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Posts posted by LukeFRC

  1. 2024 Pedals cull - part 1 
    Schalltechnik_04 VONG Filterung 

    It's a HPF! It's a LPF! It's a boost! Its a DI! 

    Basically the classy European answer to a Broughton HPF/LPF with added functions and a better* HPF

    *i.e. steeper

    £75 posted to your door (UK)


    Their spiel .... 


    The VONG-Filterung features: 

    adjustable HighPass-Filter (30-140Hz)

    4th Order-Filter -> -24dB/Oct.

    • -12dB/Oct. fixed at 30Hz
    • -12dB/Oct. adjustable


    adjustable LowPass-Filter (.250-22kHz)

    • 2nd Order-Filter
    • -12dB/Okt. adjustable



    • with Ground-Lift-Switch


    adjustable Boost (up to +16dB) for the 1/4″-Output (can be set 0 to +16dB, or unity to +16dB, I've done the former)

    Polarity-Switch (180°-Phase) for the 1/4″-Output


    The Footswitch allows three different configurations:

    1. LowPass-Filter: ON/OFF (how I've set it)
    2. Volume-Pot (Boost): ON/OFF
    3. Volume-Pot (Boost) and LowPass-Filter: ON/OFF

    The first two options are quite intuitive – though it’s good to mention that there’s no audible difference between LPF=ON@22kHz and LPF=OFF therefore it is not needed to turn the LPF off if it is not wanted; just turn the knob to 22kHz and forget about it. 

    The third option is quite nice to avoid the a drop in volume if the LPF is set to very low frequencies. That way it is possible to get reggae-like sounds without any volume drops.


    • 10M ohm input - can be used with piezo pickups
    • 125b size
    • 32mA current draw




    I got it as I used to use a HX stomp and used a high pass filter and low pass filter block on that as a pseudo cab that sounded nicer than a IR... so I recreated it in analogue form... 
    I know @Owen uses his with the Piezo pickups on his double bass...
    Mine is set up with footswitch option 1 - so in practice I stick the pedal at the end of the chain as an always on HPF and master volume control - I then hit the FS if I'm going to be using lots of gainy drive/fuzz pedals so it sounds nice, like bass fuzz into a bass cab... rather than bass fuzz straight into HF horns and your in ears... you know it makes sense!


    So a useful wee box... but not getting used by me. 

    Built as a kit by yours truly - I'm not a professional pedal builder but I know what I'm doing well enough that it's well built - semi polished aluminium enclosure with a Vong v60 filter graphic done as a brushed aluminium sticker for those who like a combination of coffee and bass pedals. (It's laminated finish so hardwaring and I probably have spare stickers I can send too) I'm a designer by trade so personally prefer my coffee joke to the official design you sometimes see...

    The kit costs around £50 posted if you include knobs (but it's in lots of bits, and without graphics )
    Built up I've seen these for sale on Basschat for over £100, which seems a bit steep to me -so am thinking £75 including postage to a UK address? Cheaper if you collect. 


    I can set up the boost and foot switch options to your liking before I post too. 



    Trades - not really needing anything, you can try me, a Zoom MS70cdr would be fun... 




    • Like 1
  2. Wal are not the only bubble....


    Yesterday Facebook marketplace showed me a well worn 1980 fender jazz with a broken pickups... fella wanted £2k
    And then a 1978 precision for £2.8k 

    this is the era of Fender that's seen as the worst in it's production life! it's mad. 



    It's like a form of long covid where bass players will pay silly money for old fenders, Wals, 3leaf pedals... 

    while at the same time from what I understand there's a glut of new gear in the market as they over produced during the covid period. 



    • Like 1
  3. 13 minutes ago, bass_dinger said:

    I was a big fan of dual capo settings (me capo 2 in G, the other guitarist in A. Or indeed, me on Capo 5 or 7, to give the harmonic spread).

    practice a bit and then do this- it sounds like it would be great! Don't over think it! 

