I have been goin to Denmark Street on and off for over 25 years, and have many horror stories from all the shops, but the most annoying thing that happened to me personally was the '67 Ricky 4001 they had in the window for 5k "no offers". DREAM BASS = MUST BUY. I saw it in the window over the weekend while they were shut, so I went in 10am Monday morning and offered them 4000 cold hard cash, they refused, but within a week it went onto ebay for 4k or best offer, I phoned again and was told "its on ebay mate" and they allegedly sold it a matter of days later for 3500 to someone else. I phoned them up, asked it it was still there, reminded them I had offered a firm 4 grand, they said "tough its sold" and put the phone down on me.
Or the time "B......" had a '61 Gretsch 6120 in the window for £2k (this was a looong time ago). I asked about it, played it a little and said I'd think about it. I went back the weekend afterwards with money on the hip and tried to buy it, and was then told the price was now 3 grand.
Or the time I phoned M.... G.... after another 6120, and was told they had 3 of them, one with bad laquer cracks, one with changed pickups, one with something else wrong, and they offered to swap the parts around to make a good one out of the three if I paid extra. I'm presuming at least one of them was on commission...
The funniest thing was having the "USA Charvel" argument with one of the paid troglodytes in Wunjo, who spent nearly half an hour telling my how the XL series (toothpaste logo) Charvel he had up for 995 was a "real, handcrafted instrument by John Charvel himself" I nearly wet myself laughing!
W*nkers the lot of them.