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Everything posted by huwgarms

  1. 26 days time you stil got that is mine lol gutted my spare cash this month already accounted for ... sold all my mark bass stuff when I "gave up " months ago and all for half of what I originally paid for it - doh! what are you having instead?
  2. please feel free to email me 25th june should you still have this, ta literally just blown every penny on an 87 warwick lol pauper for a month ;-)
  3. we have those, awesome on stands fair play
  4. as above, why spend thousands on amps and cabs only to by pass it all ;-) I mic the cab too
  5. dam just when I thought id made a descision to be a good boy, go on I will check my finances later and you could have a deal ;-)
  6. liking this , having a think, just bought a new markbass amp so may be a tad short on funds this month lol ;-)
  7. dam I want this sooo bad! second second dibs lol, cash waiting
  8. liking that but would have to post?
  9. may have sold this for £110 will update the ad when confirmed
  10. ive got a 500evo and a 4x10 for sale at the min loud deep sound fab
  11. gutted had i seen this before ordering my shiny new markbass stuff id a snatched yer arm off ;-) best of luck with the sale
  12. have u still got this mate? im local ish too
  13. bump, can do a full gig rig with this if anyone is intersted, also have for sale very shortly ashdown abm 4x10 and an abm500 head open to offers must sell
  14. hahahha exactly lol ;-)
  15. well i did wonder with the 2x10 if id need a 15" later down the road for depth ;-) lol many thanks for every bodies input thank you
  16. so.. lol if i get the 8 ohm cab with the 8 ohm markbass 3 amp i wont get the full 500 watt unless i use another 8 ohm cab? or am i nuts haha the amp markbass 3 is rated at 500w at 4 ohm and a markbass 4 ohm cab should mean 500watts right? reason is im looking to down size my kit as im using an ashdown 4x10 at the min with a 300 watt head (or 500 depending which head i use) so was looking to use a small (size) head and single cab for most gigs and any gig that would require more volume than that id go via the pa anyway? ps thanks for the answers so far ;-)
  17. hi guys, seriousely contemplating ordering a marbass cab this week, either the 2x10 traveller or the 1x15, now there are two versions of the 2x10 one is 4 ohm one is 8 ohm and they are £100 different in price, 1) for three weeks im still using an ashdown 300 mag head for gigging which cab can i use with this amp 2) next month i will buy a markbass 111 500w head, which cab will allow the full 500w with this amp please? 3) if the 4 ohm cab turns out to be the one that gives me the ffull 500w with the markbass head will that cab work short term with the ashdown? bit confused on the whole ohm thing haha
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