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Everything posted by thewalruswaspaul

  1. Cool, sounds like the Ceramic might be the one
  2. I'm not sure about this, people tend to think of vintage tone as being dark but I think this is mostly due to the flatwounds and limitations of these eras, most vintage pickups are wound fairly lightly which would suggest a brighter frequency response, not many vintage pickups had a heavy wind
  3. Brought a Fender p bass pickup from Paul, arrived quickly, well packaged and as described, thanks
  4. Agreed on Macca playing bass, the documentary was a bit disappointing for me but it was very cool seeing Macca playing bass in a more close up , hands on way
  5. I watched this and was a little disappointed tbh, I'm a massive Beatles fan but I only watched the 1st part, 2 and a half hours of watching rehearsals complete with all the tedious parts was enough to convince me I didn't need to watch the 2nd part. I kind of feel like if the whole thing was edited down to a couple of hours to the absolute hilights this would be great but 7+ hours of this is too much as much as I love and respect the Beatles.
  6. Have a listen to this, this is flats, flats come in different levels of brightness, not always dull and thumpy [YouTube]
  7. Ok so I swapped out the pickup in a Mia P bass for an SPB-3 and ended up accidentally cooking the original pickup with the soldering iron and sadly the SPB-3 is not doing it for me, it seems to have less highs than the original pickup. Anyway I am after a P bass pickup with a vintage-ish voice and plenty of brightness, I love the brightness of new strings and so change my strings once a month and after something that will bring out that brightness Boutique pickups like Fralins are out of the picture as I cannot afford to spend a fortune on pickups so looking at £90 top whack. The pickups I am considering so far are Fender original p bass pickup, Wilkinson wpb pickup, Warman p bass pickup and Kent Armstrong hot p pickup. The Kent Armstrong is said to be bright but does it sound vintage? Will the Wilkinson be bright enough? Any suggestions welcome, thanks
  8. [quote name='51m0n' post='559011' date='Aug 3 2009, 10:02 AM']nope, methylated spirits - the purple nice smelling foul tasting stuff is what you want. I've been doing this for well over a year and not had to buy new strings in that period (except for a new bass) - I keep a set in the meths and a set on the bass for each bass in the house and rotate as necessary. Works a treat![/quote] Cool , thanks , I was a bit scared off by the warning on the bottles Quote: "Harmful by inhalation, in contact with skin and if swallowed. Harmful: possible risk of irreversible effects through inhalation, in contact with skin and if swallowed. Also i have seen methylated spirits and mineralised methylated spirits , whats the difference between the 2 , are either prefereable over the other
  9. sorry to be bumping a dead thread , when you say meths , is there any particular type of meths? Sorry for the dumb question I just remember seeing about cleaning strings with meths and then seeing on the back of a bottle of meths warinings to avoid contact with skin etc and countless other warnings
  10. [quote name='markdavid' post='546013' date='Jul 21 2009, 09:01 AM']Am after selling or doing a trade on my Ibanez SR900 , is a nice bass , good weight (not too heavy not too light), has a nice slender neck feels really nice to play and has some nice features such as bartolini mk1 pickups , 3 band eq and through body stringing. In terms of a trade im after a Precision bass or something similar although I am open to suggestions (let me know what you got) . Unfortunately unable to ship so it would be collection or could meet somewhere in london , im based in the Croydon area.[/quote] nice bass , have a bump on me
  11. Thanks for the replies , I have a 62 reissue with the stock pickups. Jonthebass Thanks for the suggestion of the Classic stacks , I will definately look into those .
