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Everything posted by pineweasel

  1. Presonus Eris 3.5 are pretty good for the money
  2. Tony Levin is the guest on the latest Bob Lefsetz podcast. It covers some of the same ground as Rick Beato but plenty of extra stuff in there too... worth a listen. Spotify link below but it can be found in all the usual places.
  3. She seems to have a penchant for UK branded, 1960s basses in red. Spotted at Glastonbury this year:
  4. It's a Dallas bass, sold by Arbiter in the 60s. Doesn't seem toe much info on them but here's one for sale: https://southsideguitars.com/products/1960s-Dallas-Arbiter-Bass-Red-and-White-Pearl-p538588259
  5. I’ve just read that online retailer Left for Dead is closing down. They have a couple of Sandbergs left with decent price reductions: https://www.leftfordead.rocks/leftybassguitars
  6. That one is Soft Aged (the SA in the product code) hence the extra cost. You can see the aging clearly in the gallery pictures.
  7. Amazing player, a lefty, made his name with the minimalist jazz trio Back Door back in the 70s. Plays a Precision in a unique style, quite guitar like. Well worth seeking out. The self titled Back Door debut album is great and on Spotify etc.
  8. This is it https://pedalboardplanner.com Quite handy. You need to remember to leave space for cables though.
  9. To be fair the standard prices are very high nowadays. You'd be looking at the best part of £3000 for an off the peg Stringray at UK retailers.
  10. If you have the cash you can specify a Stingray with an SLO neck in EBMM’s new Custom Design Experience
  11. Take a look at the new Tone Hammer v2. It has both aux in and a headphone socket.
  12. No stool but Tab Martin of the Peddlers employed a similar technique:
  13. It's not Bluetooth, it's their own proprietary wireless system more akin to wirelsss systems for guitars. I had Waza Airs for a while and the latency is effectively zero.
  14. Yes, it’s a Hipshot Xtender lever in the detuned position.
  15. Been mainly playing 5-string for a few years but I’ve been enjoying my old fretless lately.
  16. I like the fretless. Did you specify it yourself as a custom order? Looks like it has a 3 band EQ?
  17. Looks tidy, it's a '77 or '78, so the asking price is not unreasonable.
  18. I see, so workable for modest volumes. It probably wouldn't work for my band as we have a loud drummer, and the required vocals volume would become too high.
  19. I saw a band recently in a smallish pub, and I was intrigued by the positioning of their PA speakers. A 4-piece, they had the drums and keys next to each other along a wall, with bass and guitar in front. All instruments plus the kick were going through the PA (no amps), and all four players had a vocal mic. The PA mains (15” Yamahas) were either side of the drums and keys, next to the wall and hence well behind the front mics. No sub as far as I could tell. The guitarist and bassist both had wedge monitors. They sounded pretty good and the volume was decent for the room, which was full with a raucous crowd. I can see the appeal of getting the PA mains out of the way, but how do you get an arrangement like that to work without feedback?
  20. The fretless fives have caught my eye. Does anyone have any experience of the PJ version of these basses?
  21. It’s true that the strings on the SR5 do run close to the edge of the board, a deliberate decision by EBMM to keep the neck slim, and some players don’t like this. But I’ve never seen one that’s badly off centre. You’ve been rather unlucky.
  22. Lots of good info here on the changes made over the years: http://www.musicmanbass.global And if you are considering a used EBMM Stingray, you can check the serial number here, which will tell you the model, colour and date of manufacture: https://www.music-man.com/serial-number-database
  23. I don't think so, you only get to choose one effect for each of the four knobs, or you can turn that group off by rotating its knob fully counter-clockwise.
  24. One issue with the Express is that the control of each effect appears to be severely limited, consisting of just the sweep of the effect knob through that effect's range, which "increases its intensity". What does that mean for, say, the OC-2 clone?
  25. Looks like it, see page 10 of the manual https://line6.com/data/6/0a020a40152f865e216d6d6b24/application/pdf/POD Express Owner's Manual - English .pdf
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