Listened to 2112 by Rush last night in honour of Neil Peart, what an album it is, amazing playing, singing and songs and the 20 minute 2112 opus is astounding, RIP Neil.
Yeah he's a fantastic singer, love a lot of his stuff, one of his recent releases TIME is excellent, just bought the expanded versions of of the two Jeff Beck Group albums (Truth & Beck-Ola) featuring Rod on vocals, looking forward to listening to them
Horrible news, F@ck Cancer!, 2112 is such an amazing album, saw RUSH a few times many years ago and they were amazing live, what a drummer and lyricist NP was, RIP
Rod Stewart - Reason To Believe - The Complete Mercury Studio Recordings, this is rather excellent, I'd forgotten how great Sir Rod's early stuff was
I have a Donner Bass Guitar Headphone AMP Basement Pocket FX WAH Rechargeable Mini Guitar Practice Amplifier I got from Amazon, currently £13 if you are a prime member, good little silent practice thing, sounds pretty good as well.