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Everything posted by madshadows

  1. That looks fantastic, I've fancied getting one for ages, GAS is hitting hard !! πŸ˜› John 😎
  2. Mr Phillips latest creation - The Shrew !! πŸ˜› The Shrew John 😎
  3. New Bass Day yesterday, a Harley Benton JP-45OP 4 string bass in a Natural finish, bought from Paul @Shepster8316 on Basschat. Fantastic bass that looks and sounds incredible and plays beauifully, the neck is a dream to play. Paul had set up the bass perfect with a low action, don't know how HB could produce such a killer bass for so little money !!, the roasted maple neck and fret board is stunning 😍. See pics below πŸŽΈπŸ‘πŸ˜ƒ John 😎
  4. What a fantastic idea, in fact I liked it so much I've just the same, don't where the wife's going to put her clothes though !! πŸ˜› John 😎
  5. Bought a Harley Benton JP-45OP bass guitar from Paul and it was a fantastic transaction with no problems, good comms and the bass was packed incredibly well, thanks Paul @Shepster8316, the bass is incredible, sounds and looks amazing Would buy from Paul again, fantastic seller John 😎
  6. Thanks for the recommendations John
  7. Really enjoyed that rig rundown, Justin was great and down to earth, never really listened to TOOL, can anyone recommend an album to start with ? John 😎
  8. Anyone needing any work in South East London for bass or guitar I would recommend John from STRING KING GUITAR WORKS in Charlton, my Sire M2 bass had a problem with the wiring on the jack socket, he fixed it (after my bodged attempt !!) in under a day, I dropped it off yesterday at 10.30am and picked it up at 10am today, great work and all for a reasonable Β£34 inckuding two new batteries for the active circuit Website link below John https://www.stringkingworks.co.uk/
  9. That's terrible, RIP John
  10. FREE B Gone πŸ˜› John
  11. Phil - replied to your PM, will post it off later today John 😎
  12. Just changed the strings on by Sire bass, it was a five string set that I got from D'Addario free via Basschat, I only play 4 string basses so the B string is available for anyone who wants it free of charge, I'll even cover postage, UK only !!, details below, first to PM me has it πŸ˜› D'Addario NYXL B string .125 long scale. John 😎
  13. 1) Take them all off and then replace ?. 2) Take off each string one at a time and replace ?. 3) Are you mad ?, I never change them !! πŸ˜› I always use option 2, how do you change your bass strings ? John 😎
  14. Keep all that gear but get a bigger place to live !! πŸ˜› John 😎
  15. I watched quite a bit of it, fascinating, the hammer prices though wow !!. Quite a lot of basses I that I bet MK never ever touched, the auctioneers were terrific John 😎
  16. Incredible looking bass, GLWTS John 😎
  17. Basschat is the best, end of story !! John 😎
  18. I watched the documentary last year and found it fascinating although I'm not a huge fan of their music it was a fun and good watch John 😎
  19. Fantastic story with a happy ending !!, lovely looking bass, congrats John 😎
  20. So named because they f@ck up Evri delivery !! πŸ˜› John 😎
  21. Saw this yesterday on Instagram, brilliant news and well deserved, she's a fantastic bass player, her work on the Hands Off Gretel CD's is tremendous, well done to her πŸ˜„
  22. Ah the wonder of Mr Phillips !! πŸ˜› John 😎
  23. What a beauty !!, congratulations πŸ‘ John 😎
  24. Absolutely stunning bass, the black and red are just wow !!, congrats on the NBD John 😎
  25. Christina Chong was stars in STAR TREK - Strange New Worlds has a fun alternative Christmas song out !!, link below http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LFw9gKt9ZT4 John 😎
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