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Everything posted by The_D

  1. [quote name='ogri' post='437463' date='Mar 17 2009, 04:20 PM']replied :-)[/quote] Sold?
  2. Was a busy weekend Played in Dysart on Friday and they loved it. Wouldnt let us finish and we ended up playing til 12.30 instead of 12. Played The Crystal Bar in Crossgates last night for the first time so were not sure how it would go. When they eventually let us finish I heard one guy shout "best live band thats played the crystal bar ever" I was quite impressed but it might say more for who has played before as I have no idea who has been there haha. Highlight for the rest of the band was when we were loading in and our lead guitarist heard one of the yokels saying the beardy guy must be the roadie, talkin about me btw! So I was the roady all night after that and probably for a long time to come!
  3. [quote name='deksawyer' post='422982' date='Mar 2 2009, 10:53 AM']Well, you've never heard a tighter cab in your life (well I haven't) the bottom end was simply fantastic. It's almost like there's some sort of compression happening. I think the Powersoft derived amp has some sort of DSP. I like it anyway! It could have been a bit clearer in the mid/high end but I never really tweaked it too much. It's always a sh*tty sound in this particular venue, so it could just be that. I met 'The Dude' there, nice talking to you... D.[/quote] Well hello there Was a good afternoon and I liked yer amp mate. Nice choice of songs yer band pulled out too. We were happy enough to get up for a couple then get drunk! I love those jam sessions when I aint workin the next day
  4. Killers: Mr Brightside (even though I cant stand the bloody band) Kings of Leon: Sex on fire and The Bucket (The Bucket is damn boring but On call is a good one too) Jet: Are you gonna be my girl (cant see past that one in a cover band and always goes down a storm) Kaiser Chiefs: None. (I vetoed these jumped up nursery rhyme gits when I joined the band) Franz Ferdinand: Ullysees (sp?) That or anything early (not a fan of the 2nd album) Stereophonics: Local boy or Bartender and the thief (bartender is downtuned for guitar but I just play it normal tuning) Foo Fighters: Times like these or Learn to fly (depending on your singer) Would love to put some Foo's in our set but with a female vocalist it wouldnt really work
  5. I am sticking that on my watchlist. If he sells it at £250 I am sticking mine on for the next mug
  6. [quote name='The Burpster' post='427849' date='Mar 7 2009, 08:53 AM']Check this site out..... Some cracking models in here if you're into that kinda thing...... Lotsa basses too. [url="http://stores.miniatureguitarusa.com/StoreFront.bok"]http://stores.miniatureguitarusa.com/StoreFront.bok[/url][/quote] No PRS's huh? Fair enough no PRS basses [url="http://stores.miniatureguitarusa.com/Categories.bok?category=ALL&keyword=rush"]http://stores.miniatureguitarusa.com/Categ...mp;keyword=rush[/url]
  7. It depends which tunes they are. The only group there my band dont cover is Biffy and I really aint that good. Some Chili stuff is surprisingly simple once you get it and the Muse stuff is usually fairly standard structure so easy enough to get too. I say try like a bear and if you still aint ready for the gig you will at least have a a few new tunes under your belt.
  8. [quote name='littleal' post='391432' date='Jan 26 2009, 09:12 AM']Have you seen this one, i had one myself years ago & thought it was amazing, i might even try for this one unless you want it then i'll leave it to you [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&rd=1&item=290291355075&ssPageName=STRK:MEWA:IT&ih=019"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?Vie...A:IT&ih=019[/url][/quote] Jeezo! Sorry to derail mate but you could stick it on ebay if thats how they are selling. Unless that was the seller bumping the price up.
  9. [quote name='MacDaddy' post='391390' date='Jan 26 2009, 02:22 AM']...snip...and to an average member of the audience would be no different sound wise to a bass 2 or 3 times it's value. I realise this may be entirely subjective, but we may find some common ground? Waddaya reckon?[/quote] Entirely subjective as it is, depending on where you play, your average punter wouldnt notice on any quality of bass. Its more in the player and amp I think. We worry so much about our nuances in tone and even band members sometimes dont notice
  10. [quote name='budget bassist' post='390926' date='Jan 25 2009, 01:54 PM']Hmm [url="http://www.westone.info/thunder2bass.html"]i think you're right there[/url], it seems the one with the J pickups and solid finish were set neck and the ones with the P pickups and trans finish were neck thru, my bad![/quote] Thanks for the link I always thought mines was a '83 but according to that mines is an '81 as it is the spit of the second one in that link just a bit darker. Even has the XLR.
  11. See this post [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=39255&hl="]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=39255&hl=[/url] The gig was actually going really well till that happened haha!
