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Everything posted by The_D

  1. Usually decide on a tune to learn at a practice and polish it off at the next practice. If I am singing it seems to be maybe 2 -3 practices but not because it isnt right, mainly because I still dont have the singing confidence yet and I push it back til I am really positive about it.
  2. [quote name='Alien' post='967453' date='Sep 25 2010, 12:28 PM']Plus the one. I started out not singing at all, then moved on to doing a bit of BVs. As my confidence grew I took lead on one song in the set. I now sing lead on all but 3 or 4 songs with my current band. The other thing about backing vocals it that they're just that - backing. It doesn't matter if your voice is a bit iffy (as long as you're not actually out of tune) as your voice is only there to thicken up the sound of the lead singer. A[/quote] Thats almost identicle to my story up to the singing lead on 1 song. I sing lead on 2 but thats about it so far. I also find that I can sing bv's on some songs at practice with the band that I just cant seem to pull off on my own playing along to the CD. Its fairly wierd I think but if you dont feel comfy on your own practicing a backing vocal, try it in the mix with the band as it may sound much better. +loads on the easy bassline part. I simplify the line for a bar or so while singing the bv's then beef it back closer to the original while not singing. Makes our life sooooo much easier.
  3. [quote name='Norris' post='958219' date='Sep 16 2010, 12:36 PM']Mustang Sally is so darned popular with punters. I've never met a musician (or drummer) yet that liked playing it[/quote] And there is the point. We hate playing them because they are played to death either on the radio or by other bands. The thing is though, they are over played for a reason. People like what they know and love to sing along. Mustang, Sex on Fire, Alright Now and Hard to Handle are all on our set list but without fail get people singing along and dancing. I dont enjoy playing the tunes half the time but I absolutely love watching people losing it and dancing away. Thats why I do it. (but yeah, anything by the Killers )
  4. Yeah that rocked man. Now I am watching the Biffy set. Man this was a good festival Wish I was there
  5. Watching the BBC iPlayer QOTSA right now. So far so fecking good
  6. Normally a Tuesday or Thursday depending if I am nightshift or not. Works out quite well cause I only ever do two nightshifts in a row so if I am nights on Tuesday I am definitely off on the Thursday and vice versa. Also I have 5 a sides on a Wed and the drummer has a bike club during summer on Wed too if he can be arsed.
  7. It happened to me after a break in a gig once. Came back after the break and the first song was Scar Tissue. Anything on the G string above like 10th fret was choked. I had just been using it before the break so it must have happened during the break. I raised the saddle after that song after fluffing my way through and it has been fine ever since. This was about 1-2 years ago so I am still puzzled as to what happened.
  8. [quote name='dougie' post='909050' date='Jul 29 2010, 11:38 AM']Memorys gone m8 but yes got a 2.9ghz processor-FINALLY GOT JIFFY BAGS SO THE 3 OF U THAT PM`D POSTING IN THE MORNING GUYS,SORRY ABOUT THE DELAY...PUT IT DOWN TO AN ARSEHOLE BOSS THAT THINKS ITS OK TO SENT A GUY WITH A YOUNG FAMILY AWAY FOR A WEEK AT A TIME WHILE OTHERS WITH NO KIDS GET TO SIT ON THEIR ARSE..... .RANT OVER [/quote] If kurcatovium ends up not taking that CPU I will have it for my old mans PC mate. Just PM me postage costs and I'll sort you out.
  9. [quote name='bottlebassman' post='885422' date='Jul 4 2010, 12:57 PM']Mustang Sally (Commitments) - sorry - waiting for abuse!!!! [/quote] No need to apologise, the punters love it and at the end of the day thats why we do it. They get up dancing and we enjoy ourselves more. Glad you had a good time bud.
  10. The_D

