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Everything posted by madshadows

  1. Hi Tom John
  2. Both of those basses are beauties, you are lucky boys John
  3. I think you are just trying to find the perfect partner for your Clover 4 string ! Keep hunting you'll find it in the end John
  4. [quote name='Beedster' timestamp='1391856788' post='2361988'] I've no doubt that this isn't 'the best' Precision Bass, or even the best Yamaha Precision Bass, but I can justify my enthusiasm in pretty clear terms. I have - as the pages of BC will testify - owned an awful lot of basses, mostly the work of, or derivatives of the work of, Leo Fender, and for a brief period some by Ric and Modulus. Whilst I've often gushed about nearly all of them, and whilst most of them were very good instruments for what they were, all had limitations if I looked beyond the 'what they were' argument. By this I mean that my c64 and v63 were outstanding Rics and outstanding instruments, they did the Ric thing incredibly well, but there are times at which the Ric thing isn't right. Likewise most of my Precisions did the Precision thing very well, but on occasions I needed a little bit more. My late '90s Modulus Flea was the most playable and powerful bass i've owned, but it's core tone was a little Jazz/Stingray, when the core tone I look for is more Precision/Ric. In short, for a long time I've been looking for a bass that is more than what it says on the label - Precision, Jazz, 4001, Ray or Flea. The obvious approach given my preference for the Precision tone has been to look for a good P/J. Probably the closest I got were Sadowsky P/Js but they just didn't quite do it, I found the J-PUP a bit tame and needing a lot of active grunt to make it work alongside the P-PUP, and to be honest, I prefer passive instruments. The Fender Roscoe Beck was amazingly versatile for a passive bass, but despite all that I read about it on here and Talkbass, I couldn't really get the Precision tone I wanted out of it. In fact I wanted this. 1. A core tone very close to that of a traditional Precision (like most - but not all - of my Precisions) 2. Versatile (like my Bongo, my Wals and my RBIV) 3. Simple controls and circuit (like most of my Precisions and my Rics, unlike my two Wals) 4. High build quality, structurally and functionally 100% reliable (like my Wals and Sadowskys) 4. High playability (like my Modulus Flea), 5. Passive (as were most of my Fenders, and my Rics, I just don't really like active instruments as much as passive) 6. Classic looking (like most of the above, unlike the Bongo) Now the Yamaha ticks all of those boxes, and it's the first bass I've owned that does. Moreover, unlike any P/J I've owned, not only is the J-PUP powerful and sweet soloed, but it works incredibly well with the P-PUP, producing a tone that is unique yet highly useable. I think it's fair to say that with pretty much every P/J I'd owned previously, I'd use the P-PUP for some songs, the J-PUP for others, but rarely the two combined, in fact on many P/Js the combined tone is weak to the point of being unusable, or with some active basses, too synthetic for my tastes. On this bass - as was the case with my c64 - I start with both PUPs on full all of the time with the tone fully open, and make small changes from there. In fact, a huge amount of the versatility of this bass comes from the power of the PUPs, which really respond to what my hands are doing, and the sheer playability of the thing, meaning that I can get the hands in question to be a whole lot more expressive and versatile than on many other basses. And over and above all of this, it's built like a tank. Furthermore, and interestingly to my mind, whilst it feels and plays like a £2500 bass, it looks like a £500 bass. This is the opposite of a few Fender Custom Shop basses I've played which looked like £2500 instruments but felt and played like a £500 model. I don't like gigging with basses that look really valuable, so I find this an asset. All in all, as basses and me go, this is as good a pairing as I've had to date. Of course I'm not naive enough to say it's 'the one', and even if it was, things change. I am however bloody happy with it C [/quote] Really enjoyed reading this post, great explanation of what you want from a bass and how the new one fits your criteria, glad you are enjoying your new twang thang John
  5. Welcome aboard Mikey John
  6. Welcome to BC Pasha John
  7. Beautiful guitar, GLWTS John
  8. Welcome to BC
  9. [url="https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/gruvgear/gigblade-a-revolutionary-side-carry-hybrid-guitar"]https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/gruvgear/gigblade-a-revolutionary-side-carry-hybrid-guitar[/url] Anyone pledging for this?, good idea for a company to develop a product in this way?, Looks a great idea for carrying a guitar/bass easily IMHO John
