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Everything posted by fede162162

  1. After Carvin,Markbass, GK and PJB, I'm in the fantastic world of the true clean bass sound,which,in my tastes, is the best in the world. clean preamp DI (italian made), power amp, and bass. a really bare incredible sound. Now that I'm in UK I'm just curious about the DI/Preamp you use or like which can lead a power amp. thank you very much! this is the mine [attachment=23835:IMGP2120.JPG]
  2. I don't like their new cabs at all. I liked the old series (black cabs or the Parsek cabs, which were the copy of MM audiophile cab) However, the heads are a different story, they are very good. I must admit that when I switched from markbass to PJB my sound improved terribly.(but also the weight!!!) ps I think that the "intimate level" is amazing!! +D the "too much!" led is amazing as well
  3. Hi guys, I'd like you to know one of the new Markbass products, the TSA 500 head Faso signature. it has some cool feats, like the valve, the semi parametric low and high mid and the phone out, but I'd rather you looked carefully at the pic of this head, especially to the "labels" of every single control. You could love that [url="http://www.woodbrass.com/images/woodbrass/4541267000042.JPG"]http://www.woodbrass.com/images/woodbrass/4541267000042.JPG[/url] who is Faso? oooo, once again you better look at that: [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EnUHdlSJe8E"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EnUHdlSJe8E[/url] Faso is "Robert" the text of the song is about the guys with the dredlocks who play the "bongos" very badly, and this is the reason why the mayor of Milan closed the main park in Milan but that was all an internal affair and....ok yes, they are crazy!!
  4. I can help, since I had the same head. First of all his name is Little mark 1. The first Club series was this: [url="http://www.scavino.it/img/markbass_club_s450_front.jpg"]http://www.scavino.it/img/markbass_club_s450_front.jpg[/url] 280w at 8 ohm and 450watt at 4 ohm. As the current markbass heads, it's quite loud. It weighs about 8kg. Differently from the currents series, It has still the toroidal power supply, which is also the reason why some people in italy still prefere this head to little mark 2. The bag is pretty the same you're used to. I loved it. The Eq is the same of the little mark 2. simple but musical and effective as well. This head does not have the "slap" filter, but has the VLE filter that most of you love.(personally I used to leave it all the way off) The pre-section is the same of the Little Mark 2. They seem to differ just in the power amp. Some people say they sound identical, other prefer the yellow one. I liked his flat sound on mid and highs which gave me back the guttural sound of my jazz basses completely. Like all the markbass heads, I don't love his bass frequencies, a little bit acid and sacrified for my taste. for 300 gbp, I definitely recommend you to buying it! this was mine one. lovely,isn't it? [attachment=23307:rigghino.jpg]
  5. [quote name='lee650' post='450914' date='Mar 31 2009, 11:01 PM'] Your absolutely right, they stick n the sides of my two accugrooves and stop mice from setting up home inside them and claiming squatters rights!!!! They also vibrate at just the right frequencies for extra bottom end punch!!!! - lee[/quote] I tought the cat was for the high end..
  6. how much do you want for the cat?
  7. Now I'm really curios to see a challenge between the VT and the Paradriver!! I still don't understand why the paradriver hasn't become as famous as the bddi!! It seems to be the SAME pedal but with added mid, which is great considering that many people and I don't like the BDDI for his mid scooping which mellows the tone too much unless you don't pump the drive!
  8. Hi, What is it that makes you prefer this pedals to the other hundreds of overdrives on the market? I'm not provoking, but nowadays there are so many tasty overdrive pedals that I've renounced to buy one (actually I don't need, but an overdrive is something that every bass player should have) and I'm gonna keep my incredible T-rex Dr swamp!
  9. As mentioned in the title, I'd be glad if you could suggest me the cheapest way to post packages from Ireland to UK. the item would be a light 1U comp (about 2-3kg) thank you!
  10. It's sound very interesting. Now I can't decide between this Presonus and the Yamaha NE-1
  11. which bass have you got Guven? I'm fine!, now I'm arranging thinks in order to play in London. do you know someone who needs a bassist?
  12. Guys, IMHO, this is one of the greatest amps ever produced, and I've dreamt about it for years when I was in Italy (where i have a car..now I need to have a 25kg whole rig). There was a friend of mine who has been using this head for some years, and there was this bass player: [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6e7vN1c6EBs"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6e7vN1c6EBs[/url] (Dario Deidda,from Salerno,near the famous Sorrento) who would call my friend 2 times per month asking him if he would sell him the head! My friend still has the Bass Base, and Deidda is Endorser for Epifani Give it a try, is pure warmness! ps,, who did use to say that the miller jazz bass lacks in mid frequencies? I love Deidda!! =D
  13. [attachment=22922:cheers.jpg]
  14. I had the 4 string model, great build quality, fantastic playability. With that bass I was able to be more virtuoso than I used to be. His weak point is the active electronic because it sucks batteries rapidly, but fortunately is bypassable with the switch on board. [attachment=22921:DSCN9964.JPG] I loved the neck pick up, big but extremely focused
  15. what's the neck material?
  16. sooner I bought a 2x10 cab(at the same price) you come with this amazing cab. too late mate,what a pity, i like "strange thinks" =D if the cab wheighs only 50lbs the speakers are probably eminence deltalite!
  17. Hi guys, I don't know what to choose. Soundtech pros: weight: 11kg less than the QSC space: 1U less than the QSC QSC pros: THE NAME: everybody says me that QSC is synonim of high quality the price: 80£ less than the Soundtech the power: the QSC can go bridged at 4 ohm, the Soundtech only at 8ohm I don't care about the power, I don't think I'm gonna need more than 400w. I care about the sound above all, and ,secondly, about the weight.. do you have any advice?
  18. maple and blue are a lovely matching! if you change your mind about shipping let me know
  19. Hi Guven, how are you? I hope everything's fine! has your Spector EMG-hz pups or active pups?
  20. bump with more precise measures taken
  21. I'm waiting the pics of the body....
  22. Hi guys, I have a 600 watt 4 ohm cab. (2x10 with 2 celestion neo), i have the preamp, I'm looking for a cheap power amp. I don't need tons of watts, I think that 6-800 watt brdiged are more than enough since i won't have big gigs. here in the basschat I've found a bargain with a QSC 1450, but it weighs 18,5 kili(my cab weighs 18!!), and I will have troubles to collect it(it's in london) and carrying, since I don´t have a car. There is a good bargain with a old tech sound system head here in bc, 500w at 4 ohm, only 5 kilos, but.... i'd like the sound of the heavy amplifier!(better bass frequencies) do you know some power amp which weighs around 11-12 kg and gives me 500-800 watt at 4 ohm? i'd like to spend no more than 200..
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