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Everything posted by The_D

  1. rant on/ Our singer told me last night that some organiser who is booking bands for a pub in some dirtbox town turned us down because I didnt look interested?! She obviously picked up on the fact that I was pissed off the night she saw us because our guitarist was pissing about more than usual between songs but mistook it for me not giving a sh*t?! It was a saturday night in a skanky wee pub out in the sticks, if I didnt want to be there I could have stayed in my house. Even if she was right, why would that stop someone booking our band? I'm just ranting but I am genuinely confused by this comment and am now going to be paranoid about it in future. Stupid weegie cow! Rant off/
  2. I cant give you any advice about what may be the ptoblem but I will say you are better taking it to a pro for a once over. I played a few gigs with a questionable amp. Wasnt sure if it would make the whole gig and because of that I was continually on edge waiting for it to go as I had no confidence in it. Those few gigs were crap for me as I just wasnt on form because of it until I got a backup.
  3. [quote name='xgsjx' post='602707' date='Sep 19 2009, 08:37 AM']I'm new to Perth & haven't been to the Stagger Inn, I've driven past it, but can't even remember where it is. Only gigs I've done in Perth are a wee acoustic set in Brennans Bar before Christmas last year (& they've no heating) and a few months ago we played in Mucky Mulligans, the live room so a wee room right at the back & 1/2 it is taken up by the stage! Was not a good venue. If you haven't played the Stagger Inn already then I'll ask at work today & post back here. I hardly look at the Gigs section, hence my late response.[/quote] Well it went alright. Good crowd and everyone seemed to really get into it. Its not the Stagger Inn any more as they changed the name to the Malt something or other. Its got a decent enough stage area thats raised so you wont get punters bumping into yer gear. He has booked us for New Year after the response last night. He was asking about it before but wasnt 100% on his offer. Started asking us at the break and we said: 8pm-11pm £400 and accommodation for the night. He snapped it up as his mum has a few properties in town. Its still quite cheep but it was either that or Jongleurs with my mates and I didnt fancy that after being escorted out the last time we went there. Might be worth popping in and trying to get a gig there. We dont charge much though and he had seen us before in Crossgates so thats how we got in.
  4. [quote name='xgsjx' post='603723' date='Sep 20 2009, 05:31 PM']We played at a farm a few miles from Kelty. How did the Stagger Inn go? I've never been before & haven't found anyone that I know here who has been.[/quote] Playing next week. Should be good and it will be nice to get out of Fife for a gig
  5. [quote name='OldGit' post='603506' date='Sep 20 2009, 12:38 PM']Ah, Not the normal "it's everyone's fault but ours" whingeing then Sounds like one to loose ..[/quote] I hope not. I dont want the band or me to come across as a moany bastage just cause it was quiet
  6. [quote name='xgsjx' post='603493' date='Sep 20 2009, 12:22 PM']Played a 50th birthday party last night & It was really good. In a farm steading in the middle of nowhere (Fife). We play all originals & the birthday boy had been to one of our gigs & liked what we did so his wife booked us.[/quote] Where about in Fife? You prob stole half our usual twats from Pubes
  7. [quote name='OldGit' post='603478' date='Sep 20 2009, 12:12 PM']Er, I hate to start this OT discussion off again but how come you don't take an audience with you? Do you do any marketing? Do you tell anyone you are plying this place or is it all down to the pube? Are you building things up? Perhaps if you did you could charge more - or at least avoid getting your fees cut...[/quote] Normally its quite busy but thats no excuse I agree. Very few of my mates/aquaintances will travel out there to watch something they can see locally for half (at least) the taxi fair. Normally its really quite busy so he has had no justification in the past for tryting to stiff us for our fee. TBH its just one of those pubs that is seeming less and less worth the effort that goes into playing the gig. We could advertise out of our face but its still a bit of a dreary area so would prob be the same 6-10- folks turning up. Even if we got a good turn out the run ins with the manager have kinda soured the whole band to the point that a really busy gig isnt enough to save it/us. I dont think its somewhere we would miss but felt like a wee half moan last night.
  8. Haven't read much of the thread but fealt I should comment. "Do you like your band?" Yup most certainly. We are all as mental as each other in varying degrees.. I have all the drugs experience but they all match me on craziness. we regularly end up staying up til 6-7 in the morning after a gig just talking mince and discussing where qnd what we want to play. I didnt get home til 6:30 this morning after a bad gig. We still went back to the singer/guitarist house for a few to discuss how bad it was and then continue to laugh about general pants til we ran out of beer. I am 29 btw and apart from the guitarist so are the rest of the band just for a bit of perspective. "Is this what you wana do?" I could quite fancy a higher paid gig but listening to the general discussion of bands on here, we are all quite lucky to be as close as we are and still get gigs/sound (damn) good. So I suppose I am just at the very level I should expect.
  9. Bit of a stinker last night to be honest. Played in a pube (spelling mistake I wont bother correcting) we have been in quite a few times before but much, much quieter this time. We are quite cheep as it is and this twat keeps trying to knock £30 off our price. That added to the fact that for the last three songs we were playing to 5 people (not including the guitards mum and dad who come to most gigs) and theres only 4 in the band. Will see out the 2 remaining gigs there then call it a day. They were good to us when we were just starting out but are starting to take the piss a bit
  10. [quote name='Daquifsta' post='594307' date='Sep 9 2009, 09:14 PM']I've just been in a very similar position: joining my first band and wondering what to do for stage gear. For me, quality rather than cheap, but also on a budget points straight away to the second hand market. What I've ended up with is an almost new Hartke LH1000 head (cost me £350), two pretty battered but servicable Peavey 210 TVX cabs (about £60 each) [u][b]and some serious cables from an ebay seller called bassic bits to join it all together.[/b][/u] Bassically , I've spent just over £500 to get IMHO a pretty serious rig, with the flexibility of only using one 2 x 10 cab in a smaller venue. But that's just what I've done - there as many opinions as there are members on here. Happy hunting![/quote] Thats Dave/OBBM. Regular poster on here and great quality cables. I only use his cables now and you are right they are serious.
  11. I used to have an old peavey combo practice amp and the amp section had come loose causing a rattle. Pop the back off and check all the mounting screws holding the amp into the cab.
  12. [quote name='RhysP' post='601112' date='Sep 17 2009, 10:44 AM']That's why I could never play in a covers band. I could never play something I really don't like just because a bunch of gurning pissheads like to jump around to it. I'd rather play music I enjoy to an empty room.[/quote] True but for every Mr Brightside there is a People are strange, Love me Two Times, KoL, Thin Lizzy, Ozzy Ozzborne, ZZ top tune I love to play. I dislike the song but if people are enjoying it I am doing my job and that cheers me up. Then we get to bust out some Florence and the Machine just to mess with them.
  13. [quote name='tonybassplayer' post='600994' date='Sep 17 2009, 07:01 AM']We always seem to get the start ok now but we had a few "moments" the first couple of times I agree that it's not the best song in the world BUT the audiences absolutely love it so why not play it ??[/quote] I quite like Kings of Leon so it was my idea to try it before it was even released as a single. We worked on it at one practice and it was in. People were going mad for it then and they still do now. Its like Blondi: One Way or Another or The feckin Killers one we do Mr Brightside. I keep askin to drop it and without fail it goes down a storm with people jumping on chairs and swinging pints about. Our guitarist just looks at me and shrugs when we play it cause deep down I know we cant drop it
  14. The_D

