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Posts posted by madshadows

  1. 8 hours ago, Freddie B said:

    The Ampero stomp is here!! Now I have played around with the unit it's self looking on line and trying to figure it out. I would like to get the editor on my laptop, it's a windows 10 laptop and I can't get anything to work 😡😡 "device not connected". I have installed un installed 3 or 4 times over 3hrs and nothing. It has the 2.0 version maybe I shouldn't have but I did a factory reset on it. What should I do? The unit is stuck on this and the editor is this. Again installed,uninstalled and this is it. A lot of hours put into trying to understand the unit and it beat me




    You need to download and install the ASIO driver from the Hotone website and this should sort out the problem :) 





  2. 4 hours ago, cetera said:

    Just logging all my gear and realised I now have 87 basses and 10 guitars. 😲

    Should I buy 3 more basses to hit the magic 100 total? Or sell the 10 guitars and concentrate on basses only? 🤔


    First world problems and all that jazz.... :facepalm:🤣


    You should probably buy a bigger house !! 😛 



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  3. 27 minutes ago, SteveXFR said:

    I've found my challenge for now. Mother Sky by Twelve Foot Ninja 

    I come across this while looking up Strapping Young Lad songs as recommended by @BreadBin

    Sometimes youtubes recommendations hit the spot.





    Loved this, never heard the band before, will be checking out more of their music :) 



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  4. Must admit I think RSD is just a bit of a cash grab by record companies and to a certain extent the shops. This was the first one I'd been to and the queuing wasn't too bad (about  90 minutes until I got served) and I only went because I'm a massive fan of Ian Hunter and wanted the RSD special edition of his just out album "Defiance Part 2 - Fiction"  because the RSD vinyl version has three tracks not on the CD I'd already bought on 18/4 via Amazon !!. The two LP vinyl RSD version was a whopping £42 which is a ripoff really but hey Ian's one of my all time musical idols and I could afford it.


    Casbah records in Greenwich were well organised and even had a young lady from the store walking down the queue of people telling folk when an item had been sold out :)


    It was an experience but one I probably won't do again unless there is something I really want again !! ;) 😛 


    John 😎 



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  5. For Record Store Day today me and my son Joe went to Casbah Records in Greenwich, it was opening at 9am, we got there at 8:50 and there was quite a queue (see pics), got into the shop at about 10:30 and luckily got what I wanted, a copy of Ian Hunter's new album "DEFIANCE PART 2 - FICTION". It was a tad chilly in London this morning and I was glad to get back home !! 🥶😂


    Anyone else buy anything for this years RSD ? 😃











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  6. 12 hours ago, binky_bass said:

    I'm fortunate enough to have a man-cave/studio/office daaaaaaaaaan the bottom of the garden, so naturally have rammed it fully of crap. Does mean that I can blast through the Marshall VBA at full volume or smash the drums to pieces without anyone hearing/caring! 


    Usually though, it'll be an ACG 6 of some sort through a Helix and into an Epifini UL901 and Bergantino 410. 👍 






    What a terrific place you have :) 


    John 😎 

  7. 8 hours ago, Gasman said:

    Last night’s gig was one I never anticipated, wanted, but felt compelled and eventually pleased to do. My son died three weeks ago suddenly from a second heart attack a week after having stents for the first one, seems the surgeon did half a job. Julian was 46, three kids, fitness fanatic, my best friend, top DJ and drummer


    Today was his funeral. His widow had booked an acoustic duo for the wake in the local pub. However, the girl singer had to leave early for some reason; the landlord knew I played and pointed me out to the remaining guitarist/singer suggesting I might help, so as my gear was in my car I played bass and sang with him for the second set.


    It was good distraction therapy, busking 15 numbers I’d never played before with a guy I’d never met. Despite this glimmer of light in a dark, dark day I’ll never be able to rationalise why I’m still here at 74 to write this while he will never read it. 


    Parents shouldn’t have to bury their children...


    So sorry for your loss, what a terrible thing to happen to you and your family, life is so unfair at times, my condolences to you all in these sad and difficult times :( 



  8. Me, the wife and our son Joe went out for lunch in Greenwich, London and it turned into a new bass day sort of !!, it's a short scale and will fit any gig bag 😛


    £4 from a stall in Greenwich Market 😆


    John 😃



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