  10. I wonder what the SONICS are like !!
  11. Welcome to Basschat Rich, have fun John
  12. [quote name='pete.young' timestamp='1391513787' post='2357889'] Think that is a 460 Series with a Padauk top. Very nice. Edit; Not sure why he's described it as a 5-string though, it clearly only has 4! [/quote] School boy error LOL John
  13. The singer/songwriter Neil ivison from one of my favourite bands 'The Misers' is trying to trace his first ever guitar which was stolen/lost in 2004 !, see a copy from his fabebook post below, if people could spread the word he would be grateful, thanks people [quote][color=#37404E]Here's hoping the good people of Facebook can help solve a mystery. This 1994 American Standard Strat was my first 'proper' guitar which my dad bought me new and I paid him back over 2 years, working any old job I could find. It was my prid[/color][color=#37404E]e and joy and main guitar until it went missing after a tour in 2004. I'm not sure if it was left behind at a gig (unlikely) or stolen while we were loading the van. But when we came to unload the gear, it was missing. I believe this happened either in the South Wales or Worcestershire area but I appreciate that it could be anywhere in the world now. I've always missed it, more sentimental value than monetary.[/color] [color=#37404E]The guitar is a 1994 Fender American Standard Stratocaster in Caribbean Mist. It was already well used with plenty of dings. Distinguishing features are that the neck lacquer had started pealing on the neck so the fretboard had been quickly refinished with an amber boat lacquer (!) so the fretboard will be glossy while the back of the neck will be satin. There is a 40th anniversary plaque on the headstock and also an engraved neck plate. The top strap button had broken off and a new one screwed in beside it. It probably also has NI or HR7 4SG scratched into the trem cavity. The tone knob is not original and a cheap replacement. It was in an old wooden rectangle case and not the fender Flightcase. It is a very distinctive guitar due to all the 'on the road' repairs! If anyone has this guitar in their possession, knows where it might be or has bought it in good faith, I'd be very interested in working out a deal to get it back, no questions asked.[/color] [color=#37404E]Please share this post and let's see if Facebook can reunite us! [/color][/quote] Guitar photo: [url="http://s129.photobucket.com/user/madshadows1/media/NeilsGuitar_zps71ec2dc8.jpg.html?sort=9&o=14"]http://s129.photobuc...tml?sort=9&o=14[/url] John
  14. Hi Matt, welcome aboard John
  15. You are teasing us with just a head shot LOL
  16. Great buy for £40 !! well done, what's the name of the facebook group you found it on? John
  17. Congrats on pulling Cyril , lovely looking bass John
  18. Welcome to BC
  19. Hi and welcome to Basschat Loula John
  20. Welcome to Basschat
  21. Welcome to BC Danny John
  22. Just watched this amazing version of Led Zeps STH, the remaining members of LZ are in the audience [url="http://www.supajam.com/news/story/Incredible-video-Bands-cover-of-Stairway-to-Heaven-makes-Robert-Plant-and-Jimmy-Page-cry#.UuwiqktBX3A.facebook"]http://www.supajam.com/news/story/Incredible-video-Bands-cover-of-Stairway-to-Heaven-makes-Robert-Plant-and-Jimmy-Page-cry#.UuwiqktBX3A.facebook[/url] John
  23. This chap has been used by a BC'er recently and was very good. [url="http://grahamparkerluthier.com/"]http://grahamparkerluthier.com/[/url] This is a Telecaster bass he built [url="http://grahamparkerluthier.com/gpl-instruments/gpl-basses/"]http://grahamparkerluthier.com/gpl-instruments/gpl-basses/[/url] Hope this helps. John
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