to. Cheers, Stuee Disclaimer: I am in no way affiliated with Tapatalk and these are all my own words; I just really think it's a great idea!
  13. Greetings, fellow Masters of the Low Notes! My name is Stuee and I'm a bass player. Well, bass [i]owner [/i]at least! My name is Stuart Ross but 'Stuee' seems to have stuck. I joined Basschat only a very short while ago (no idea why it's taken me so long to come aboard) but have already developed an almost tragic case of GAS, so thanks for that! I play bass and drums professionally, and have done for the last 18 years. Artists I've recorded and/or toured with include Vanessa Mae, The Who, Pete Townshend, Amy MacDonald, Nik Kershaw, Toyah Willcox, Mark Owen, Rachel Fuller, Scarlet, Voice of the Beehive, Chesney Hawkes, Alex Parks, A1, Tricky, 3rd Edge, Judie Tzuke, Claire Nicolson, as well as many function/pub/club/party/tribute bands, and a few original bands to boot. This means I have been lucky enough to see much of the world, make a bunch of records, get on TV quite a bit, and generally have a great time. This also means that I have unrealistic expectations of life, and so have also spent a lot of time being very poor - but I wouldn't change a thing. Currently my only regular gigs are with Vanessa Mae (which are nearly always out of the U.K. in weird and wonderful places), Chesney Hawkes (which are now mainly at Butlins, with the occasional University ball) and Claire Nicolson, who is a pro backing singer turned artist who's trying to break at the moment. But I do a lot of depping and like to play as often as possible, including turning up at various jam sessions around Hampshire, Wiltshire & Dorset. Gear wise, I have a mid 90s Mexican Fender Precision Special that Fender gave me, which I love & has been my go to workhorse since it was new in 1996. I have a 1981 Tokai Hard Puncher which I stripped, refurbed and upgraded a couple of years ago (my first rebuild and quite successful!). There's a 1977/8 Gibson Ripper that I picked up for next to nothing on Craig's List last January in California - probably the best sounding bass I own!! And most recently I have just bought a 60s Teisco short scale bass which is awesome (£90 on Gumtree haha) and a USA Peavey Cirrus 5. The Cirrus 5 is a replacement for my beloved 1995 Patrick Eggle custom 5-string (pictured in my avatar) which I was foolish enough to 'lose' in late December. I'll post a topic about that in the Stolen Basses section. I'm very sad. Amplification wise, at the front end I use an Aguilar Tonehammer preamp, feeding either my old 70s Ampeg V-6B 240W solid state head (which is about as heavy as my car), or my modern HiWatt Custom 400 (DR401) 11 valve head (which is considerably heavier than the Ampeg!), which I use with either an Ashdown ABM 210H for small gigs/rehearsals, or a monster Marshall 7410 cabinet for larger venues/stages (which weighs approximately 3.4 x the Moon!). Needless to say, I am intrigued by the new super-lightweight Class D amps and modern cabs which are now becoming so popular! So, now I've said 'I' about a hundred times, I think I'll go and drink some Old Peculiar and figure out a way of selling my Granny and perhaps a niece or two, so I can buy one of the lovely Laklands, Sadowsky's or old P Basses I've seen here... Meanwhile, I look forward to getting to know everyone & enjoying what feels like a great bass loving community. All the best, Stuee
  14. Hi guys, I'm new here, but already wanting to keep up with the marketplace and other forums/threads, as well as personal messages, while I'm out and about. Anyone who's done this on an iPhone or other smart phone knows that forums aren't easy to view on a tiny screen - lots of pinching and zooming, and panning about. But there's a better way, and it's free for the forum to enable via a plugin. The Tapatalk app just calls the forum data rather than whole web pages, and formats it perfectly for the mobile device, making it easier for the user, using less data and taking load off of the server into the bargain. Please would you guys consider enabling this, as I'm sure many forum members would use it. Have a wee look-see here: [url="http://www.tapatalk.com/"]http://www.tapatalk.com/[/url] Cheers, Stuee
  15. That looks really sweet, Phil. I don't suppose you have any audio clips of it do you? Cheers, Stuee
  16. [quote name='harlowbassplayer' post='1098135' date='Jan 21 2011, 09:32 PM']omg that fender looks sexy does it have a hardcase[/quote] They are very sexy, & relatively rare. People often comment because of its looks, the unusual scratch plate, & its great sound. I have one that Fender gave me in 1996, & I will never get rid of it. It's been round the world with me & appeared on quite a few records. Engineers always comment on how great it sounds D.I.'d. I fitted a Badass II bridge & replaced the black knobs with silver ones on mine, & that has improved it even more. Whoever buys this won't be disappointed, but be aware this is a modern sounding, active P/J bass. It doesn't really [i]do[/i] the classic Precision sound. Actually I might buy it myself if it doesn't go quick...
  17. Shame this has an unmarked fingerboard, or I'd snap it up!
  18. It's gorgeous, but where & when was it made please mate? Ta, Stuee .:EDIT:. Never mind. I assume from the price it's a Mexi. Hmmm... GAS!
  19. [quote name='Mike' post='1096949' date='Jan 20 2011, 11:05 PM']Sorry, sold but thanks![/quote] Then please amend the topic title to indicate *SOLD* status. Thanks
  20. So this is a G&L [b][i]Tribute[/i][/b] ASAT then, as opposed to a 'proper' one. I don't mean to be pedantic, but it's quite an important distinction to make (at least £1,000 at retail). They're still good though, these, and that's a great price, especially with the rather OTT gig bag. I'd be up for it if I hadn't just had to spend a bunch of monies to replace my beloved [i]lost[/i] 5-string Patrick Eggle bass (don't ask!). BUMPETY BUMP!
  21. Please edit your topic title to indicate SOLD status. Thanks
  22. It's not [i]my[/i] hat 'e chewed!
  23. I was loving this thread until I got to the bit about the bass being located in the U.S. Shame, I love the look of this thing & I get the feeling it's a fine instrument... but there's no way the good people at HM Revenue and Customs would allow the importation of such a thing with taking a hefty bung on top :-/ That would put it beyond my reach, I fear. If you think there's a way around this let me know! In the meantime, have another BUMP!
  24. Hi Neil, Are you sure that's the model number? Google doesn't seem to know anything about it, which is unusual. Ta, Stuee
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