    Load ins

    [quote name='richrips' post='873436' date='Jun 21 2010, 01:19 PM']And use Peavey Gear! The guy i got my 115BX Black widow from said he was selling because their rehearsal space got robbed and the only thing the thieves left was the Peavey! Good advice from the OP that many learn the hard way. Rich[/quote] That doesnt surprise me. The only thing I will leave unattended (for a matter of minutes at a time btw) is my Peavey 4x10. Me and the band have all agreed that if someone manages to lift it and get away before any of us notice then the dude has earned it
  11. We bought one of these for all our PA stuff [url="http://www.thomann.de/gb/thon_zubehoercase_38_30_28_schwarz.htm"]http://www.thomann.de/gb/thon_zubehoercase..._28_schwarz.htm[/url] Takes the whole set of cabling, mics, a Crate emergency amp, set lists and a tambourine. Not cheap right enough but we had a dose of cash in the kitty and kept losing cables.
  12. [quote name='crez5150' post='862042' date='Jun 9 2010, 01:24 PM']Also check some Wharfedale for that money.... big bang for buck.... steer clear of KAM as they are horrid[/quote] +1 on the Wharfdalestuff. We gig with 2 Wharfdale 15's for small to medium pubs/clubs and they are never pushed above half way. Should be perfect for your situation and I think they were around the£250 mark each.
  13. My Thunder IIA is a bit uneven across the strings too but wasnt comfy adjusting the poles that much! Will have to spend some time with it I think.
  14. I have only broken 1 string in 12 years of playing and that was at a recording for our very first demo back in the day. Never at a gig though.
  15. [quote name='Krysbass' post='835504' date='May 12 2010, 05:54 PM']I keep my Superfly as a backup amp these days, but I gigged it for about 2 years before putting it into semi-retirement earlier this year. During that time I had several positive comments at gigs about my tone - I used it with a couple of Yamaha 2x10 cabs, stacked vertically. I had a few initial problems with fuses blowing, but Ashdown's tech support steered me through that and the amp's been fine ever since. I use a Little Giant 1000 now with the same cabs - no problems so far. [/quote] I do have to backup Ashdowns tech support here. While I was having trouble with mine, Guy from tech support sent me the schematic and everything to try and fix it. We had gone through all the first checks i.e. fuse, power supply etc. I was genuinely surprised at the fact they sent me the diagrams to fault find the problem so as much as we criticize the amps, their tech support is great.
  16. [quote name='crez5150' post='834280' date='May 11 2010, 02:55 PM']I gave up trying to use my superfly in a live situation at all..... Although now it does a grand job as the preamp for recording in the studio.... ideal infact[/quote] Yeah, I stuck up for them quite a lot while mines was reliable. Gigged it fairly solid for 3 years until it started cutting out at gigs and is now relegated to a practice amp in my living room. Its way over powered for that use but I can get a great variety of tones from it and am quite happy with what its doing now. You simply cant trust it in a live situation because its too temperamental.
  17. [quote name='TPJ' post='805593' date='Apr 14 2010, 12:14 AM']Are these bridgeable so 500w into 4 ohms? I'm lazy and didn't look it up [/quote] Nope. You need 2 cabs at 4ohms each to get the full power. Biggest downside to these amps. Mines makes a great wee practice amp in the house now but I gigged mine mercilessly for about 3 years so they can do the job.
  18. Yup, completely outrageous decision to make without discussing with each forum member individually.
  19. My big bro loves drawing, cartoons mostly and actually had a call back from Marvel many moons ago. Did his first 4 years at uni doing art but went back and is now a primary school teacher as he loved drawing so much he didnt want it to become a chore. Its a good job I aint good enough to go pro as I love trying to play my basses haha!
  20. [quote name='phobucket' post='785192' date='Mar 24 2010, 09:29 PM']Thanks. Good stuff! We've been running around here saying "What ho" and "Rah di rah di rah di rah, sir?" and singing 47 Ginger headed sailors. We just finished the last Lovejoy disc (wasn't the same without Eric) and are a bit stumped for what to watch next.[/quote] Early Taggart was feckin awesome before the main man died. You may seriously struggle with the accent though haha!
  21. I had never heard of Pete Cornish before this thread so cant comment on the quality, but if the prices are that much more than OBBM's gear then I find it hard to believe the quality reflects such an inflated price. I swapped out all my gigging cables (head to cab, bass to tuner and tuner to amp) to OBBM's and to be honest I cant hear the difference. What I gain in piece of mind though is what makes me glad I did. The speaker cable alone could probably tow one of the cars home if it broke down at a gig!
  22. [quote name='JordanRLS' post='783626' date='Mar 23 2010, 04:21 PM']If you did not accept the refund, i think it is legally yours via the contract[/quote] With paypal you just click refund and the money goes straight back to the seller. Dont get an option to accept it
  23. I have only recently started singing backing vocals but am really enjoying the 4 tunes that I do. She bangs the drums has a decent wee harmony at the end of each line of the chorus and I love it. Have been told I go a bit Manc when doing so though haha!
  24. Its about time. I have been waiting for this for about 2 years. I was beginning to think it would never happen.
  25. Very nice example of a tidy Thunder there mate. GL with the sale but I already have a Thunder II that gets ignored so couldnt justify another! haha
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