    • Like 1
  4. On 31/01/2024 at 14:10, bassybill said:

    After a few months of chopping, changing and general indecisiveness, I finally have my pedal collection all sorted and ready to go onto my Classic Junior board with Cioks DC7 power supply. The collection includes Dunlop Mini Bass Wah, MXR Bass Envelope filter (Blackout version), BCC Custard Factory compressor, Quint octaver, Tech 21 MP40 Geddy Sansamp, TC Electronic chorus, phaser and flanger modulation pedals and the SGT-DI.


    Here’s a mock-up in Pedalboard Planner. I had to use a lookalike BCC pedal as the app didn’t have the right image for the compressor. Looking forward to putting it altogether at the weekend. 


    here ya go....


    • Like 4
  5. Just now, Rich said:

    Whilst I wait for my programmable helicopter to arrive in the post :lol: another vague question has floated into what I laughably refer to as my mind... have any of you folks ever transplanted the guts of an Ashdown stomp box into a smaller more board-friendly enclosure?

    @disssa traced and rebuilt whichever drive it is that is considered really good

  6. 5 hours ago, tauzero said:


    It is built, except that my Vong is also sitting unloved (and, indeed, unworking) on a shelf. I also ran into some puzzling issues with the up/down switch which is now sitting waiting for me to remember about it (I suspect I have ADHD but at 66 it's probably a bit late to start pursuing enquiries along those lines). I put a Subsonic filter in (https://guitar-electronics.eu/en_US/c/SUBSONIC-FILTER/84) - after all, I may want to use a 4-effect chain.

    haha - I'ld not seen them - I can tell what it's based on from the typography

  7. On 26/09/2023 at 13:29, tauzero said:

    I've got an MS-50G, two MS-60Bs, and an MS-70CDR. Would have had the MS-100BT (I think it was) if Zoom had had the sense to create an Android app for it, instead of restricting it to iOS. I'm looking at making a mini pedalboard with a Line 6 G50, TC Spectracomp, Vong-Filterung HPF/LPF, MS-60B, and MS-70CDR, plus an up/down patch switch for the MS-60B.

    did you end up building this? Why not use the HPF in the zoom? (I ask as someone looking at a MS70cdr and with a Vong sitting unloved on a shelf! )

  8. 33 minutes ago, lidl e said:

    I literally need it. 


    People are so smart


    I'd think it would need to click instead of smooth scroll so it doesnt accidentally get nudged

    detected encoder...  I want to work out how to do this kinda of magic

  9. 44 minutes ago, lidl e said:

    So i have to have the laptop setup usb to tue cy and my bass plugged in through the board and i can justxtest patches without downloading them to the pedal?

    Or phone via the cable that goes into input two works too.

    agree about the volume levels - set a compressor to limiter mode after it! 

    • Like 1
  10. 1 minute ago, lidl e said:

    Is it possible to do "live demos" of online community patches withiut having to first burn them to pedal?


    I feel like there is and i even read about it but decided to focus on basic functionality first. 


    Am i imagining that?


    1 minute ago, lidl e said:

    Is it possible to do "live demos" of online community patches withiut having to first burn them to pedal?


    I feel like there is and i even read about it but decided to focus on basic functionality first. 


    Am i imagining that?

    yes - you just click on them and can trial them. 

  11. 13 minutes ago, Quatschmacher said:

    You can long press the footswitch to change banks so you could put one sound in one bank, the other in the other bank at the same toggle position. 

    not working for me. do you have to enable it? 

  12. 2 hours ago, bassist_lewis said:

    I've never used a switcher with it, but that's because I've only ever had 2 sounds I needed for one band. Leaning down to flick the switch looks a bit dumb I guess but its only two songs.

    See what I really want is a rotary knob that lets me choose any of the 140 odd presets... the footswitchs are ok but having to remember what each patch is from number quickly gets tiring


  13. 1 minute ago, lidl e said:

    Funny you mention that. 


    Ive just today made the decision that i dont need to use the dmc in a live setting so will be moving my 6 favourites into the onboard slots and only worry about the switcher for jams.


    With the board i have, it is just too awkward sized for my big ass feet.


    Also losing it clears the way for my new deep freeze which will see a lot of foot action.









    hmmm but one with the plugs on the end would work better... 

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