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Everything posted by The_D

  1. [quote name='vmaxblues' post='349039' date='Dec 8 2008, 08:51 PM']Hi guys, I have a gig on saturday and my left hand is killing me, I haven't a clue what I have done to do it, it appears to be at the base of the thumb, and it is excrutiating to play, anyone got any ideas? Cheers Stuart[/quote] See a doctor? You will prob get loads of useless unedumacated tips but without knowing what caused it a doctor is yer best bet. I sliced the palm of my fretting hand open the day of a gig once! Panicked for a little while then cleaned it up and super glued it back together Worked a treat!
  2. This thing is still for sale and I really need rid of it! Someone must need a monster like this surely?! C'mon people! Will meet anyone in Scotland halfway for a pickup if that helps.
  3. I followed the first cry for help thread at work on a quiet nightshift and by the time I read it Monsieur Poirot (Shockwave) was well on the way to locating Jake. This is the first I have posted on the subject in any of the subsequent threads as anything I thought or would have said has been said. I am only posting now to say how happy I am that this all got sorted out and now the bass is actually in friendly hands Incx can breathe a sigh of relief. I am sure that he had all but given up hope of ever seeing it in the flesh and was sure at one point he may have been on the verge of giving up. After his phonecall to the police when they couldnt understand him then told him they couldnt do a thing without an address. Once again Rob you are the man and you deserve all the praise handed your way. Yours and others selfless detective work helped Incx to receive what is rightfully his. A proper heartwarming Christmas tale. Now, who exactly would get the book/film royalties when this is written up?!
  4. So Mike moved on from the scare factory? I wonder how Sully is getting on? Sorry, I have a 9yo Neice and a 3yo Nephew who stayed last night and we watched Monsters Inc.
  5. [quote name='skankdelvar' post='331156' date='Nov 17 2008, 11:20 PM']Can't believe no-one's mentioned the Ashbory - [url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ashbory_bass"]http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ashbory_bass[/url] and the truly worrying Roland G77 synth bass [url="http://www.helpwantedproductions.com/G77.JPG"]http://www.helpwantedproductions.com/G77.JPG[/url][/quote] The first thing I thought of when I read the OP was the Ashbory. Also Piezo pickups were a massive move forward in pickup design. I am still trying to work out what the OP is exactly asking for here. There have been a good few changes in bass designs even down to the sinsonido [url="http://www.adirondackguitar.com/electrics/aria/travel_bass.htm"]http://www.adirondackguitar.com/electrics/...travel_bass.htm[/url] Thats basically a stick with a tube frame. Certainly nothing like a P or a Jazz IMHO of course.
  6. Bumpity bump.
  7. I agree with Kev I dont think this site needs much changing. Of course there are a few options the forum could use but to implement them its gonna cost money at some stage which then takes away the free aspect of Basschat which I love (typical Scot). Keep on keepin on CK
  8. [quote name='colinmk' post='323811' date='Nov 6 2008, 10:47 PM']Any chance of a picture mate? How do you reckon it would sound from my ampeg svp-pro? I'm looking for a sound that will cut through.[/quote] I dont keep it in the house so will be Tuesday now till I can take more. I didnt take any before cause there was no interest plus I got quite drunk last saturday when I was in the pub its kept in I will have a look through any gig shots to see if I have any from when I was using it. I cant say for sur ewhat it will sound like through an SVP as I have never had one. Its fairly boomy through my Ashdown but they are renowned for being quite woollie so its not much to go on. If Pablo chimes in again he used to use the very same cab through the Marshall Valve head and loved it. He only sold it (AFAIK) because he wasnt gigging at the time. Edited to add: With my old H¦H head unit. Will take some clearer ones on Tuesday.
  9. Pre weekend bump
  10. Cheers mate. I'm fed up with it just sitting there doing nothing. I foned up guitarguitar about a trade in but they only offered £100. Really dont think its worth letting go at that. £150 is about as low as I am prepared to go
  11. I can probably clear any confusion here. Unless I am missing a but-load of sarcasm. I have the same Ritter gig bag. No idea if its related in any way to Jens (prob not) and this guy just doesnt realise its a stagg bass starter kit with a ritter bag!
  12. Finally decided to get rid of my VBC412. Been trying (not very hard) for a little while now. Its the 400W@4ohm jobbie and is damn loud. Surprisingly the tolex is still in great nick but it has lost a castor along the way so I removed the rest. Will obviously include these in the sale or trade. Its just too big to hump to and from gigs so looking for something smaller to pair with my 2x10. Would take £150 or a trade for a 2x10 or possibly 1x15. Either would have to be rated at 4 ohms to match the rating from my Ashdown Superfly. It would be easier if you were at least from Scotland but could ship. Would prob cost more than a small African nation to do that though 'cause of the size. Can get some pictures for anyone interested on Sat night as its up in the pub we practice at.