  12. [quote name='benwhiteuk' post='386918' date='Jan 20 2009, 10:57 PM']So it has no adverse affect on your tone at all, and your tone is completely the same, but it completely removes the hiss/noise? That sounds amazing. I might have to try one out… PS – I take it you put it right at the end of your signal chain/pedalboard?[/quote] Here [url="http://www.bosscorp.co.jp/products/en/NS-2/"]http://www.bosscorp.co.jp/products/en/NS-2/[/url] The NS2 actually has an in, an out, a send and return. You put the noisy pedals into the send/return loop and then link the rest as normal. You play with the thereshold to the point where the hiss stops then you are good to go. Try and borrow one from someone to see if its what you need but it sounds exactly like my problem and this completely solved it for me. I leave the pedal on all the time so when I switch my pedals on I dont have to also switch the NS2 on too.
  13. [quote name='benwhiteuk' post='386886' date='Jan 20 2009, 10:45 PM']What did that Boss NS2 do to your tone?[/quote] Nothing. It just removes/suppresses noise in a signal path. Doesnt have any affect on your tone at all. AFAIK it is designed exactly for the purpose in this case.
  14. I had the same problem. I traced it down to my Big Muff but didnt want to lose it so I invested in some quality patch cables from our very own OBBM. The cables were great but didnt eliminate the hiss. I then bought a Boss NS2 (noise suppressor) and that totally solved it. I now have a very quiet signal path and I havent sacrificed any of my effects to get it. So in summary lol! Get a noise suppressor of some kind and wave goodbye to your noise.
  15. Bumpity Bump
  16. [quote name='Jarhead' post='381546' date='Jan 15 2009, 05:43 PM']If only you lived in England, because i have the 1x15 version of this cab and would be willing to trade you for it. Don't suppose your down in the Midlands any time soon? Zach[/quote] Nope never been down there and wont be any time soon
  17. [quote name='Chipps' post='349762' date='Dec 9 2008, 03:01 PM']Sorry to get your hopes up, but I'm just wondering about your bass... Is that an old Aria or Westone? Looks nicely '80s from here...[/quote] Just noticed this post as I wasnt on much in December. Yeah its a '83 Westone. Was due for a bump anyway cause its still here!
  18. I have a Thunder II and thought about selling it but I dont think I would get enough to prize it from my cold dead hands lol. It was the first bass I ever bought and even if some shmuck offered £200 I still think I would rather have the bass (even if it doesnt get played ). Sorry for the derail Debbie
  19. I use that all the time cause my PC is hooked up to my HDTV in my living room. Sometimes I just cant see some sites so I zoom in
  20. [quote name='Alien' post='378358' date='Jan 12 2009, 10:22 PM']Thanks Buddy! This was built to go with the one I sold to The_D, it's got the same corners and connections just a different grille. Anyway, here's a couple of pics like you requested. [attachment=18608:PICT0259.JPG] From the front [attachment=18609:PICT0260.JPG] From the top/side [attachment=18610:PICT0261.JPG] Connector plate Andy[/quote] Dont think I could hate you any more than I do right now lol! If I had the money I would be pinching this from Warpig!
  21. [quote name='Alien' post='377597' date='Jan 12 2009, 12:51 PM']I've got a DIY 4 Ohm 1x15 that doesn't get a lot of use. Fitted with an Eminence Kappa driver, 450W handling. I'd be looking for about £80. I could probably deliver as I'm going to be down your neck of the woods fairly soon. PM me if you're interested. Andy[/quote] I'll vouch for Alien. He sold me a DIY 2x10 and its a cracking little cab.
  22. Signed just now. I also sent a mail to everyone in my bebo friends list. I played a gig with one fitted once. It only cut out twice during the actual gig but during sound check it took us much longer to set up than normal. If a venue requires it (community hall or social club) then fine but we wont play there. All venues being forced to fit one is wrong on a good few levels and thats why I signed up. At the end of the day if someone is playing with a valve amp, suddenly killing the power is a bad thing. I would like to see a promoter going in the huff because the gig is off when someones amp blows all the valves.
  23. [quote name='chris_b' post='376891' date='Jan 11 2009, 04:38 PM']Could you get the speakers reconed? Or call Marshall to find out what the replacements should be?[/quote] Marshall are very tight with some info. I foned them up a while back when I was trying to fix up an old 4x12 I had lying around. They wanted the serial number for the cab and everything. If you have that then it shouldnt be a problem. Your best bet would be to remove the back and get all the specs from the cones already fitted. They should have labels stuck to the magnets on the back.
  24. I have a few pedals. I dont use them on most songs but the ones I do use them on just wouldnt sound right without them. I cant see Spread Your Love by The Black Rebel Motorcycle club sounding even close without some heavy fuzz. Problem is though that the pedals I use (Big Muff, SD-1) are so noisy when switched on I need a noise limiter so then I am forced into having that there too. I did recently stop using my Compressor though so might try experimenting with a flanger when I use my Fuzz pedal. Sorry got a bit rambly there. I do like a good clean tone but there are just some songs in our set that I NEED pedals for. I dont mind though as I love toys and its always funny having more pedals than your Guitard
  25. We play anything from Wilson Picket to Metallica but I think the most obscure one we have played was the Yeah, Yeah, Yeahs: Phenomenon. I hated it though cause they dont have a bass player so I just kinda grooved around in E. Also we used to play The Music: Take the long road but only one of my mates knew it and if he wasnt there it was just wasted.
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