  12. Hi , Was hoping someone here might be able to recommend some pickups for me , I have a Jazz Bass and the stock Fender pickups just aren't doing it for me , they just dont have enough highs for my tastes , can anybody recommend some nice , bright jazz bass pickups (not active pickups though) , im after highs and high mids and I like a bright snarly, tangy, biting sound
  13. Hi All , Was after some help , have a bass that is strung BEAD , I am after getting the B string as tight as possible , Anyone able to recommend a set of strings for me , I am using rounds at the moment but have been thinking of maybe switching to chromes to get a tighter B string. I have thought about ordering a 4 string set of strings and seperately ordering a .140 B string but id rather keep it all as one set if possible
  14. I think the more appropriate question with regards to this thread is "Why buy MIM Fender" , obviously a Squier will not be as good as a 1k USA Fender but from what other people have said , the classic vibe series seems to be on par with the MIM Fenders
  15. [quote name='chris_b' post='362464' date='Dec 24 2008, 12:40 AM']They were not rated very highly at the time. If you had one you sold it as soon as you could afford a Fender![/quote] Thanks , why was that , crappy pickups? bad construction?
  16. Ive seen one of these basses being sold in a music shop near me , I love the look of these basses but are they any good ? and how much do they generally tend to go for? Btw its identical in looks to the one is these pictures which i found on the net (pictures are a bit crappy quality though) [url="http://www.madaxe.com/3/1/guitars/Burns/Baldwins/Vibraslim/bass/13.jpg"]http://www.madaxe.com/3/1/guitars/Burns/Ba...lim/bass/13.jpg[/url] [url="http://www.madaxe.com/3/1/guitars/Burns/Baldwins/Vibraslim/bass/4.jpg"]http://www.madaxe.com/3/1/guitars/Burns/Ba...slim/bass/4.jpg[/url]
  17. BUMP , we need more of these isolated bass tracks
  18. [quote name='markytbass' post='356275' date='Dec 16 2008, 06:44 PM']Thats a 34a on the website you've linked to. I had one about a year ago but it was the older model with a full pick guard and block inlays (see my avitar). They seem to have improved the bridge as well. In my opinion the sound was very close to a Stingray.[/quote] Sorry guys , this is the bass , they look very similar which has thrown me a bit [url="http://guitartalk.co.kr/front/php/product.php?product_no=1546&main_cate_no=37&display_group=1"]GB54 Bass[/url] Thanks for the replies , sounds like a good bass for the money
  19. Hi All , Ive just seen in a shop near me a Cort GB54 going for £195 (is black and has a jazz pickup in the neck position and a musicman humbucker at the bridge ) , looking at the bass (have not played it yet) it looks very nicely made and has active 2 band eq. Has anybody played these and are they any good? [url="http://guitartalk.co.kr/front/php/product.php?product_no=1547&main_cate_no=37&display_group=1"]Link to Japanese (I think) website with picture of GB54 Bass[/url]
  20. Been gassing for a Fender Musicmaster recently (had one many years ago) but am a bit confused regarding prices for these, ive seen them on ebay and on the web going for anything from £300-£900 , what is a reasonable price for these basses? I would happily pay £300-£400 for one of these basses but some of the prices ive seen on the web are crazy
  21. thanks for the replies , they have been very helpful
  22. it is awful , but its not the playing that bothers me its how damn awful the tune itself is , its just typical gameshow kind of music ,like the kind you expect to hear on family fortunes or catchphrase
  23. Ive bought a lot of my basses used and so have never actually taken a bass for repair under warranty. It seems with low to mid range basses it is very popular for people to buy basses and to replace the pickups which leads me to my question , if you buy a bass and lets say you replace the pickups , does that invalidate your warranty? , my point is that you could replace the pickups and then have a problem completely unrelated to your mod (for example the nack could warp). I can understand that if you replace say the pickups and something goes wrong with the electrics then the manafacturer would be well within their rights to refuse to fix something that you potentially messed up but would that invalidate the warranty on the rest of the bass as well? I apologise in advance if this is a really dumb question
  24. Yeah , I have heard that they are very good so I was considering buying one instead of a 51 Precision reissue (which I cant really afford) as I think the difference probably doesn't justify me spending the extra money as the Squiers have had such a good response. So you would say that the pickups have a good old school type of sound?
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