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Everything posted by madshadows

  1. Holy bass Batman !! 😛 I bet the thing you played on it was "Hole Lotta Love" 😂 Seriously it looks pretty cool John 😎
  2. Wood you believe it !! 😛 A lot of money for firewood 🤣 John 😎
  3. My list is short !! 1st - Jazz Bass - Columbus maybe? 2nd - Dan Armstrong 3rd - Harley Benton (bought when I started playing bass again) 4th - Sire John 😎
  4. Another great gone, way too young at 73, RIP Tom Verlaine John
  5. In my view some modern is rubbish but some is fantastic, Miley Cyrus has just released a terrific song called "Flowers" which has gone to #1 in the UK and the USA, it's a brilliant pop song IMHO, one of my favourite artists Ian Hunter, who's in his eighties, has just released a song called "Bed Of Roses" featuring Ringo Starr and Mike Campbell which is also just as good but it's classic rock and not what you would call modern music, in the end for me it comes down to how good the song is and these are both excellent and weirdly both have horticulture themed titles LOL John 😎
  6. One of Ian Hunter's solo albums is called: You're Never Alone with a Schizophrenic, always thought it was a great album title 😛 John 😎
  7. Really liked the songs, vocally reminds me of Ryan Adams at times, fantastic playing and singing by all John 😎
  8. The Fender Rumble LT25 has built in effects, a tuner and presets so a multi effects might not be that useful, what a about a good pair of headphones for silent bass practice ? John 😎
  9. Such a tragedy, been playing the Jeff Beck Group albums "TRUTH" & "BECK-OLA", today both brilliant albums, RIP Jeff Beck John
  10. He must need the bread !! 😛 John 😎
  11. That bass is a thing of beauty, GLWTS, I wish I had the money !! John 😎
  12. I have a Sire M2 and it's terrific, fantastic neck with rolled fret board edges, great and versatile sounds from the active circuit, it can also be be played in passive mode via a toggle switch John 😎
  13. Looks amazing, great job John 😎
  14. I was mainly into rock music for many years from my teens, nowadays I'm into a variety of different musical genre's, I've also started liking female artists more in the last few years after mainly liking male artists most of my life, current female artists I really admire are Amanda Shires, Miley Cyrus, Taylor Swift, Maren Morris and Lauren Tate (lead singer for punk band Hands Off Gretel, also rap/metal alter-ego Delilah Bon plus solo releases), so in short I think my musical tastes have become more varied as I've got older !! John 😎
  15. Must admit Bargain Hunt is a real favourite of mine, Christina Trevanion makes me come over all unnecessary !! 😛 John 😎
  16. That has me stumped !! 😛 John 😎
  17. Absolutely love the Type O Negative albums, Peter Steele passing away was a total tragedy, great singer, player and songwriter, Bloody Kisses and October Rust are my favourite TON albums John 😎
  18. I've bought a bass, a Hotone Amp modeller and a few other bits and bobs from them with no problems although that was all before Brexit !! John 😎
  19. I have an M2 and it's a superb bass, the neck is a thing of beauty to play with the rolled edge fret board, great value for money. The only problem I had with the bass was a wire becoming loose that connected up the battery pack but a bit of soldering sorted that !! John 😎
  20. Looks like that bass is very light !! 😛 John 😎
  21. What a fantastic thing to happen John 😎
  22. What's the matter with these people !! 🙄 John 😎
  23. Becky Baldwin from one of my favourite band "Hands Off Gretel" is a great bass player, she is also in metal band Fury, couple of vids below, she also has a good YouTube channel https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bH1padSStMs https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oscSbNymGx0 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=85F545Gh-n8 John 😎
  24. Really enjoyed the video, congrats on the new gear, love that bass John 😎
  25. That's lovely John 😎
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