    Boxing day gigs?

    [quote name='OldGit' post='597385' date='Sep 13 2009, 02:49 PM']Sounds Ok for pub gigs and as you say loads of gigs at a reasonable amount is bettter than a few at more money. It's a balance. if your market won't stump up more without a fight then you have to decide if it's worth the hassle for what is only a few pints each more However traditionally NYE should be about 3 times your normal fee so £600 rather than £400. But if you are all happy with what you are getting and you don't need a decent take home for domestic negotiations then just charge what you are happy with.[/quote] He has offered us a flat for the night too which was the clincher for me. I wouldnt be keen on the new years gig if we all have to drive home at the end of the night. Band stops at 11 and then we get to have a few beers for the bells.
  15. The_D

    Boxing day gigs?

    [quote name='davidmpires' post='595407' date='Sep 11 2009, 09:28 AM']Because I always go back home at that time of the year we never do Xmas or NYE. This year our last gig will be on the 17th as i'm going from the 18th until the 3rd. £400 for a NYE is indeed very very cheap. But you still charge very little for your average gig. How many of you in the band? I'd probably charge a bit more, but then again I charge more than you already. Do you have dinner included? Drinks?[/quote] No dinner or drinks. We all drive to and from gigs with our cars/equipment. Theres 4 in the band: Guitard/vox, Drummer, Vocals and Me on the fat strings. The average round here is about £250-£300 a gig but you get some bands wanting £400+ but dont get many gigs. We arent undercutting too much. Just offering a slightly cheaper option for skint pubs.
  16. The_D

    Boxing day gigs?

