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Everything posted by madshadows

  1. It's been ended by the seller, someone must have pointed it out to him LOL John
  2. The bass looks great John
  3. Thanks Sprocket123 & Marc for the welcome John
  4. I just liked the weird colour scheme but not thinking of buying it John
  5. Saw this on Ebay, wild colours, never heard of them but great looking in a weird way [url="http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/271297478255?ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1438.l2649"]http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/271297478255?ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1438.l2649[/url] John
  6. Listened to Ian Hunter's 'ALL AMERICAN ALIEN BOY' CD today, Jaco Pastorius plays bass on it and he plays lead guitar on one of the tracks ! [url="http://www.jacopastorius.com/hunter_allamericanalien.html"]http://www.jacopastorius.com/hunter_allamericanalien.html[/url] John
  7. What a beauty Love the little flag on the pick guard, the red really sparks John
  8. [quote name='BassTractor' timestamp='1381745344' post='2242984'] You're lucky I'm a psychic. It's called something like a Foreda or something. I'd need a picture of your naked girlfriend to extract more detail. [/quote] You are in luck, I took some of the wife last night, I'll PM them to you LOL John
  9. [quote name='BassTractor' timestamp='1381691141' post='2242457'] Good going, John! Practice amps will never go out of style, even when they're top makes. ;-) Have they told you what model that bass is? [/quote] Thanks and no I don't know what model it is, it'll be a nice surprise I hope ! John
  10. Well my Bass journey is sort of starting again, managed to pick up a couple of bass related books via Ebay (Beginners Bass Scales & Chord Bassics) for about a fiver this week which arrived yesterday and look like they will be useful and this afternoon a STAGG CA 20B practice amp for the princely sum of £10.57! via Ebay again, I know it's a top make but I'm sure it'll be fine for practice at home ! Now I just have to buy a bass but the good news is the son of my wife's mate has a bass guitar I can borrow for a while while I save for a bass Happy days John
  11. Welcome from a fellow newbie
  12. Thanks for the reply, I've PM'd you Cheers John
  13. Hi - Rumble suggested I post in here about my non-working bass amp, see my reply to Rumble below and I've also attached some photos, any clues/help/advice on getting it going ? Also any idea what it's worth working/not-working? Thanks John [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]"Hi Rumble and fellow SE Londoner - can't believe that's worth anything, It's my fault it's not powering up at least!, I dragged it in the living room yesterday and it powered on fine but the input jacks were not working, took off the back panel to see if I could see behind the front control panel for loose wires but could only see the speakers, I then fiddled about with the fuses at the back and now it won't power on, don't know why I just didn't leave it alone !!, what an idiot [/font][/color] " [attachment=145759:IMGP0982.JPG] [attachment=145760:IMGP0983.JPG] [attachment=145761:IMGP0984.JPG]
  14. [quote name='Rumple' timestamp='1381403538' post='2238505'] Might be worth posting a topic in the repairs section John, there's some pretty smart folk on here that might be able to help you fix your broken amp. [/quote] Good idea, I'll do that Thanks John
  15. [quote name='Rumple' timestamp='1381344463' post='2237967'] I bet someone would buy that if you put it up for sale on here, more funds for you bass purchase [/quote] Hi Rumble and fellow SE Londoner - can't believe that's worth anything, It's my fault it's not powering up at least!, I dragged it in the living room yesterday and it powered on fine but the input jacks were not working, took off the back panel to see if I could see behind the front control panel for loose wires but could only see the speakers, I then fiddled about with the fuses at the back and now it won't power on, don't know why I just didn't leave it alone !!, what an idiot Right back to looking at basses on-line John
  16. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1381344600' post='2237971'] Hey John, welcome to the forum. Another denizen of SE London here. [/quote] Hi - Good to know there are other Sarf Londoners here John
  17. Thanks for the welcomes Thought I'd post a couple of pics of my old Marshall 100 Bass Combo, now sadly not working and living under the stairs as I can't seem to throw it away !! John [attachment=145722:IMGP0982.JPG] [attachment=145723:IMGP0983.JPG] [attachment=145724:IMGP0984.JPG]
  18. Hi Folks I'm John and live in SE London on the borders of Blackheath/Lewisham, played bass many, many years ago in my teens and early twenties but stopped when I got married and started raising the kids Recently got back playing on my old six string Yamaha Pacifica which I have had for many years and I'm looking to start bass playing again, went to Eric Lindsey Music in Catford (nearest shop to me via a walk) today with my youngest son Joe and tried a few basses (a Fender Jazz bass & an Ibanez SR500) which was an experience, I had forgot that the frets on a bass are quite a bit bigger than a normal electric 6 string! but it was terrific to play a bass again The two basses above are a bit out of my range at the moment but I quite like the look of a Yamaha RBX170 or an Ibanez GSR180/200 or a SR300) as they are something I might be able to afford in a few months Anyway I better stop prattling on. See ya John
  19. That's a beautiful Bass Guitar collection, you are a lucky man John
  20. [quote name='wateroftyne' post='1140866' date='Feb 25 2011, 09:31 AM']Jaco's not above criticism - no-one is. I have a lot of respect for him, but I don't really listen to a lot of his stuff. I've got the Joni Mitchell records. For an idea of how Jaco handled more straight-ahead rock, look up All American Alien Boy by Ian Hunter (it was on YouTube, but it's been pulled).[/quote] I'm a big Ian Hunter fan and the All American Alien Boy CD has Jaco all over it, great bass playing, JP even plays lead guitar on a track, Ian Hunter has nothing but good things to say about Jaco John
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