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Total Watts

  1. I always thought Stingrays are well known and appreciated. At least a third of any live bands and videoclips feature them in plain sight, no? I myself have had one for 25 years and I never intended to get me another main bass until a year ago when I got me a Rick 4003. I've always had other cheapish backup basses like Danelectros, Ibanez and Squires but my Stingray in translucent green with a transparent pickguard was always the one. Playability, versatility, staying in tune and with a V-Twin pedal to an Ampeg SVT II it's a killer for rock but she's suitable for anything. Then I played a Precision of a friend of mine and was very surprised how much I liked it. But it only has that one sound. It's a great machine but I'd never trade it for my Stingray. Only the Rick 4003 comes close because she's a seriously different machine and therefore covers that one sonic field the Stingray doesn't. Add to that the same perfect extremely low action and thin neck and overall quality so these 2 are my main instruments now.
  2. [quote name='Delberthot' timestamp='1317801025' post='1394618'] As always, the [url="http://www.seymourduncan.com/support/wiring-diagrams/schematics.php?schematic=rickenbucker"]Seymour Duncan website[/url] is great for wiring diagrams [/quote] I'm about to wire my Rick, too. About this diagram, could it be that the potis are labeled wrong? I find it more confusing than it probably is...
  3. John Paul Jones' albums "zooma" and "the thunderthief". no solo bass either but he almost anything you hear is bass besides the occasional drums and guitar. and he plays 4, 5, 6, 10, 12, strings, slided, lap steeled, e-bowed, distorted, whatever. It's a one man bass orchestra. [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sGHWxLruLvA"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sGHWxLruLvA[/url]
  4. ooops sorry I didn't see the pinned scam topics above....
  5. I asked two different banks to check the cheques without actually cashing them. The first was unsure if they're legit and the second one was quite sure they weren't. Something about the numbers on them bothered them. But they didn't/couldn't explain me the trick. That whole trick with the time gap between clearing and transferring was explained to me afterwards by a police officer. I went to the police station mainly out of curiosity, it was just around the corner from the bank.
  6. Board admin may place this topic elsewhere, I think it's best here though what happened is not ebay related. I write this now as a warning because it almost happened to me this very month. I have subscribed to a few bass-boards around mid-January because I needed tips. Soon I got a shady offer per email so maybe some of you in one of these boards got it as well. The sender was a keith_powell-at-yahoo.com though it might be a group of people using different mail adresses. This person wanted to buy a bass from me. I did put out a few ads but it was never clear which bass he actually wanted. I told him about the prices and conditions but he never really answered to these details. He also never gave me his adress, even when I insisted, but told me he's got his own transport agency and therefore employees that would pick it up at my place. Soon enough I called the deal off and I would not cash in any cheque I may receive. After (!) that he sent me cheques five times the item's worth. From the Netherlands btw. I tested them at the bank desk. Of course they were fraud but one might get tempted to cash them in. Police explained me that's a common trick. Because it might take some time until realizing the cheques were fraud or not covered but you would have already sent your goods. But that's not even what the trickster really wants. In the meantime the guy would contact his unaware victim once more to ask back some money because he „accidentally“ sent too much. Hope I can explain this here right due to my non-native english. I know it smelled fishy from the start but oh well... I realized soon enough and this just as a warning to you guys, especially when I can put an email adress to it.
  7. I just did this according to BOD2's instruction on my Hodad bass and it simply worked perfectly. Great!
  8. oh I do!
  9. awesome. i rubbed it off in 10 minutes with lighter fuel and a cloth. got a headache now but hey... the WD40 and that Lakeland thing are noted nevertheless, thanks guys.
  10. yeah i guess i have to go stronger while staying careful. Somebody in another forum said WD40 is good and another one says it's too aggressive. I'm sure it'd all come from a good place but I'd be glad if people speak from their own experiences rather than from hearsay.
  11. Now let's not get into who glued when what why on earth on a precious guitar. Off it had to go and a big sticker it was. Radius about 10cm. So far it went off completely but the complete but very thin layer of glue still sticks. Now what to do? It's a nice Candy Apple Red finish, so... Tried so far: hairdryer, olive oil, guitarpolish. What next?
  12. I'm using the official PSU that came with the pedal. But maybe that one's screwed up. It's all in guitar hospital now, so we'll see. I will call the guy there about this faulty FET switch possibility then. Thanks.
  13. No it wasn't the the valves. Fresh ones in, same problem.
  14. Yeah the most obvious move is to get new valves. I swapped quite a lot while handling the problem. 3 different pairs but they are all quite used anyway. Next test would be a new power supply. I don't understand the J175 FETS part, since I'm total noob about these things... I [i]LOVE[/i] the v-twin for bass. It's a bit tricky because the settings or rather the amount of overdrive and volume differ a lot for active and passive basses. But a Stingray through this beast to an Ampeg SVT, oh my... Other bass distortion pedals mostly cut a lot of the low ends and/or muffle the bass sound. But since you have lots of knobs to turn and it's a tube pre amp, you can set it to your liking. You can even [i]add[/i] lots of low end and it sounds still very transparent, as opposed to fuzzes like the Big Muff. The only itch is the slight delay when switching channels. Must be a mechanical thing. But I got used to it and arrange my playing to it. Step on it maybe a 32th note earlier or some other trick. No problem. But there'd be an external select option I never tried. It's also quite good for direct recording for its to-power-amp and to-mixing-desk outputs.
  15. Recently the volume drops suddenly after some minutes of use in my Mesa Boogie V-Twin floorpedal. It's a 3 channel tube preamp, it's got 2 12AX7 tubes. Strange part: the clean channel (not the bypass) is not affended. It can usually be used as the reference volume setting compared to the bypass. Then the other 2, the softer "blues" and the hot "solo" channels would well... boost. But after say 15 minutes there's that volume drop. Tube changing time only or worse? and more general: the pedal has gain and master controls. Why is a passive bass so much more uneven within the 2 boost channels? It's a bit overdriven in the blues but rocketlauncher loud in the solo, while the active bass' 2 volumes are quite even. The latter just gets more bite in the solo channel. All about gain volume? ah it's this: [url="http://www.mesaboogie.com/Product_Info/Out_of%20_Production/V-Twin/v-twin.html"]http://www.mesaboogie.com/Product_Info/Out...win/v-twin.html[/url]
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