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Everything posted by jackduran

  1. [quote name='mike257' timestamp='1327931445' post='1518934'] That's the best muso wanted ad I've seen in ages. Makes me want to apply! [/quote] Cheers! Our synth player is a tech-whizz so he threw it together the other night. The live clips are from an upcoming vid which hasn't been released yet, so it's a bit of a snidy sneek peek.
  2. Please move if not appropriate for this section of the site... http://youtu.be/SLQSnjUoLXQ
  3. http://youtu.be/38S1uaz3Pow
  4. http://youtu.be/aHkspq7wmDU
  5. Art-deco-disco at its finest: http://youtu.be/4CK-f-Hhij4
  6. Freeez are incredible. Nice shout! Check this out, awesome bass playing and a suitably disco-fied version of an old classic: http://youtu.be/9GksUf-aN1U
  7. Belter: http://youtu.be/m-xg7zQ65mE
  8. [quote name='chrismuzz' timestamp='1327449981' post='1511625'] I'm very much the same! I'm considering getting a decent multi fx unit for the effects I am less bothered about. That way I wont be wasting lots of space or money on things that only get a few seconds of use per gig [/quote] Effects- the shoes and handbags of the bass playing world!
  9. [quote name='chrismuzz' timestamp='1327447866' post='1511576'] But you just know buying a bigger board will create the temptation for more pedals [/quote] I know- the eternal problem! My issue is that I like the look of effects more than I actually use them. Obviously there's the tuner, then my 'always on' pedals (Opto Stomp, CEB-3, M80), the Octaver gets some sporadic use in our set, but the delay and phaser are mere indulgences that don't [i]really[/i] need to be there. Buying a bigger board just gives me right of way to splurge even more cash on flights of fancy that I feel pressured to slip in to our set to justify the outlay!
  10. [url="http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/545/janpedalboard.jpg/"][/url] Uploaded with [url="http://imageshack.us"]ImageShack.us[/url] Just had a rejig of my board (hence the stray wires etc), running out of real estate fast! Might need to invest in a bigger board- I love the neatness of a nice, compact pedalboard but it doesn't half worry you when cables/one-spot leads are squashed together and bent at all angles.
  11. Stunning bass. Good luck with the sale!
  12. [quote name='blackmn90' timestamp='1327326716' post='1509306'] the midlands in general.... Birmingham, nottingham, Derby, Leicester... All very unmusical and very boring. Oh and Liverpool, scum capital of the UK [/quote] Jesus wept
  13. Beautiful soul track and a very nice Jazz Bass in the vid! Another desert island disc for me. Really simple interaction between bass and drums that works to a T with the track. http://youtu.be/ziQBMIBdB9g
  14. [quote name='bubinga5' timestamp='1327195352' post='1507808'] from a friend of mine Kia Schwind.. the great mr Scruff.. saw him live in cheltenham, nothing quite like this though... [/quote] I've got that 'Trouser Jazz' album, it's great. Some great grooves going in there although it's practically all synth (is that legit on this website?!). http://youtu.be/7RP_-tBVZBM
  15. http://youtu.be/VdClpfpaSG8
  16. Whilst we're on the subject of the Brand New Heavies, here's my personal fave by them. http://youtu.be/QeSN9PEOwQI
  17. [quote name='BigBeatNut' timestamp='1327064053' post='1505885'] No news to me, but don't let that stop you posting more Meters songs to this thread [/quote] +1
  18. Not the best sound quality on the vid, but this is amazing. Great bass playing (of course) and the type of groove that would work at a fast or slow tempo (if you were to slow the track down). http://youtu.be/bI_D3ruKxIM
  19. Use one of these myself, nice octaver for the price! Apologies for the shameless self-promotion, but here it is in action on the intro of 'Hollywood Lied' on my band's Facebook profile: [url="http://www.facebook.com/super8cynics?sk=app_2405167945"]http://www.facebook....=app_2405167945[/url] Bump and good luck with the sale!
  20. [quote name='bubinga5' timestamp='1326212135' post='1493876'] this is just epic. cant get on with alot of Yellow Jackets jazz, but im not a straight jazz man.. this is exactly the style of soul jazz i love... FANTASTIC fingerstyle bass from Jimmy... very understates slap it also. [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OWsE97scAhQ&feature=relmfu[/media] [/quote] That is amazing! Right up my street.
  21. [quote name='Clarky72' timestamp='1326104031' post='1492175'] Awesome Jack! There is a tribute band up north at the moment (maybe Manchester), I think they're just called "Duran: A Tribute", they don't do the image though, just play the songs, so if you sort a decent tribute out that'd be awesome. They did have a great singer though, although I think he left, Simon Le Blond. Loving the red mullet, JT would be proud ;-) [/quote] I think you've got the right idea, to meet the full quota of fun and authenticity you need to go the whole hog and get the image right as well. That's part of the appeal with DD! The synth player and singer in my band are huge DD fans, but our singer is a drummer in a functions band so a lot of his time is taken up with that. It's a shame as both of them would nail Nick Rhodes and Roger Taylor's parts, being fans and good musicians themselves!
  22. Check out this picture of my old band (taken about 3 years ago now). How's that for a dodgy JT haircut? Who says dyed-red mullets can't come back in fashion? To be fair I didn't actually get any stick at the time, the punters loved it! Looks a bit dubious looking back on it now, though I'm still channelling John Taylor image-wise. Got the dance moves nailed on, too! [URL=http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/220/lfstripes.jpg/][IMG]http://img220.imageshack.us/img220/3792/lfstripes.jpg[/IMG][/URL] Uploaded with [URL=http://imageshack.us]ImageShack.us[/URL]
  23. Does tribute band GAS exist? If so, I've got it bad. In all honestly I'm too tall and too limited a guitarist (with no more 6-string gear left bar an old amber-burst Epi Les Paul!) to pull off Andy (pardon?!) so I guess that only leaves Simon as I can't play drums or synths. Might have to start a rival tribute band up north!
  24. I prefer the Joey Negro edit of this but the original is still great. Love the groove in this, fairly straightforward and does exactly what it says on the tin. http://youtu.be/allGAdpPThs
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