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Everything posted by huwgarms

  1. haha not sure this is in the right section :-)
  2. pinched this as it explains the 9v vs 18v advantage when playing fingerstyle, you'll rarely notice any increase in headroom, because the signal coming out of your bass is fairly even. you will notice the extra headroom when slapping and popping, because the signal coming out of the pickups is greater. not overall, but for those short bursts. at 9v, with EMGs, the signal spikes created by slaps and pops may not come through as clearly as they would with 18v.
  3. to be honest knowing what i paid for it, spent on it and get from playing it, i am seriousely considering keeping it and moving on one of the other basses, im only listing it as ive bought a load of new amp/cab equipment and the wife is whinging as they do :-) that the dining room is full and she wants to put the crimbo tree lol
  4. as above, absolutely mint The EB 12-180 1 x 12" combo 180 Watt with roqsolid cover gigged twice only immaculate with compression button, s.wales area matt also have nice ashdown 200 watt deep extension cab to go with this for the right price sample photos till i get some on [IMG]http://i25.photobucket.com/albums/c88/NAZT/DSCF1613.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i25.photobucket.com/albums/c88/NAZT/DSCF1614.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i25.photobucket.com/albums/c88/NAZT/DSCF1618.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i25.photobucket.com/albums/c88/NAZT/DSCF1619.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i25.photobucket.com/albums/c88/NAZT/DSCF1620.jpg[/IMG]
  5. hey big thanks, set up peachey too, im guessing crimbo may be a factor, it is MINT too
  6. where abouts are you located please?
  7. hi, im 25 miles away possibly about to buy a new 400 watt head so may be looking for a new cab to go with check out [url="http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/ASHDOWN-BASS-AMP-RIG-head-2-cabs-/280742446720"]http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/ASHDOWN-BASS-AMP-RIG-head-2-cabs-/280742446720[/url] ?
  8. not deciding to sell then?
  9. INTERESTED, stuff in the pipeline hopefullyin touch soon type bump
  10. BUMP what do we think peeps?
  11. I am selling my Peavey Cirrus BXP 4. It comes with an Armourdillo hard case Both in excellent condition and I have the receipt for the original purchase new, I bought this for my 40th birthday this year, last month i spent £50 getting a full set up with a luthier and some nice new strings etc, plays and looks like brand new, pictures do not do this bass justice , if the pics look like some scratches i can tell you that there is none! it will be the light or some finger prints bass is un marked sold im in south wales but talk to me if distance is an issue
  12. right dogs walked where was i, right took my ashdown eb 180 and 110 deep cab as monitors and main sound through the desk, the guitarist had a marshall stack next to me on the left and drummer on the right and i just couldnt hear myself at all,(will post apic or two soon) the front of the house sound was fine though, my amp was up full both input and output ?? obvoiusely this meant i couldnt get right up front of the stage for long and didnt stray far from the cab trying to hear second set ran the bass a little through the front monitors along with the vocals, was better for me but distorted slightly the vocals (only coming through the monitor) anyhow the songs in the second set are both up tempo and more fun for me personally to play so really enjoyed that bit, had a pint before rehearsals tuesday and by the third song needed the toilet ! with this in mind i had a glass of wine before and half time rather than a pint and just a little glass of water with me on the stage. what did i learn, well theres so much stuff to carry in carry out pack un pack etc etc im thinking of outing the ashdown combo and going for another ashdown cab and seperate head (300w should do me) i have the option then of di to the desk or not? playing by feel and not hearing myself after 4 practices was not impossible but when u do drop a wrong un in there it can take two or three times longer to come back in on the right notes etc compared to if i could hear myself, on the plus side one of the guitarists and the drummer both dropped the odd bollock so i didnt feel totally left out, although feedback later said no one noticed my errors only the others (hahaha) we have another gig on 2 weeks where i now the croud will be around 200 ish so was very glad to have a quiet first one under my belt so i know what to expect, oh its also on local home turf so no pressure lol. i was suprised how organised i was even remembering to tune up the spare bass in case of a breakage etc, running with dr neons on the bass and took a small black light with me, however it was set up at the front of the stage where i already said i didnt spend too much time so the strings didnt really get to glow :-( [url="https://fbcdn-sphotos-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/318403_10150354141916262_727326261_8495158_1083638262_n.jpg"]https://fbcdn-sphoto...083638262_n.jpg[/url] [url="https://fbcdn-sphotos-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/381804_10150354143741262_727326261_8495168_1248048613_n.jpg"]https://fbcdn-sphotos-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/381804_10150354143741262_727326261_8495168_1248048613_n.jpg[/url]
  13. sorry sarah didnt see your post till this morning, well as first gigs went lots of things were perfect! several good quality local bands were playing in nearby venues, the rain was lashing down and the club had recently clamped down on youngens turning up there so turnout was not great, for me it meant there were actually very few nerves, we ran through our sound check song, partially twice and fully once, a couple of punters were in already so by then id played to an audience in my mind lol. i had real trouble hearing the bass in the first half i will post details in a while, the dogs are nagging for a walk now
  14. giving it away , shall be listing mine shortly and itll be up for nearer 3 than 2 type , bump
  15. the standard practice used to be to sign u/c or un-checked, obviousely in the above case thats a bit more tricky lol
  16. cheers all good advice that cracking tips which i will take on board, (gonna struggle with the short skirt one! lol) going to probably be in the toilet before and half time, not peeing either lol, i only have to think about the gig and im rolling in side lol, i am excited though and looking forward to it, set list should be sorted tommorow, hopefully make some cheat notes on it which should help,. towell tip taken on board i get warm in practice god help me with lights etc will try to ignore the mistake but even in practice i find myself going red and looking cross lol cant think there will be but any more info please keep it coming, it all helps setttle the nerves slightly, the second gig two weeks later is in my local so no pressure hahahaha :-)
  17. as above, treated myself to a bass and amp for my 40th in march last year, started learning, joined a covers band (who are also friends of mine) 5 practices ago:and have my first gig this week , pooing myself, any advice for me? i have a spare bass some strings leads battery so far oh and a fan for keeping cool cheers
  18. please lemme know if courier"ing becomes an option? might even have that strap the same time for a good deal lol ;-) thanks matt
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