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Posts posted by madshadows

  1. I dislike slap, to me it's just not very musical and just noise, very annoying noise !!, reviews with a lot of slap in them are rubbish IMHO as you don't actually hear what the bass or amp can do just the incessant slapping and popping !!, just my opinion of course ;) 😛 


    John 😎 

    • Like 2
  2. 10 hours ago, Beedster said:

    Sitting in the living room next to Buddy, our Choc Lab. looking through some BC threads, find one that looks interesting, press play, nice four on the floor drum pattern, then in comes the bass, Buddy gets up, looks at me angrily and walks out :) 

    I agree with Buddy ;) 😛 

    John 😎 

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  3. On 13/03/2021 at 14:16, madshadows said:

    Decided I wanted a new bass practice amp combo so ordered a Fender Rumble LT25 bass combo yesterday from GuitarGuitar for delivery today and just after 10.00am toady DPD dropped a box off for me :) 

    Excited I opened the box to reveal ................................. a Fender Mustang LT26 guitar combo !!, what a bloody disappointment :( 

    Chatted online and they will swap it out on Monday but I'm a bit p@ssed off as I had payed extra for next day delivery, I know mistakes can be made but still a bit disappointed I must admit !! 🙄


    John 😎 


    DPD dropped off another big box this afternoon and picked up the big box with the wrong item in it and I am now in possession of another  Fender Mustang LT25 !!!......................................................................................................................... only joking the delivered a Fender Rumble LT25 this time ;) 

    Had a little play on the new combo and it's terrific, I'll post a review at some stage :D 

    John 😎 

    • Haha 1
  4. Decided I wanted a new bass practice amp combo so ordered a Fender Rumble LT25 bass combo yesterday from GuitarGuitar for delivery today and just after 10.00am toady DPD dropped a box off for me :) 

    Excited I opened the box to reveal ................................. a Fender Mustang LT26 guitar combo !!, what a bloody disappointment :( 

    Chatted online and they will swap it out on Monday but I'm a bit p@ssed off as I had payed extra for next day delivery, I know mistakes can be made but still a bit disappointed I must admit !! 🙄


    John 😎 

  5. I've always been a fan of Type O Negative, love their albums, I suppose they are doomish !!, a band I got into recently are Oceans Of Slumber from the USA after a mate recommended them, they are a brilliant Prog Metal/Doom Metal band with a terrific female vocalist :D 

    John  😎 

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