Nath, it is both filthy and beautiful and the same time! We will defo have to have a session with it through the Sunn, haven't had the chance to rock it hard yet and I;ve almost had it a year!
evillordjuju - I guess you're Jules off the gibsonbass site. Can't do clips sorry. It gets a nice round twangy (but not over trebley) sound with the back 2 pups on, and gives a nice solid chugging tone with all 3. Hard to describe really, I usually keep all 3 on. It's also very resonant. Maybe that has something to do with the finish or the age of it, but it's the 'loudest' unplugged bass I've had. Love it!
Tim, the orange isn't bad at all. I use it just for messing around in the bedroom.
I've got the 20watt version, tried the 35 in the shop and didnt think the larger speaker and line out were worth the extra cost. For bedroom work, the 20watter is spot on, and pretty loud actually. Picked mine up for about £80 new at promenade music in morecambe.