    Cheers guys. None of us have kids so babysitters dont come into it. I usually do go out for a piss up on boxing day though so I am giving up my time for this. I have been trying to get our price up as I honestly believe that we are worth so much more. We are still at the point at the moment of trying to convince bars to let us in the door though. Once we have played they always, without doubt, want our diary so they can book us back. I will get back to the point earlier that if we gig every weekend at £200 then we are better off than a band that gigs once a month for £400. I enjoy playing and I am sure that most of the places we play would grudge paying more than £250 and even thats a push. Not because of how good we are just because they are all tight bastages.
  17. The_D

    Boxing day gigs?

    So we have been asked to play a gig on boxing day. We are a rock cover band and we are generally quite cheap compared to a lot of bands in the area. We get gigs because we are good value for money at £180-£200 mark. We are gigging virtually every weekend and I attribute that to the price, as we know bands who are as good as us with a lot fewer gigs due to the charges they ask for. That was just to stop people moaning about us undercutting bands and selling out nah, nah, nah. We got offered a gig at New Year in Perth and are considering it at £400 plus a flat for the band on Auld Years night. We all kinda agreed this was reasonable. On the other hand we were asked about Boxing day from a more local pub and our guitarist is adamant that it should be a normal priced gig?! I think its a special day and should be more. Maybe not as big a night as Christmas Eve or New Years Eve but still a special night. I mean C'mon it has its own name?! Do you guys charge more on boxing day or is it normal prices for you?
  18. Anyone?!
  19. We got booked to play in Perth at the Stagger Inn and I was looking for any Perth forumites to tell me what its like up there. A guy from work last night told me he had been warned all the rough red necks that are banned from everywhere else drink there and there was a bit of a reputation. We all went down last week to check the place out and it looked really quite nice but he said it might be different these days. Help me here, are we walking into a midden here?!
  20. I was in Crossgates playing to some hicks so wasnt me.
  21. +1 for Summer of 69. I hate playing it but it gets the crowd singing along every time without fail. Probably add Mustang Sally to the list. In itself its not cheesy but when someone comes up and asks us to play the commitments it kinda grates on me. Plus a very boring bass line. We do "I touch myself" as well though. Thats quite cheesy.
  22. We do the Ramones happy birthday from the Simpsons if ever asked for it. If anything it makes sure they dont ask for it again.
  23. [quote name='supabock' post='575606' date='Aug 20 2009, 02:50 PM']I would be very cautious in these kind of situations. The vintage and rare shop in Bath had an original Entwistle Jazz bass in stock for sale of course. It was from his collection and was considered to have been in since around mid 70's and was being offered at 34k or there abouts poss two years ago?? It was featured in a book called "Bass Culture - The John Entwistle Collection". so had some documentary historical evidence of sorts. Of course you could take a punt at a couple of hundred quid on the bass and who knows, you could be in possession of a more valuable instrument, who knows....??[/quote] The big give away is that he NEVER smashed anything up and also still had most if not all of his basses when he died. I cant see any reason to believe that this ever belonged to John.
  24. [quote name='HMX' post='572524' date='Aug 18 2009, 01:30 AM']Try listening to 2:30 and tell me you can't hear those cool bass fills. I actually rate this bass player. I haven't heard much of him but just from this song, I like his tone, his style and there's some cool little fills.[/quote] Couldnt agree more. I am not a fan either but respect where its due this Bassist knows how to fill that tune. I get a feeling that the OP is just looking for a reaction now. Skin Colour, Fieldy, now a legitimate bass player criticised. I'm waiting on the Jaco/Wooten sucks thread from him any day now.
  25. [quote name='funkypenguin' post='571667' date='Aug 17 2009, 02:41 PM']ive always found its best to agree a fee beforehand. £30 between you is disgusting for a 2 1/2 hour gig[/quote] Yup. It may be a different thing if a few bands are splitting money or whatever but for a 2.5 hr gig you should have agreed up front. We dont play anywhere that either pays in ticket money or bar percentage. Its too much faffing about just to be shafted at the end of the night.
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