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Everything posted by The_D

  1. [quote name='butlerk02' post='478987' date='May 4 2009, 01:45 PM']bump[/quote] Have a bump on me. This was the best pedal I ever bought. Sorted out my hissy chain in one fell swoop.
  2. [quote name='deksawyer' post='474707' date='Apr 29 2009, 12:04 AM']Tell your drummer to get his new heads fitted!!!! D.[/quote] Lol! I think he has already. He turned up with the ones from his gigging kit to fit to his practice kit last night
  3. [quote name='steve-soar' post='474413' date='Apr 28 2009, 05:48 PM']Before you use the glue, it's a good idea to breath heavily into the crack, this will give you a little added moisture which will help the glue bond into porous sufaces but the idea is to flood the crack with glue....oh dear.[/quote] That just sounded so dirty in my head [quote]I think your own idea of sanding it down is probably the best option for you and the potential buyer as you will then both be fully aware of the extent of the problem and take the appropriate action.[/quote] Well I got a reply and its not the bass for him. The PUP configuration is all wrong but at least I hunted it out and am gonna try and get the thing back to its former glory. Will sand it down first I think and see where to go after that.
  4. [quote name='steve-soar' post='474374' date='Apr 28 2009, 05:12 PM']Get a bottle of Loctite Super Glue Precision, it has a fine nozzle for getting into fine cracks and is of a thinner consistancy. Try seeing if you can get a few drops into the crack, if it seems to sink in after more than a few drops, chances are that the glue is penetrating into a wood crack, as this will soak up the glue. If it is a lacquer crack (which I doubt), it will collect on the surface after a few drops, after it has finished running behind any lacquer that has lifted away from the wood. If it is a wood crack, the glue will strengthen it and any excess can be sanded and polished flat.[/quote] Not a bad idea. I always thought superglue was poor for wood as it dries out? Its still prob my best option atm.
  5. [quote name='Lew-Bass' post='474354' date='Apr 28 2009, 04:56 PM']hell is this! A very shortscale double bass/bass hybrid :ph34r: [url="http://www.basscentre.com/ashbory-bass/ashbory-bass.html"]http://www.basscentre.com/ashbory-bass/ashbory-bass.html[/url] It looks pretty eye-catching, anyone know what they sound like?[/quote] A few people on here and other forums use them. Supposed to sound great! They have some kind of surgical rubber tubing for strings and have heard people say a wee bit talc on your fingers stops any blistering
  6. [quote name='warwickhunt' post='474343' date='Apr 28 2009, 04:50 PM']It looks like a crack to me and if it has stayed stable for 10 years it may well remain so but you can bet your bottom dollar that if it takes a whack it will pat a lot quicker than if it wasn't there! I'm sure a good luthier could inject something in there to stabilse it further but you have to consider/off-set the cost of repair against what the bass is worth. [/quote] Thats what I thought. If I decide to have it repaired, I could lose out on the sale. I have made it clear to the interested party that its there and sent him the above pic. Will have to wait and see if he is still interested.
  7. [quote name='neepheid' post='474298' date='Apr 28 2009, 04:17 PM']What does it feel like? What does it look like when light passes over it?[/quote] It feels smooth but if I drag a fingernail across it I can feel the split. If it is the wood it is cracked precisely through the finish as there are no cracks that I cant feel on the top. I might have to sand down the finish just to be sure though. If it is a crack is there anyway to seal it and prevent it from spreading? Like I said I have had it for 10+ years now and it hasnt spread.
  8. I have had this bass for years and as long as I can remember it has had this crack at the neck. I have had a good close look and am sure its just the finish and not the actual neck itself. Anyone know if I am deluding myself or if this is actually in the wood? Only reason I ask is because there is a chance I am going to sell it and dont want to sell it then have it break on someone. I have played it for years without any bother and it hasnt gotten any worse.
  9. The_D


    [quote name='EBS_freak' post='471673' date='Apr 24 2009, 04:29 PM']Do you not like fire?[/quote] I have no problem with fire but dont really like my stuff burning
  10. The_D


    [quote name='EBS_freak' post='471661' date='Apr 24 2009, 04:17 PM']I would. Imagine the fire![/quote] I'll rephrase that "Then again I wouldnt use any amp [b]I[/b] paid £200 or less for as a house backline for an all dayer!". I am a cheap Scot remember.
  11. The_D


    [quote name='EBS_freak' post='471651' date='Apr 24 2009, 04:02 PM']What gubbins are there to strip off?![/quote] The silver side plates and the branded top and bottom plates. You can remove all this to rack mount it but I saw how small it was and tried it in my gig bag pouch. Fits like a glove
  12. The_D


    [quote name='EBS_freak' post='471647' date='Apr 24 2009, 04:01 PM']You what?? Surely that is a big design flaw then. No use using it as house backline for an all dayer then?[/quote] Certainly not! Then again I wouldnt use any amp at £200 or less as a house backline for an all dayer! Its kinda like that other "you get what you pay for" thread. I got a cheap, small amp to go with a small cab that now equals an extremely portable rig and I get a decent enough sound out of mine.
  13. The_D


