Have read a bit here before my first post (the one piece of advice thread is classic) just to get the feel of things.
Im 38 and only just started to put some real practice and determination into playing bass (a mid-life crisis? maybe, but its cheaper than a sports car). I used to be a very mediocre drummer but my wee brother soon got a great deal better and so I was relegated to bass. My older brother is an accomplished guitarist and thought it was about time we started our own little three-peice. We play most Rock'n'Roll/Rockabilly so the bass lines arent that complicated but Im still finding some of the songs a bit speedy. Having put a fair bit of time and effort into the bass I find Im really enjoying it (adding little runs into songs that were'nt there etc) but thought Id join this forum for inspiration and tips. Playing a pretty cheap bass at the moment through the PA so will have to upgrade before playing gigs, my brothers having both played in bands before are plugged in to the music scene so getting gigs arent the problem...my bass prowess is (lol).
Anyway just thought Id introduce myself and if anyone out there wants to impart any pearls of wisdom feel free.
In particular.....we do soooooooo many songs with 12 bar blues if anyone has any tips for making walking bass lines more interesting Im all ears .