  13. It is now. Sold my car last week but when I still had it... prob not. All my gear on the other hand: Amps cabs AND Basses were more than likely worth more than my car though.
  14. [quote name='thepurpleblob' post='317974' date='Oct 29 2008, 09:51 PM']Can anybody who knows this Kings of Leon song manage to count their way through the intro? It's a weird syncopated guitar part and a riffy thing on the bass but I just can't pin down where the bar starts and stops. Once the verse comes in it's all dead easy of course. Anybody help? I'd like to write it all down for the band and I'm a bit stuffed.[/quote] We learned it the other week and its going down a storm at the few gigs we've played it at. I have no musical training so cant help you with timing or any of the other parts sorry mate. I just played along with the intro on repeat til I had it sussed. Like you said once it all kicks in its fine but the first bass notes are awkward. Or maybe I just aint that good (well I know I aint lol). Prob no help at all but the initial slide is early in the bar so you can slide away down then come back up for the next bar.
  15. Sold me his G&L Tribute. Easy transaction and delivered in 2 days Good guy.
  16. I'm going to have to watch this. I am thinking about selling my Thunder 2. Dont really want to but I just spent £360 on a G&L.
  17. [quote name='rumour6' post='314319' date='Oct 25 2008, 02:06 AM']Hi there, 'hum' wise i'd say yes.. they all do to an extent...what it is is that you can hear the digital power supply 'working' as the sample rate is a tad too low.... Ashdown did the design, but our friends in the far east fabrcated it to a price.... if your cab has a horn and your hearing is extended enough you'll be 'aware' of it... if no piezo horn you won't hear a thing. even if your cab has a horn you'd only be aware of it in a quiet room: you'll never hear a thing at a gig. Hope this helps. There are no issues with it at all: i've used it at gigs before i got the iAMP with an EBS 2x12 and a Yammy 2x10 with horn in venues up to about 300.[/quote] I think these amps get a fair amount of undue abuse. I have used mine solid at gigs for the past 2 years and it is fine. Sure as a bedroom amp at REALLY quiet volumes it may get a bit annoying but not at a gig. Not gonna buy it from ya mate but thought I would at least stick up for the powerful little beast. At £100 you prob wont find anything as good.
  18. Man I am tempted by this. Does it have a hardcase or anything with it? Are those straplocks fitted too?
  19. They have definitely came into there own over the years. I remember when I saw them at T in the park the last few years (they love it up here lol) awesome live band. I thought they were all a lot older til they all had a shave!
  20. [quote name='Thunderthumbs' post='262004' date='Aug 13 2008, 10:39 PM']I read this in the voice of "Fonejacker" , So obviously a scam.[/quote] Me too The original seller wasnt called George Agdegwengo was it?
  21. [quote name='mr pablo' post='244143' date='Jul 20 2008, 11:28 PM']If I didn't have all my next months pay caught up in sorting out my other P bass I'd maybe have been able to have it back from ye Bob, I'd swap you my 2x10 for it but its an 8ohm cab . . . . . . . have a Bump on me [/quote] The swap would be braw but I am looking for another 4 ohm jobbie to match my other cab. cheers for the bump though.
  22. I have a marshall 4x12 400w cab that has lost its casters. Other than that it is in great shape. I am just fed up lugging it around to gigs so am gonna get another 2x10 to match my Alien cab. Sounds great with my little Superfly head only giving out 250W. The previous owner had the full marshall valve head to match and says it runs even better with a valve head unit. Looking for £200 but obviously due to size it would have to be a local pickup in Fife. Drop me a PM if you are interested. Will take some pics if anyone wants them but its up in the practice room atm so will have to wait till Monday.
  23. [quote name='thedarxide' post='211643' date='Jun 3 2008, 11:17 AM']Am I correct in thinking that jazz bass pickguards vary in size between the models? How different is this sizing? I've got two J copies, one scratchplate I ordered fit perfectly on one, the other needs modifying a little to fit the bell plate, but otherwise it lines up. Have I been lucky, or are the differences not that noticable?[/quote] I may be wrong but I think the main difference is in the amount of screws and screw position. I had to shave a little for the neck pocket of my MIM when I got a replacement but nearly all the screwholes were out.
  24. I used a HH B100 amp for a few years. Got it on ebay for a decent price after getting fed up running through the PA. I tried to sell it on here months ago but got no bites. It sits under my stairs incase I need a back up one day.
  25. Bought a Boss pedal case form Oldhorse. Not had the chance to try it yet but no doubt its all good. [size=1]Better be after the wait I had [/size] I kid, I kid. Went smoothly enough and the delay was well explained and understandable.
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