    [quote name='birdy' post='471529' date='Apr 24 2009, 02:14 PM']Interesting that a lot of you are using these to good effect. My recollections are that they can be deemed to be unreliable, it appears from this thread that perhaps that is not so true and they are in fact good solid workhorses? Steve[/quote] Another dude running a Superfly here. I have it running out to a 2x10 400W ALIEN AUDIO cab ( made by our very own ALIEN). The 2x10 is usually enough for the small pubs and clubs we end up in. If its a big enough venue I bust out the 412 Marshall cab and it sounds monster. I have stripped all the gubbings off my superfly and now it fits perfectly in my gig bag. I can load in and out in one go without the Marshall Effects in one hand the 2x10 in the other and bass/amp on my back And about the overheating thing. I just switch it off between sets and it cools down fine. It only overheats because it doesnt have a built in fan. Our powered PA speakers heat up just as bad.
  14. Get the epiphone and drop a Darkstar in it! Oh wait you are trying to save money on this project right... I'll get ma coat
  15. The_D

    4 x 12 cabinets

    [quote name='bassman2790' post='464358' date='Apr 16 2009, 08:09 PM']I saw your post and was wondering whether to send you a PM. It's just the distance as you can appreciate. If you were nearer, I'd snap your hand off. I expect sending it via courier would cost me a small fortune considering it's size and weight. Would you be interested in finding out how much it would cost to ship it to my DY3 address?[/quote] I could look into it. Dont get your hopes up though as its prob gonna cost a lot like you said lol! Had a look at interparcel and if the dimensions and weight are correct from [url="http://www.thomann.de/gb/marshall_vbc412.htm?feedid=4827"]http://www.thomann.de/gb/marshall_vbc412.htm?feedid=4827[/url] then we are talking £42.96 +VAT. I am actually quite surprised by that. Thought it would be more!
  16. The_D

    4 x 12 cabinets

    If you decide to go for the Marshall and are visiting Scotland any time soon (or not so soon lol) I have one going for £150. Been trying to sell it for bloody ages but just aint getting any bites. No one in Scotland seems to want a 4x12!
  17. I saw this a while ago before my PC went tits up. Really clever piece of work I must say
  18. [quote name='kennyrodg' post='451566' date='Apr 1 2009, 03:04 PM']Hey all. I use a modded Boss CS-3 and B....nger limiter.Is it possible to power them both from 1 power supply ?? I dont have a pedal board btw. Thanks in advance. :ph34r:[/quote] You can get daisy chain connectors from loads of places that will split the signal up to 8-9 ways for multiple pedals. Just make sure they are the same input rating (some pedals are 18V most are 9 I think) and also that the power supply has a suitable output rating. Most would be more than fine for just the 2 pedals though.
  19. [quote name='phatbass787' post='445134' date='Mar 25 2009, 04:42 PM']Why dont you just DI from the back of the fly into aforementioned PA ?[/quote] Thats an option but I have to agree with alexclaber. If the guitarist is pushing out that much then you will always struggle to come through. If you do manage to cut through then the drums will end up needing to be mic'd in as well and the singer will get drowned out. Eventually you are all fighting for sonic room and bars wont book you due to volume/noise overkill. Its never fun trying to tell a band member to tweak there tone/volume but 1000W is way too much unless you are playing big venues.
  20. [quote name='Bill Fitzmaurice' post='444430' date='Mar 24 2009, 10:03 PM']Even if it has twice the power that's at best a 3dB net output increase, which is barely audible. I can't imagine 250w per side into 2 cabs not being enough; I run only one channel of my Fly into one 8 ohm cab and it's plenty.[/quote] I am only using 1 2x10 at the mo too and its fine now I have played around with the volume and gain. I have a massive 4x12 cab that sometimes gets busted out at bigger venues but mostly for pubs and stuff the 2x10 is plenty. Jamesemt: Do you happen to play against 2 marshall stack guitar "gods"? That would explain why you aint getting through.
  21. [quote name='Jamesemt' post='444265' date='Mar 24 2009, 08:35 PM']Thats really interesting mate - I presume you are using a passive bass? How high can you go with the gain if the imput volume is on max?[/quote] Well to be honest mate I aint sure but it doesnt have to go very high. Its an active bass but it goes through a pedal board so not sure how that affects the signal active/passive wise.
  22. [quote name='Jamesemt' post='444212' date='Mar 24 2009, 08:05 PM']My Superfly is just not loud enough with 2x4 ohm Eden Nemesis cabs in the current band. Has anyone compared the Little Giant 1000 to the Superfly for overall volume?[/quote] I havent tried the little giant but did have the same complaint about my superfly. I turned the input volume up full and turned the gain right down. Now it seems I can get more volume out without it clipping or even going into the orange on the input level. Maybe I shouldnt be doing this though. Anyone know more about it?
  23. [quote name='waynepunkdude' post='442095' date='Mar 22 2009, 10:59 PM']Just did a UK shipping quote for this @ 100cm - 50cm - 50 cm 25kg[/quote] Thanks Wayne that looks cheep
  24. [quote name='ogri' post='441980' date='Mar 22 2009, 08:11 PM']dimensions and weight? good grief you lot are picky..... its big enough to house two ten inch speakers packed tightly together, weighs less than a 25kg bag of cement, takes a normal jack and it presently abides with me in peterborough .....[/quote] lol. Just trying to work out shipping mate I would pick it up but aint traveling from Fife! If you could work out a shipping price I would be even more interested.
  25. [quote name='Bassmanc' post='440997' date='Mar 21 2009, 11:54 AM']Where is here exactly and can you post dimensions and weight please? Also what conmnectors does it have?[/quote] Wouldnt mind knowing this too. I have been waiting for a decent wee 2x10 for a while to pop up at 4 ohms. Definitely interested.
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