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Everything posted by madshadows

  1. Such a loss, amazing voice, Soundgarden are a great band and The Temple Of The Dog CD is an all time favourite of mine, shocked and saddened John
  2. Happy birthday Basschat John
  3. That's cool, happy belated birthday John
  4. I went to Casbah records in Greenwich London and wanted to buy the Blackberry Smoke & Ian Hunter singles, both were sold out, the guy I spoke to said people queued up at 2am which was when I was finishing work!!, I had no chance when I went in at 16.00 on RSD !!! John
  5. Terrible news, feel for his family and friends, RIP Gary. John
  6. Very nice guitar, crap service by the store on the first guitar though !! John
  7. Stunning !!!! GLWTS John
  8. What a beauty, damn I wish I had the money right now, I would have it in a shot !! John
  9. Such sad news, another one gone John
  10. Very sad news, the first ASIA album is a favourite, RIP John John
  11. [quote name='NancyJohnson' timestamp='1485342419' post='3223221'] I know Overend meant nothing to many people on this group, but his demise has really saddened me. Interestingly, Morgan Fisher posted up an email he'd gotten from Pete back in early December. It's both a sobering and upsetting read; there's humour, he expresses concern for Mick Ralphs while at the same time saying he's had enough and is fine about going. Honestly, what a bloke. Tissues out: [i]Oh Yay Clifford T. Whoard! Thanks fur your lovely message me old son. Looks like the news is finally out. But PLEASE KEEP IT UNDER YER HAT. IF POSS.[/i] [i]Managed to keep it quiet for more than 6 years though - so that was pretty good.If you [/i] [i]remember I wasn't great at Hammo in 2009 - felt very grimeworthy then ! I just dread being besieged by Mott fans - all PRAYING for me, sending cards or gifts - or worse still, trying to visit me ! God forbid - even tho I don't believe in him - even NOW. Can't deal with all that crap - even tho I know they mean well. My sis got a message from [/i] [i]Joe Elliot yesterday which made me think the game might be up. I know [/i] [i]Jean and Buff were overwhelmed and were upset by it all after going public.[/i] [i]I think it's about 5 years too late for 2nd opinions now son. I've had every type of treatment, [/i] [i]surgery etc, - it was far worse than the illness itself ! I've had enough now and am fine [/i] [i]about going - it might be plezz up there (or down there)- an adventure, whichever way [/i] [i]yer look at it. I'm not in any great pain, just giddy tired and weak. To be [/i] [i]honest I'm more worried about Ralphur than myself right now. I really hope he [/i] [i]recovers so he can play again. I love the guy so much - just as I love you son. [/i] [i]I hated having to tell you that only the original band were doing the reunions - I know it [/i] [i]must have hurt you a lot. One of me worst jobs ever. I wish we could've done it [/i] [i]but it wasn't financially possble + too difficult to co-ordinate. with everyone concerned.[/i] [i]The Hospice is great - very much like Carry On Nurse - so I 'aint complainin' ! Another [/i] [i]3 decent years of travel would've been good but it's not to be.after all - but I did a hell of a lot anyway. Glad you shifted the skin cancer - and I hope you have a long, healthy and happy life.[/i] [i]I can hardly type so I may not be able to keep in touch, but i just wanted you [/i] [i]to know that you are still the best musician I ever had the privilege to work with [/i] [i]and a brill bloke to boot...... - but David Reid - guitarist from The Contrast 'int [/i] [i]far behind you !!! I was gonna bloody join them on electric 6 & 12 string till [/i] [i]this bloody disease returnrd. What a bummer that was. Anyway, must sleep now. I refuse to say "Goodbye" [ so I;ll just say ........[/i] [i]Take care Morgo - Love you son - Olde Gruff Pete xxx[/i] [i]PS OH - PIES OF GRATE MEAT !! We had some great times didn' t we ![/i] [/quote] Must admit when I read this on Facebook it choked me up, what a man, a one off John
  12. Just read on Facebook that the Mott The Hoople bass player Pete 'Overend' watts has passed away today after a long battle with throat cancer, gutted, a true Rockstar in my favourite ever band, f@ck cancer !! John
  13. That is lovely, congrats, looks stunning John
  14. Incredibly upset when I heard about Rick, Quo were a favourite of mine in the teens, they were amazing live, 2016 sucks in regards to the passing of musical people I liked and admired, RIP Rick Parfitt, you have left behind so many incredible songs
  15. Mine's got to be Ian Hunter's CD 'Fingers Crossed', great songs including a tribute to David Bowie called 'Dandy', well worth buying IMHO [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SqA5aDBk2Zc"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SqA5aDBk2Zc[/url] John
  16. Fantastic looking bass, congrats John
  17. Blimey not another one !!, sad news, RIP Leon, 2016 continues to suck ! John
  18. Amazing looking bass, wish I had the money !, GLWTS John
  19. Very nice, congrats John
  20. Maybe he was in a Stoner band !! LOL John
  21. Really like it, a natural finish body with a maple fret board would be cool John
  22. That's a beaut, congrats John
  23. At 16 it was Mott The Hoople for me and still love that band and the stuff the lead singer of the band Ian Hunter puts out these days John
  24. LOL [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7HS_wPT8vRU"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7HS_wPT8vRU[/url] John
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